Pai Chai University (PCU)

Admissions Guide for Incoming International Students

Fall Semester 2018~Spring 2019


A. Provided Program & Eligibility

Provided Program / Eligibility / Visa Type
Exchange Student Program
(undergraduate course) / Students from PCU partner universities / D-2
Korean Language Program / Applicants must have completed(or is expected to complete)secondary
(high school) education. / D-4
Undergraduate Program / Applicants and both parents of the applicant must be of non-Korean nationality.
Applicants must have completed(or is expected to complete) secondary
(high school) education.
A 3rd level certificate or above in TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean).
(TOPIK - / D-2

※You may apply for your visa at Korean Consulate (Embassy) in your country.

B. Contact Information

Country & City / The Republic of Korea (South Korea), Daejeon
University / Pai Chai University (PCU)
Office / Office of International Affairs
MailingAddress / #P226, 155-40 Baejae-ro, Seo-Gu, Daejeon, the Republic of Korea (Postal code: 35345)
Contact / Job Description
Name / Mr. Ryan Jongseok Park
Directing Manager / [Admission for Incoming International Students / Incoming]
Student Exchange Program(undergraduate course)
Regular Undergraduate Program
Korean Language Program
[Study Abroad for Pai Chai University Students / Outgoing]
Student Exchange Program
Foreign Languages Program for Pai Chai students
(English, Spanish and Russian language)
[General International Affairs]
General international affairs with overseas institutions
Commencing a new partnership with schools and organizations abroad
Receiving foreign guests to Pai Chai University
Tel. / +82 42 520 5243
Mobile / +82 10 2625 0727
Fax / +82 42 520 5780
E-mail /

C. Transportation

Name of the
airport in Korea / Incheon International Airport (
Pick-up service
from airport to campus / Yes
Distance between
the airport and campus / 2h.40min. ride by car
Method of
pick-up service / 1. Sending “PCU Airport Pick Up Request Application” to,
b. at least 3 weeks prior to the arrival date
c. [Attachment] PCU Airport Pick Up Request Application
d. [Attachment]PCU Transportation Guide(International Students)
2. PCU student will be meeting the incoming students at the Incheon International Airport.

D. Tuition Fee

(Exchange rate: US$ 1 = 1,100 KRW)

Provided Program / Tuition Fee
Regular Fee / Fee for
International Students
Exchange Student Program
(undergraduate course) / 3,470,000KRW ~ 4,340,000KRW
(Approx. US$3,154 ~ US$3,945)
*For 1 Semester (15 weeks)
*Fee is various upon student’s major / 0KRW(US$0)
Full tuition waiver scholarship
Undergraduate Program / 1,380,000KRW ~ 3,470,000KRW
(Approx. US$1,254 ~ US$3,154)
*20% ~ 60% tuition waive from regular fee
* Fee is various upon student’s major and
type of tuition waive scholarship
Korean Language Program / US$1,100 for 1 semester(10 weeks) / US$1,100 for 1 semester(10 weeks)

1. Type of tuition waiver scholarship for Undergraduate Program students

a. General international students

- 1st year (20% waiver), 2nd ~ 4th year (30% ~ 40%) waiver upon their GPA(Grade Point Average)

b. International students from PCU partner institutions

- 1st year (30% waiver), 2nd ~ 4th year (30% ~ 40% waiver) upon their GPA

c. International students who studied for 1 year in PCU Korean Language Program:

- Freshman admission students: 1st year (60% waiver), 2nd ~ 4th year (30% ~ 40%) waiver upon their GPA

- 2nd or 3rd year Transfer students: 1st year (50% waiver), 2nd ~ 3rd year or 2nd year (30% ~ 40%) waiver upon their GPA

* 2nd grade(sophomore) transfer students: 1st year (60% waiver), 2nd ~ 3rd year (30% ~ 40%) waiver upon their GPA

* 3rd grade(junior) transfer students: 1st year (50% waiver), 2nd year (30% ~ 40%) waiver upon their GPA

※1st grade – freshman, 2nd grade – sophomore, 3rd grade – junior, 4th grade - senior

E. On-campus Dormitory

(Exchange rate: US$ 1 = 1,100 KRW)

Dormitory buildings
for incoming students / PAITEL A, PAITEL B, Giphyun Hall
Room type / Room for 2 people, 3 people, 4 people
Cost of dormitory
per 1 semester / 1. For "Undergraduate Program" students and "Exchange Student Program" students
a. Period of 1 semester: 3 months and 2 weeks
b. Room rate for 1 student: 425,000KRW(US$354) ~ 660,000KRW(US$550)
2. For "Korean Language Program" students
a. Period of 1 semester: 10 weeks
b. Room rate for 1 student: 425,000KRW(US$354) ~ 660,000KRW(US$550)
* Meal costs are NOT inclusive in the above rates.
* 8,000KRW ($7USD) per 1 night for additional stay during the Summer & Winter Breaks.
[Attachment]PCU Dormitory Rate & Pictures
Method of payment / Upon their arrival in cash to the dorm office, in Korean won (KRW)
Kitchen facility / No
Furnishings in the room / Bed, desk, closet, air conditioner/heater, shower room, toilet
Internet service / Free : Yes, Wire: Yes, Wireless: Yes
Further information / All students must take a medical test at PCU on-campus dormitory upon arrival OR bring a test result (issued from a hospital or a health clinic in your country) which includes all test lists that PCU Dormitory Office requires.
* Medical test at PCU on-campus dormitory: Approx.40,000 KRW (Approx. US$36)

F. Other Expenses

(Exchange rate: US$ 1 = 1,100 KRW)

Contents / Unit / Expected Amount of Expenses
Textbooks / 1 semester / For exchange students and undergraduate students(16 weeks)
Approx. 150,000KRW(Approx.US$136)
For Korean Language Program students(10 weeks)
Approx. 50,000KRW(Approx.US$45)
Health / medical
insurance / 1 semester
2 semesters / Approx. 110,000KRW(Approx. US$100)
Approx. 165,000KRW(Approx. US$150)
All international students must buy health insurance while at PCU OR bring proof (copy), in English, of their insurance that purchased from their home country and submit upon arrival at PCU. Expense for medical health insurance divers upon student’s age, gender, nationality, etc.
Meals / 1 meal / Approx.4,000 ~ 10,000KRW(Approx. US$3.5~$9)
Taxi / 1 way / Approx.3,500 ~ 10,000KRW(Approx. US$3~$9)
City bus and subway / 1 way / Approx. 1,100KRW(Approx. US$1)
Pocket money / 1 month / Approx.500,000 ~ 700,000KRW(Approx. US$454~$636)

※Meals: Students use on-campus cafeteria or restaurants near PCU campus(bakery, Korean meals, fast food shops, etc.).

G. Field of Study(Undergraduate Program)

No. / Field of Study / College / Major
1 / Humanities &
Social Science / HowardCollege / Dept. of Korean Language and Literature
2 / Division of English Language, Literature and Russian Studies
3 / Dept. of TESOL·Business English
4 / Dept. of Spanish and Latin American Studies
5 / Div. of Chinese Studies
6 / Dept. of Japanese Studies
7 / Dept. of Psychology and Counseling
8 / Dept. of Welfare and Theology
9 / Dept. of Gerontal Health and Welfare
10 / Seo Jae-PilCollege / Dept. of Business Administration
11 / Dept. of International Trade and Distribution
12 / Dept. of Electronic Commerce
13 / Dept. of Business Consulting
14 / Div. of Global Public Administration
15 / Dept. of Public Administration
16 / Dept. of Law
17 / Kim So-WolCollege / Dept. of Tourism Event & Convention
18 / Dept. of Leisure-Sports Management
19 / Dept. of Global Aviation Service
20 / Department of Media & Contents
21 / Natural Science / Howard College / Dept. of Home Economics Education
22 / AppenzellerCollege / Dept. of Biology and Medicinal Science
23 / Dept. of Biomedicinal Science and Biotechnology
24 / Dept. of Life Science and Biotechnology
25 / Dept. of Horticulture and Forestry
26 / Dept. of Landscape Architecture
27 / Kim So-WolCollege / Dept. of Food service Management
27 / Dept. of Clothing and Textiles
28 / Engineering / AppenzellerCollege / Dept. of Computer Engineering
29 / Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering
30 / Dept. of Game Engineering
31 / Dept. of Cyber Security
32 / Dept. of Electronic Engineering
33 / Dept. of Electrical Engineering
34 / Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Railroad Engineering
35 / Dept. of Advanced Materials Engineering
36 / Dept. of Precision Applied Science
37 / Dept. of Drone Robot Engineering
38 / Dept. of Computer Mathematics
39 / Dept. of Nursing Science
40 / Kim So-WolCollege / Div. of Architecture
41 / Arts & Physical / Kim So-WolCollege / Dept. of Leisure-Sports Management
42 / Dept. of Advertisement, Photography & Image Design
43 / Dept. of Fine Art & Design
44 / Dept. of Theatre & Film Arts
45 / Dept. of Applied Music
46 / Dept. of Piano
47 / Special Education / Ju Si-GyeongCollege / Liberal Arts Education Division
48 / Global Education Division
49 / Teacher Training Education Division


A. Eligibility

1. Students who are enrolling undergraduate program at partner universities of PCU.

2. Students who can take classes in Korean or English.

B. Provided Classes

1. International exchange students may apply for 1 semester or 2 semesters at PCU.

2. International exchange students may register classes up to 18 credits per semester.

a. 1 semester at PCU = 16 weeks

b. Each class at PCU provides 2 credits or 3 credits.

3. Exchange students being eligible for regular undergraduate classes offered in Korean language.

a. Studentswho have a level 3 inTOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean).


b. Students may register classes provided from all undergraduate departments and divisions.

4. Exchange students who are not able to take classes in Korean language.

a. Department of Korean Language and Literature provides Korean language classes from level 1(beginner level) to level 4(intermediate level).

- 5 classes of Korean: Korean Speaking, Korean Listening, Korean Reading, Korean Writing and Korean Grammar

- This Korean Language class will be taught 3 hours a day from Monday to Friday, 15 hours per week.

- This class provides total 15 credits.

b. PCU also provides some classes taught in English.

C. Academic Calendar

Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb
[Spring Semester] / [Summer Break] / [Fall Semester] / [Winter Break]
Contents / 2018Fall Semester
(16 weeks) / 2019Spring Semester
(16 weeks)
Application Deadline / End of May 2018 / End of November 2018
Semester Date / September 3 ~ December 21, 2018 / March 4 ~ June 21, 2019
Semester Date / This period includes midterm and final exams.
Suggested Arrival Date at Incheon International Airport to check-in PCU Dorms / August 29 ~ 31, 2018
[Subject to change upon situations] / February 26 ~ 28, 2019
[Subject to change upon situations]
Summer Break(2018) / June 25 ~ August 31, 2018 / -
Winter Break(2018) / December 24, 2018 ~ February 28, 2019 / -
Summer Break (2019) / - / June 24, 2019 ~ August 31, 2019 [TBA]
Orientation / TBA [Contingent upon situations] / TBA [Contingent upon situations]

D. Application Materials

1 Application for International Students(Exchange Student Program)[Attachment]

-Please type inthe application. Handwritten form is not acceptable.

2 Passport Copy

3Transcript of academic records and certificate of enrollment from home university (college, institution)

4 1 (one) letter of recommendation from home university (college, institution) [Free form]

5[Optional] medical test results from home country[Free form]

- The test from the hospital must include the tests that PCU Dormitory Office requires.

-Please refer ‘PCU List of Medical Test(Requirement from PCU Dormitory Office)’[Attachment]

- Otherwise, students must take a medical test at PCU on-campus dormitory upon arrival.

6[Optional]A proof (copy) of health / medical insurance

- Otherwise, students must purchase a health insurance when they arrive at PCU.

※All the documents must be written in English or Korean.

E. Sending Application

Please send this application form (photo attached and signed) and other required application materials to the following address. Application will be only accepted by post mail.

- Mailing Address:

Office of International Affairs, Pai Chai University

#P226, 155-40 Baejae-ro, Seo-Gu, Daejeon, The Republic of Korea (Postal code: 35345)

- Name: (Mr.) Ryan Jongseok Park, Manager

- Office phone number: +82 42 520 5243

- E-mail:

Additionally, please send this application form (photo signature not needed) by e-mail to .

F. Attachments for Exchange Student Program

PCU Application for International Student(Exchange Student Program) 2018 Fall Semester & 2019 Spring Semester

PCU Dormitory Rate & Pictures

PCU List of Medical Test(Requirement from PCU Dormitory Office)

PCU Airport Pick Up Request Application

PCU Transportation Guide(International Students)

PCU Campus Map & Pictures

PCU Brochure