All Being Equal

engage Scotland Conference 2012

20March 2012, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh

Conference Programme

This programme is still work in progress and the content and timings may change in the run up to the conference. You will receive the final conference programme when you arrive.

Tuesday 20 March

9.00 / Registration and refreshments
9.45 / Welcome to conference - Professor Roderick Bugg, Chair of engage,and Jane Sillis, Director of engage.
10.00 / All Being Equal
Session led by Jo Verrent, Conference Facilitator, (trainer and facilitator in the field of equality and diversity).
The conference will reflect on engage Scotland’s Everyone programme to improve access to galleries for disabled people, as well as bringing in a range of other voices and experience. Using the Everyone projects as a springboard we will think about how focusing on improving access for a specific group of people can have an impact across the way the whole gallery works - from the boardroom to the front door and beyond.
This session will include an overview of engage Scotland’s recent Everyone project to improve access to galleries in Scotland for disabled people.
11.00 –12.00 / Breakout sessions:
  1. How can we use British Sign Language creatively to best provide access for BSL users to contemporary art?
With Zoe Fothergill, (Education & Development Curator, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh).
  1. How can we challenge the stereotypes around learning disabled people to maximise engagement? With Jo Verrent and Elizabeth Gibson, (Director, Projectability),
  1. Being resident – What’s the difference? With Kevin Harrison, (Director, Artlink Central), Aidan Moseby, (artist in residence at DCA during the Everyone project), Katie Bruce, (Producer/Curator, Glasgow Life at Gallery of Modern Glasgow).
  1. How do we plan a workshop for disabled people when we don’t know who is coming or don’t know what their access requirements might be? With Caroline Bowditch, (Dance Agent for Change, Scottish Dance Theatre) and Julianna Muir, (artist in residence with Peter Potter Gallery/Sanderson’s Wynd Primary School, during the Everyone project).

12.10 / Soapbox
An opportunity to hear from a range of fellow conference delegates about their current interests and work across a series of brief presentations
12.25 / Feedback from breakouts
12.40 / Lunch
13.30 / Introduction to afternoon session
13.40 / Keynote session and questions with Ju Gosling
14.10 / Action Planning in Action
Panel Conversation and questions from floor led by Jo Verrent with Ju Gosling, Sarah Derrick, Head of Education at Dundee Contemporary Arts and Kevin Harrison
14.50 / Break
15.00 – 16.20 / Case Studies and Networking session:
Case Studies:
From Venue to City - Scaling up an Audience Engagement Approach with Rosemary James, Audience Engagement Officer, Tramway, Glasgow.
Inspiring Change - an arts in prison project led by Motherwell College with partners including the National Galleries of Scotland. With Kirsten Sams, Motherwell College, and Richie Cumming, Outreach Officer, National Galleries of Scotland.
Networking session: delegates can meet those involved in the Everyone projects, soapbox presenters and other participants
16.20 / Reflections on the day
16.30 / Close with Conference Facilitator, Jo Verrent
16.45 / Drinks
Eve / Conference Meal – must be pre-booked. More information when you book.

All Being Equal has been programmed by Mairi Taylor with support from Jo Verrent, the Conference Facilitator and Sarah Yearsley, engage Scotland Coordinator. Mairi coordinated engage Scotland’s Everyone project to improve access to galleries in Scotland for disabled people between March 2010-February 2012.

Wednesday 21 MarchSelf-led Gallery Visits

There are some great exhibitions on in Edinburgh at the same time as the conference and with many of the galleries centrally located you can pack a lot of art into a day. See details of exhibitions on the engage Scotland website.

The List has good listings of current exhibitions:

Scottish National Portrait Gallery

The newly redeveloped Scottish National Portrait Gallery on Queen Street is a must see and Meg Faragher, Learning Coordinator, at SNPG will be available between 10am – 12noon on Wednesday 21 March to show you the fantastic new education facilities.

You can pre book a free tour of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery with Tricia Allerston, Head of Education at National Galleries of Scotland at 2pm on Wednesday 21 March. Please email Tricia to book your place: