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Bio-systems as Self-Organizing Systems

Dr. Matti Pitkänen

Postal address:

Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11

10940, Hanko, Finland



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The entire Book (pdf) [i.e., non-abstract] is archived at URL-original URL-bkup )

The quantum theory of Self organization represents a rather old layer of TGD-inspired theory of Consciousness.

1. Self organization is a non-deterministic process and corresponds to the evolution of conscious entities (selves) to asymptotic self-organization patters via quantum jumps. This requires Macroscopic quantum coherence.

2. Space-time surfaces are analogous to Bohr orbits. The failure of the classical non-determinism in the conventional sense of the word makes it possible to interpret space-time surfaces as representations of both quantum states and sequences of quantum states assignable to the sequences of quantum jumps.

The huge vacuum degeneracy of Kahler action implies spin glass degeneracy in 4-dimensional sense providing maximal resources to represent information about external World by mapping its states to its own internal states. Space-time sheets would be 4-dimensional statues gradually carved by a sequence of quantum jump to a shape representing asymptotic self-organization pattern.

3. The Magnetic body is the intentional agent controlling the Biological body. The fractal hierarchy of copies of Standard Model physics involving in particular a hierarchy of electro-weak bosons and gluons with increasingly longer weak/confinement length scale is an essential piece of the story. The concrete quantum model for how intentions are transformed to actions provides additional insights to quantum self-organization.

4. The new view about Time and Energy justifying time mirror mechanism involving sending of negative energy phase conjugate photons to Geometric-Past is crucial for the models of long-term memory, intentional action, and remote metabolism.

5. The model of self organization involves cyclotron radiation from the cyclotron transitions assignable with the Bose-Einstein condensates of charged bosons at the magnetic bodies and Josephson radiation from Josephson junctions assignable to the cell membrane and also other layer-like structures (electrets).

6. The vision about Life residing in the intersection of real and p-adic worlds is central for the approach. In particular, the existence of number theoretic entanglement entropy (which can have negative values) makes possible to identify a measure of conscious information and negentropic entanglement replaces metabolic energy feed as the basic prequisite of Life.

Zero Energy Ontology and hierarchy of Planck constants complete this vision. Zero Energy Ontology justifies time mirror mechanism and explains how the Arrow of Subjectiv-Time emerges. Dark matter hierarchy implies macroscopic quantum coherence, inspires vision about biocatalysis and quantum computation in Living matter, explains evolutionary leaps, and suggests generalization of the notion of genome and new realizations of the Genetic Code.

The topics of the book are following. The first chapters explain the vision about biological self organization in TGD framework. The last chapters of the book discuss quantum control and coordination in Living matter according to TGD.

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[note: some of the newest material might not appear in the following Abstract but only in the full Book at => URL-original URL-bkup ]

A. Introduction

B. Quantum Theory of Self-Organization

C. About the Possible Role of p-Adic Numbers in Bio-Systems

D. Biological Realization of Self-Hierarchy

E. Quantum Control and Coordination in Bio-Systems - Part 1

F. Quantum Control and Coordination in Bio-Systems - Part 2

G. Appendix


A. Background

B. Basic ideas of TGD

1. TGD as a Poincare invariant theory of gravitation

2. TGD as a generalization of the hadronic string model

3. Fusion of the 2 approaches via a generalization of the space-time concept

C. The 5 threads in the development of Quantum-TGD

1. Quantum-TGD as configuration space spinor geometry

2. p-Adic TGD

3. TGD as a generalization of physics to a theory of Consciousness

4. TGD as a generalized number theory

5. Dynamical quantized Planck constant and dark matter hierarchy

6. Bird's eye of view about the contents of theBbook

D. Contents of the book

1. Quantum Theory of Self-Organization

2. About the Possible Role of p-Adic Numbers in Bio-Systems

3. Biological Realization of Self-Hierarchy

4. Quantum Control and Coordination in Bio-Systems - Part 1

5. Quantum Control and Coordination in Bio-Systems - Part 2

(this entire [i.e., non-abstract] Chapter(pdf) is archived in great detail at URL-original URL-bkup )

Quantum theory of Self organization

A. Introduction

1. Quantum jump as the basic step of self-organization process

2. The notion of Self

3. Self as a statistical ensemble

4. Self organization as quantum-level phenomenon

B. Quantum theory of self-organization

1. Basic characteristics of self-organization

2. Self-organization as organization of self hierarchies

3. Dissipation and quantum jumps between quantum histories concept

4. Cooperativity, long-range correlations, zero modes and quantum entanglement

5. Many-sheeted space-time concept and Self-organization

6. Infinite primes and Self-organization

7. Illness as a failure to self-organize properly?

C. Haken's theory of Self-organization

1. Haken's theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions

2. Pattern recognition in Haken's theory

D. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and Quantum-TGD

1. Spin glass analogy

2. Maxima of the Kähler function as reduced configuration space CHred

3. The concept of quantum average effective space-time

4. Haken, Thom, Penrose and Hameroff

5. Classical gravitation and quantum jumps

6. A quantum model for perception and reaction

7. Are proteins quantum spin glass type systems?

8. Cognitive evolution as self-organization of association sequences

9. Brain as self-organizing quantum spin glass

10. About the notion of quantum criticality in TGD framework

E. Could TGD provide justification for Rupert Sheldrake's ideas?

1. Sheldrake's theory

2. TGD-based interpretation of morphic fields and collective memory

F. Sheldrake's morphic fields and TGD-view about Quantum-Biology

1. Habits of Nature

2. TGD-inspired Quantum-Biology

G. Some considerations relating to the dynamics of Quasicrystals

1. The non-determinism for the dynamics of quasicrystals contra non-determinism of Kahler action

2. The dynamics of quasicrystals as a model for fundamental dynamics or high level symbolic dynamics?

3. Could ordered water layers around biomolecules be modeled as quasicrystal-like structure?

4. What could be the variational principle behind self-organization?

5. Could quasi-lattices and quasi-chrystals could emerge from the notion of p-adic manifold?

abstract of this Chapter

The Quantum theory of Self organization is represented based on the idea that quantum jump serves as the basic step of self-organization. The notion of Self and the identification of the Self as the fundamental statistical ensemble gives a totally new meaning for the concept of Self organization as a generation of hierarchies of selves.

Zero modes of the configuration space geometry (whose existence derives from the generalization of a point-like particle to a 3-surface) provide universal, nonlocal order parameters. The emergence of the new level of Self organization occurs through phase transition like process as also in Haken's theory. The fact that quantum jumps involve localization in zero modes means that the sequence of quantum jumps means hopping in zero modes characterizing the Classical aspects of the space-time geometry.

The recent view about Quantum-TGD involves several ingredients which allow us to considerably sharpen and enrich the original view about Self organization. In Zero Energy Ontology, all space-time sheets are "mind-like" space-time sheets assigned with cognition. Number theoretical Shannon entropy also having negative values and making sense for rational (or at most) algebraic entanglement probabilities allows negentropic entanglement so that in this case the Negentropy Maximization Principle favors formations of larger coherent structures.

One could say that Intelligent Life resides in the intersection of real and various p-adic worlds much like rationals represent islands of order in the sea of chaos defined by generic real or p-adic numbers. Dark matter hierarchy with levels partially labeled by the value of the Planck constant brings in dark matter playing a key role in biological Self organization.

The quantum version of Haken's theory of self-organization is proposed and is almost identical with Haken's theory. Spin glass analogy means that "energy" landscape has fractal valleys inside valleys structure. This structure is important for understanding long-term memories.

A crucially important aspect of the quantum Self organization is the Darwinian selection of very few asymptotic self organization patterns by dissipation which explains the selection of both genes and memes. This selection provides royal road to the understanding of various miraculous feats performed by Living matter.

The comparison with Rupert Sheldrake's concepts of the morphic field and morphic resonance leads to interesting ideas about how learning at the level of species could occur quantum-mechanically. For instance, the phenomenon of biofeedback suggests that the Self could quite generally effectively act on its subselves. In Zero Energy Ontology, all quantum states have properties allowing us to interpret them as memes or quanta of morphic fields. The challenge is to find their biological counterparts.

DNA as a topological quantum computer hypothesis suggests the identification of the biological memes as topological quantum computer programs assignable to the intronic portion of the genome and coded also by nerve pulse patterns. The notion of the magnetic body as intentional agent leads to a concrete model for the morphic resonance as a transfer of topological quantum computation programs between separate brains with the mediary of the personal magnetic bodies and the magnetic body of Mother Gaia using EEG-like communications. The model also explains the "alike likes alike" rule.

(this entire [i.e., non-abstract] Chapter(pdf) is archived in great detail at URL-original URL-bkup )

about the Possible Role of p-Adic Numbers in Bio-Systems

A. Introduction

B. General vision about fusion of real and p-adic physics

1. p-Adic mass calculations as original motivation for p-adic physics

2. Questions raised by the success of p-adic thermodynamics

3. Zero Energy Ontology and p-adic length scale hypothesis

4. How to fuse p-adic and real physics

5. p-Adic physics and consciousness

6. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and bio-systems

B. How preferred p-adic primes could be determined

1. Earlier attempts

2. Could preferred primes characterize algebraic extensions of rationals?

3. A connection with Langlands program?

4. A connection with infinite primes?

C. p-Adic ultrametricty and bio-systems

1. Spin glasses and ultrametricity

2. p-Adic ultrametricity

3. p-Adic ultrametricity and information processing in bio-systems

D. p-Adic non-determinism and bio-systems

1. Could p-adic differential equations simulate quantum jump sequence?

2. Information filtering and p-adics

E. p-Adic probabilities and bio-systems

1. Does p-adic probability apply only to Cognition

2. Is small-p p-adic statistics possible

3. The concept of monitoring

F. p-Adic probabilities and bio-systems

1. Does p-adic probability apply only to Cognition

2. Is small-p p-adic statistics possible

3. The concept of monitoring

G. Is small-p p-adicity possible?

1. Small-p p-adicity and hydrodynamics

2. p-adic psycho-physics?

3. Small-p p-adicity in bio-systems and psycho-physics

H. Are p-adic length scales assignable to twin primes special?

abstract of this Chapter

In this chapter, a general view about p-adic physics is discussed. The proposal is that the Living matter in a very general sense corresponds to the intersection of real and p-adic worlds.

The identification of some p-adic length scales predicted by the p-adic length scale hypothesis as biologically relevant length scales is suggested. Also the possibility of small-p p-adicity is discussed. p-Adic ultrametricity; the non-determinism of the p-adic differential equations; the special features of the p-adic dynamical flows; the delicacies of the p-adic probabity concept; and the special features of p-adic entanglement are discussed briefly and possible implications for biosystems are pointed out.

Also ideas which are only marginally consistent with the interpretation of p-adic physics as physics of Cognition are discussed.

(this entire [i.e., non-abstract] Chapter(pdf) is archived in great detail at URL-original URL-bkup )

Biological realization of Self hierarchy

A. Introduction

1. The notions of Self and Self hierarchies

2. Selves self-organize

3. Mind-like space-time sheets as massless extremals

4. Hierarchy of super-conducting magnetic flux tube and electret structures

5. Living matter as symbiosis of MEs, superconducting magnetic flux tube structures, electrets, and ordinary matter

6. TGD-based view about Dark Matter

B. Many-sheeted space-time concept and Living systems

1. Topological field quantization

2. Bio-system as a topological condensate with several important space-time sheets

3. Topological field quantization and dark matter hierarchy

4. Topological field quantization and vacuum quantum numbers

5. Vacuum quantum numbers as carriers of biological information

6. Super-canonical representations and quantum holograms

7. Many-sheeted space-time concept and Living matter

8. Self-referentiality and space-time topology

C. Realization of the lower levels of biological Self hierarchy

1. General ideas about biological Self hierarchy

2. Criteria for being biologically significant Self

3. Possible interpretation for the system formed by DNA and proteins

4. Proteins as selves and Protein Folding

5. Larger selves formed by proteins

6. Identifying our sensory sub-selves in p-adic length scale hierarchy

7. Hardware for body consciousness

D. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and evolution

1. How to apply p-adic length scale hypothesis?

2. Are Gaussian primes and Eisenstein primes also important?

3. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and molecular evolution

4. Evolution of the cellular structures

5. p-Adic length scale hypothesis and neural evolution

D. Higher level in biological self hierarchy

1. Support for the notion of the magnetic body

2. Some functions of the magnetic body

3. The magnetic fields associated with body parts and higher levels of Consciousness

abstract of this Chapter