Crystal RussellRoom # 804Houston County High

Email:10th Honors Literature and Composition Syllabus

Phone:478-988-6340 ext. 32707Website on under Welcome, Staff, Russell

Course Objectives and Goals:We follow the Georgia Standards for English/Language Arts.

Basically you will: become a strategic reader; recognize the relationship between literature and other subjects; recognize and implement elements of literature; develop correct usage and mechanics, and recognize various aspects of language; develop and improve writing, listening, and speaking skills; develop the ability to analyze and evaluate literary works; select and increase appropriate vocabulary for writing and speaking; and develop higher order critical thinking skills in an effort to support arguments.

Course Work:This year, we will be studying the following units:

  • Short Stories, Poetry, and Nonfiction/Informational texts, vocabulary, grammar and daily oral language
  • Drama – options include Macbeth, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or Twelve Angry Men
  • Novels / books – options include Fahrenheit 451, Night, Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird
  • We will be concentrating on the writing process and will be writing several types of essays, especially arguments.
  • Each student will read a novel independently, write a speech, and research paper over this novel.

Grading:The average will be comprised of the following categories of grades and percentages:

Daily grades: 15% Minor Assessments/Quizzes: 20% Major Assessments/Tests: 45%Final exam: 20%

  • Daily grades: any work completed in class and homework you turn in at the beginning of class.
  • Minor Assessments/Quizzes: vocabulary quizzes; announced reading quizzes, and pop quizzes. Minor writing assignments may fall under this category as well.
  • Major Assessments/Tests: unit tests, projects, presentations, and final drafts of written essays.
  • Throughout the semester I may assign several major projects. You must type most projects, so if there is a computer problem, I need to know in advance.
  • I will use Infinite Campus to let you know when work is missing, late, or turned in (not graded yet) by flagging assignments with M (missing), L (late), or T (turned in). This should help you understand your grades.

Expectations and Procedures:Follow all the rules in the student handbook and conduct code. Just think BEARS!

Be prepared – Bring all needed materials to class every day.

  • You will need loose-leaf paper for assignments. A three-ring notebook/binderwill be handy for keeping paper and class handouts. Tabbed dividers will be useful for organizing the notebook.
  • You will also need a 3 prong paper folder for daily journaling and summarizing.
  • You will also need pens and pencils. Complete all assignments in pencil or blue/blackink pen. I will not accept any other color! You may use red or other colors for revising essays; however, you will use blue or black ink for writing or typing final drafts of essays. You will need pencils for many tests that I score on a scantron machine.
  • You need to bring any supplemental reading novelsthat you are assigned to class every day unless the teacher says otherwise. If you do not have your book, how can you participate in class!
  • The novels will cost $12.00 to replace or the return of a newly purchased novel from the same publisher will suffice.
  • We will have an E-book at Please let me know if you do not have internet access at home, so I can provide a hard copy of the assignment.

Expect Excellence – Take responsibility for your own learning, follow instructions, and challenge yourself.

  • I expect you to participate in the lessons. This means taking notes, writing assignments down without my prompting, being prepared at the beginning of class and participating (this includes asking questions for clarification).Finish all assignments in the time allowed and to the best of your ability. Study for all quizzes and tests, read all materials assigned, and complete all writing assignments.
  • Reading is a crucial skill that you must practice if you want to see improvement. Please expect that you will need time at home to read. If you do not read the assignments, it will be nearly impossible to be successful in this class.
  • Tutoring:Tuesday mornings at 7:10 and Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-4:00. I am available other times by appointment only. Please make sure to let me know you will be attending tutoring at least one day in advance. If you don’t understand an assignment, I am here. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Alwaysbe on time – Arrive to class on time and turn in assignments on time.

  • You must come to class on time if you do not want to receive a tardy. Students need to be aware of the tardy policy outlined in the student handbook and know that tardies are cumulative throughout the days and periods. Be on time!
  • There will be a seating chart in place. You must sit in your assigned seat at all times.
  • You are responsible for taking care of personal business (e.g. restroom, water, phone calls, visiting) before you enter the class. Do not ask to go to our locker during class.
  • Late/Missing Work Procedure – Assignments not turned in on time will result in academic detention. Failure to serve academic detention will result in an office referral. Refer to the handbook for the late work procedures.
  • You will earn a 0 if you do not turn in an assignment when I collect it; however,you do have an opportunity to show me your knowledge and replace the 0 by coming to academic detention and making up the work.
  • Academic Detention:Tuesday mornings at 7:10 and Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-4:00. You will have five days to make up any missing work that equals a zero.

Respect everyone – Respect others’ opinions and adults’ decisions. Cooperate with the teacher and peers.

  • Do not write on, move, or turn desks; touch the thermostat; or interrupt others. Raise your hand before speaking and maintain proper classroom behavior at all times.
  • Leave personal problems with each other at the door and do your best to get along with your classmates. Negative comments of a personal nature directed towards other students or about the ideas/comments expressed during class will not help any of us achieve our goals and will only cause hurt, leading to further problems. Learn to treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • If I am absent, I expect every student to be on his/her best behavior for my substitute. Remember, the sub is doing the best he or she can with the instructions I have left. Be forgiving of any eccentricities. Woe be unto you if your name pops up in a negative note from the substitute. I will not tolerate insolent behavior exhibited towards an adult.
  • Consequences for Misbehavior:
  • 1stoffence: Minor Incident Report with a Verbal Warning
  • 2nd offence: Minor Incident Report and Parent Contact
  • 3rd offence: Minor Incident Report and Detention
  • 4th offence: Minor Incident Report with Referral to an Assistant Principal
  • Consequences will be a direct result of the offence in the case of litter and vandalism. Example: If I see you throwing trash in the desks or on the floor, you will pick up the trash in the room before leaving.

Show Bear Pride – Pay attention to due dates, plan for your future, and be responsible for your actions.

  • Absence Policy: Please see the Student Handbook for questions regarding attendance and assignments. You will find this information under attendance and FAQ.
  • When you return from being absent, you are responsible for work assigned and notes missed. Check my website for assignments. If you need to check with me for missed assignments or handouts, please do so before or after school, at break, or between classes. Do not interrupt class time to do so.
  • If you are absent the day of an announced test, quiz, or assignment, you will make-up the grade immediately upon returning to class. You will have to make up tests and in-class essays after school. You must make an appointment with me to make up work after school as I may not be available on the day you want to come.
  • When there are unannounced grades given that are dependent upon your presence and participation in class on that day, there will be no make-up and no harm. You will just not have as many grades as the rest of the class.
  • The truly wise will take home their assignments and notebook every day so as always to be prepared for the unexpected.
  • Retake Policy: Honors sophomores will be able to retake two major assessments (not essays) and have the higher of the two grades count.However, you will be required to remediate and retake the test on the day I assign. You need to arrange to stay during that time and if you cannot show up during that time, the first grade will remain.
  • Tutoring:I will be availableTuesday afternoons from 3:00-4:00 and other times by appointment only. Please make sure to let me know you will be attending tutoring at least one day in advance.
  • Cheating Policy:I will not tolerate plagiarism and cheating. Understand that I consider sharing answers on homework cheating. Any student caught cheating will be referred to the office as a discipline referral and required to make up the assignment at a teacher assigned time.Refer to the handbook for consequences.

Ms. Russell’s English Class

Student & Parent Contact / Information Sheet

Student’s Printed Name______

Parents: Please fill out the following information, detach this form, and return it with your student no later thanWednesday, August 3, 2016.

I ______have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations in this syllabus. I agree to abide by them and accept the consequences of my actions if I choose to do otherwise. I will try to the best of my ability to attend class regularly, on time, and with a good attitude so that I may succeed.

Student’s Signature______


My signature below states I have read both pages of this syllabus and understand what is required of my child. My child will follow the guidelines of this class.

Parent’s PrintedName ______

Parent’s Signature______


Please provide the following information and indicate to whom the numbers belong.

Please star the best number.

Home #______Cell# ______

Work #______Cell# ______


Please use the back to describe issuesof which you feel I should be aware or that might arise concerning your student. I want to provide that best learning environment that I can and be prepared for any circumstance.

Thank You.

Crystal Russell

Parents, please make sure that your address, phone numbers, and email are up to date with the school system, so that we teachers may contact you about grades, behavior, and in the case of an emergency.