Councillors are summoned to attend the


To be held at

Weaverham Community Centre, Russett Road, Weaverham, CW8 3HY


Monday19thFebruary2018at 7.00pm

Clerk: Mrs Kim Harding


Tel: 01606 854451 Date: 14th February2018


Members of the public are reminded that they are only allowed to speak during the Public Forum and not during any items in the main body of the agenda.

173.Public Open Forum

173.1 Members of the public are invited to address Councillors and raise issues of concern. This session will last no longer than 10 minutes.

173.2To agree any action to be taken prior to the next council meeting.

174.To approve any apologies of absence.

175.To receive any declarations of new interest.

176.To approve minutes of meeting of 15th January2018.

177.To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the meeting of 15thJanuary 2018 not dealt with elsewhere on this agenda.

178.To discuss time allocated to public forum.

179.Finance and Personnel Committee

179.1To receive January 2018 Reports: Expenditure, income, deposit and summarised


179.2To consider any other business requiring urgent attention.

180.Environment items not been to Environment Committee

180.1To approve the appointment of Nemesis for the 2018 Firework Display event – terms

in document attached.

180.2To consider any other business requiring urgent attention.

181.Youth items not been to Youth Committee

181.1To discussdonation to Weaverham Junior Badminton Club – see attached document 181.2 To consider any other business requiring urgent attention.


182.1To acceptthe Planning minutes since the 16th January 2018.

182.2To consider any other business requiring urgent attention.

183.Risk Assessment Working Party

183.1To approve the Financial and Management Risk Assessment.

183.2To approve the Bonfire Risk Assessment.

183.3To note that all other risk assessments have not changed and have been approved at previous Parish Council meetings.

184.Property and Assets Committee

184.1To receive the minutes from the Property and Assets Committee.

184.2Date and time to be agreed re the inspection of Parish Council assets.

185.To approve £75 entry fee for the Best Kept Village Competition 2018.

186.To discuss request from Pinder Circus – see document attached.

187.To discuss date of inspection of Russet Road Play area – see document attached.

188.To discuss moving all meetings into a room in the Community Centre rather than the Parish Council Office.

189.To discuss’Public Space Protection Order Consultation relating to the control of dogs across Cheshire West and Chester’- see document attached.

190.To discuss Cheshire West & Chester Council Draft Community Assets Framework ‘To deliver a better integrated public service across the borough by creating efficient and fit for purpose community assets.’ – see document attached.

191.To consider issues re the state of the road/pavement outside Northwich Road shops, Weaverham.

192.To receive verbal report about Joint Cemetery Committeemeeting.

193.To receive verbal report onCommunity Safety Action Group meeting.

194.Policing Matters – may be brought forward and Standing Orders suspended so that members of the Police may address the meeting.

195.Members’ Meetings Attended

195.1To disclose and discuss meetings attended.

196. Training for Clerks and Councillors

196.1To note that Cllrs Freeman, Lasseter, Oates and the Clerk attended the webinar for Tenders and Quotes on Thursday 18th January 2018.

196.2To note that Cllrs Wilkinson, Freeman, Oates, Taylor and the Clerk attended the GDPR webinar on Wednesday 7th February 2018.

196.3To note that Cllrs Wilkinson, Freeman, Edwards, E Bland attended CWaC Planning Update session on Tuesday 30th January 2018.

196.4To discuss attendance of Councillors/Clerk on the training course ‘Appraisals – A Modern Makeover & Motivation’ course – see document attached.

197.Discuss any Other Business Considered Urgent by the Chairman.

198.Cheshire West & Chester Council Matters - Standing Orders may be suspending in order that Cheshire West and Chester Cllrs may address the Council.

199.Return to Public Forum(A maximum of 10 minutes is allowed for this item)

200.Date of next meeting–19thMarch 2018 at 7pm in the Community Centre.