ASIG Ballot Reconciliation06/18/2007

Conference Call Minutes


Three conference calls have been scheduled for noon Eastern to discuss ballot reconciliation:

  • Thursday 05/31/2007
  • Thursday 06/14/2007
  • Monday 06/18/2007 ***

Time: 12:00 Eastern for 2 hours. All calls will use the same dial-in information.

Phone Number: 702-894-2444

Participant Passcode: 8632597

Phone options: *6 to mute #6 to un-mute


Marguerite Galloway (scribe); Sue Thompson; Mattie Brown; Mike Cassidy (facilitator); June Rosploch; Conny Nichols



Mike asked if resolution had been reached on CMS’ comment #4 (Ambulance attachment), which had been flagged for follow-up at the Cologne meeting. June Rosploch responded that the issue was not a concern for this cycle, but could be resubmitted for the next cycle. June believes Penny’s input should be included.


Due to the nature of Dave’s comment submission, row numbers, not comment numbers, are being used to identify Dave’s comments. The following comments were determined persuasive, and Mike Cassidy is the responsible party for resolution:

rows #12, #15, #18, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34

MOTION Sue Thompson moved the ASIG accept the dispositions as discussed. June Rosploch seconded. Discussion: The vote is for the persuasive comments only.

VOTE 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Row 13 (Letter J) : After discussion (content forwarded to the co-chairs), the ASIG agreed to leave the comment OPEN for now. It is a future-use item, and the ASIG would like Penny’s input (not on today’s call). A number of comments from various submitters are being considered for future use, which the ASIG will address once when we get back to updating the Implementation Guide.


  1. Mike needs to contact Keith (from 06/14/2007 ballot reconciliation call, AI Mike Cassidy: contact Keith to see if he can attend (or resolve via email before) the next ASIG call on 06/26/2007.
  2. CMS comment #4.
  3. The remainder of Dave Feinberg’s comments.
  4. Conny’s comment #40 (HL79008: HL7 Rationale for Destination): the table is not referenced anywhere in the AIS since SNOMED codes are being used (in place of the table?). Intent is unclear.

This will end today’s call due to lack of participants. It was felt input was needed from more of the membership.


The next call is Tuesday, 06/26/2007 at 2:30 Eastern (same call-in info as above). We will continue with ballot reconciliation, and plan to complete it.


Call adjourned at 12:35 PM Eastern.

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