MATH 2412.C02 Fall 2015
FALL 2015
Course Number: MATH 2412
Instructor’s Information:
Instructor’s Name: Alan Sauter
Office Number: LA 224
Office Hours: MTWR 11am – Noon (11:40 – noon is for online students)
F 10-11 am (Math Lab, C220)
TR: 2:30 – 3 pm
Phone Number: 972-548-6733
(The department office contact in case of emergencies is: Office of Academic Affairs,
B-122 F, 214-491-6270.)
Class Information:
Section Number: C02
Meeting Times: TR 8:30 am -10:50 am
Meeting Location: LA 238 (CPC)
Course Description: In-depth combined study of algebra, trigonometry, and other topics for calculus readiness.
Course Credit Hours: 4
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab Hours: 1
Placement Assessment(s): Prior to enrolling in this course, the student must demonstrate eligibility to enroll in the following: MATH 2412 or higher.
Prerequisite: MATH 1314
Course Resources: Required: Precalculus with Limits, Custom Edition for Collin College,
Ron Larson, Brooks/Cole, Ó2013 and WebAssign access. (Note: etext is available on WebAssign.)
Class notes for most sections will be posted periodically at the instructor’s web page on
Cougarweb. These should be printed and brought to the class meeting for which the section is
scheduled to be covered.
Supplies: Required: Graphing calculator (TI-84 or nonCAS Ti-Nspire), pencils, erasers, notebooks.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of properties of functions. (Communication Skills)
2. Recognize and apply algebraic and transcendental functions and solve related equations. (Empirical/Quantitative Skills)
3. Apply graphing techniques to algebraic and transcendental functions. (Critical Thinking)
4. Compute the values of trigonometric functions for key angles in all quadrants of the unit circle measured in both degrees and radians. (Empirical/Quantitative Skills)
5. Prove trigonometric identities. (Critical Thinking, Communication Skills)
6. Solve right and oblique triangles. (Empirical/Quantitative Skills)
7. Solve vector-related problems.
8. Analyze and distinguish between the conic sections.
Method of Evaluation:
Attending lectures, completing assignments and labs, completing required exams, and knowledge of calculator use are all required.
Brief Description of Major Course Requirements:
Homework: Homework assignments are located on WebAssign. Homework assignments
should be completed 15 minutes before the start of the next class period. Late
homework will be awarded partial or no credit. (Students who miss a class are
expected to keep up with their studies and complete homework assignments
per the schedule.)
Labs: Labs will be completed during class (or sent via Cougarmail).
Tests: There will be four regular tests, to be taken in the classroom. There are no make-up
tests. The lowest of these test scores may be replaced with the final exam score.
Final Exam: The Final Exam is a comprehensive test that must be taken in class on the
date listed in the schedule.
Grading: Grading on tests and labs is based on correct work using methods from class, as
well as correct answers. Please note that a correct answer with incorrect,
incomplete, or unclear work may not receive credit. This applies to all work which
is submitted for a grade.
Grading Policy:
Homework = 100 pts. Course Grade: 90 – 100% A
Tests (100 pts. each x 5 tests) = 400 pts. 80 – 89% B
Final Exam = 100 pts. 70 – 79% C Labs = 50 pts. 60 – 69% D
------0 – 59% F
TOTAL 650 pts.
Attendance Policy: Attendance is expected of all students. If a student is unable to attend, it is his/her responsibility to contact the instructor to obtain assignments.
Withdrawal Policy: See the current Collin Registration Guide for the last day to withdraw.
Americans with Disabilities Act: Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, room D118-I (CPC) or 972.548.6816 (V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information.
Collin College Academic Policies: See the current Collin Student Handbook.
In regards to Scholastic Dishonesty (Academic Ethics), please check the Student
Handbook to determine if there are any changes. This is from the 2015–2016 Student
Scholastic Dishonesty
Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the
highest standards of academic integrity. All work submitted for credit is expected
to be the student’s own work. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings
against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. While specific examples are
listed below, this is not an exhaustive list and scholastic dishonesty may encompass
other conduct, including any conduct through electronic or computerized means.
Scholastic dishonesty shall involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the
following acts:
General Scholastic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts,
or omissions related to applications for enrollment, credit or class work, research,
and/or the award of a degree; falsifying academic records; using annotated texts or
teacher’s editions; using information about exams posted on the Internet or in any
electronic medium; leaving a test site without authority; and/or failing to secure
test materials. Students are expected to record honestly and accurately the results
of all their research. Falsification of research results includes misrepresentations,
distortions, or omissions in data or reports on research.
Plagiarism is the use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own
without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to
acknowledge a direct quotation or patchwriting, even when a source is cited. In the
preparation of all papers and other written work, students must distinguish their
own ideas and knowledge from information derived from other sources. The term
“sources” includes not only published primary and secondary materials, but also
information and opinions gained directly from other people. Whenever ideas or
facts are derived from a source, the source must be indicated by the student.
Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized
manner during an examination or to complete an assignment; collaborating
with another student during an examination without authority; using, buying,
selling, soliciting, stealing, or otherwise obtaining course assignments and/or
examination questions in advance; unauthorized copying of computer or Internet
files; using someone else’s work for assignments as if it were one’s own; submitting
or resubmitting an assignment (in whole or in part) for more than one (1) class or
institution without permission from the professor(s); or any other dishonest means
of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course.
Collusion is intentionally or unintentionally aiding or attempting to aid another
in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, failing to secure
academic work; providing a paper or project to another student; providing an
inappropriate level of assistance or unauthorized collaboration; communicating
answers to a classmate about an examination or any other course assignment;
removing tests or answer sheets from a test site; and allowing a classmate to copy
In cases where an incident report has been filed for an alleged violation of scholastic
dishonesty, the faculty member is requested to delay posting a grade for the
academic work in question until the case is final. Students found responsible for
scholastic dishonesty offenses will receive an authorized disciplinary penalty or
penalties from the Dean of Student Development Office. The student may also
receive an academic penalty in the course where the scholastic dishonesty took
place. The faculty member will determine the appropriate academic penalty.
Note: For this class the academic penalty for scholastic dishonesty may include a grade of zero on the given test or assignment or, in some cases, a grade of F for the class.
Section / TopicsA.4 / Complex Fractions #
1.4 / Difference Quotient #
1.8 / Composition of Functions #
1.9 / Inverse Functions #
2.6 / Rational Functions #
2.7 / Quadratic and Rational Inequalities #
3.4 / Exponential and Logarithmic Equations #
4.1 / Radian/Degree Measure, ArcLength, Area of a Sector, Linear and Angular Speed
4.2 / Trig Functions based on the Unit Circle
4.3 / Right Triangle Trigonometry
4.4 / Trig Functions of Any Angle
4.5 / Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
4.6 / Graphs of Tangent Function and Secant, Cosecant, Cotangent Functions
4.7 / Inverse Trig Functions
5.1 / Using Fundamental Identities
5.2 / Verifying Trig Identities
5.3 / Trigonometric Equations
5.4 / More Trigonometric Equations
5.5 / Trigonometric Equations with Multiple Angles
6.1 / Law of sines
6.2 / Law of Cosines
6.3 / Vectors in the Plane
6.4 / Dot Product
7.4 / Partial Fraction Decomposition
8.4 / Determinants
9.1 / Sequences and Series
9.2 / Arithmetic Sequences and Series
9.3 / Geometric Sequences and Series
9.5 / Binomial Theorem
10.2 / Parabolas
10.3 / Ellipses
10.4 / Hyperbolas
10.5 / Identify Conics From Equation
10.6 / Parametric Equations
10.7 / Polar Coordinates
10.8 / Polar Equations
11.1 / Three-dimensional Geometry
11.2 / Vectors in Space
11.3 / Cross Product
11.4 / Lines and Planes in Space
# - optional review sections
Date / Sections / Date / Sections8/25 / Intro, Review / 8/27 / Review
9/1 / 4.1, 4.2 / 9/3 / 4.3, Lab
9/8 / 4.4 / 9/10 / 4.5
9/15 / (4.5), 4.6 / 9/17 / Lab
9/22 / Test 1, 4.7 / 9/24 / 5.1, 5.2, Lab
9/29 / 5.3, 5.4 / 10/1 / (5.4), Lab
10/6 / 5.5, 6.1 / 10/8 / (6.1), 6.2, Lab
10/13 / Test 2, 6.3 / 10/15 / 6.4, Lab
10/20 / 11.1, 11.2 / 10/22 / 8.4, 11.3, Lab
10/27 / 11.4, 9.1 / 10/29 / 9.2, 9.3, Lab, Review
11/3 / Test 3, 9.5 / 11/5 / 7.4, Lab
11/10 / 10.2, 10.3 / 11/12 / 10.4, Lab
11/17 / 10.6, 10.7 / 11/19 / 10.8, Lab
11/24 / Review / 11/26 / Thanksgiving (no class)
12/1 / Test 4 / 12/3 / Review
12/8 / XXXXXXXXXX / 12/10 / Final Exam 8:30 – 10:30 am
Important dates:
September 7 - Labor Day, campus closed.
October 16 - Last day to withdraw from Fall classes.
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday, campus closed.
Lab Schedule (Tentative)
Lab # / Topic / DateLab 1 / Right-triangle Trigonometry / 9/3
Lab 2 / Graphs of Trigonometric Functions / 9/17
Lab 3 / Verifying Identities / 9/24
Lab 4 / Trigonometric Equations / 10/1
Lab 5 / Law of Sines, Law of Cosines / 10/8
Lab 6 / Review / 10/15
Lab 7 / Vectors / 10/22
Lab 8 / Sequences and Series / 10/29
Lab 9 / Partial Fractions or Binomial Theorem / 11/5
Lab 10 / Conic Sections / 11/12
Lab 11 / Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates / 11/19
Lab 12 / Review / 12/3
1. Students should respect others at all times.
2. Students should arrive before the scheduled start of class and be seated and prepared for the start of class. Late arrivals should quietly take the nearest available seat to the door. Repeated tardiness may result in disciplinary action.
3. Cell phones should be turned off and placed out of view (in a bag or purse, for instance). Headsets and earpieces (for music, phones, etc.) are not allowed. Laptop computers should not be used during class. With the exception of a calculator, all electronic devices are to be switched off during class, unless an exception is obtained from the instructor in advance.
4. Audio and/or visual recordings in the classroom are not allowed without the prior written approval of the instructor.
5. Sleeping in class is not allowed. Students resting their head on the desk or wall may
be asked to leave the classroom. Attention to classroom instruction and activities is
expected at all times.
6. Students are expected to remain in the classroom for the full duration of the class
period (with the exception of announced breaks). Students should only leave the
room for emergencies and should notify the instructor of the nature of the
7. Socializing during class is inappropriate. When the instructor is speaking, they
should have your full attention. When another student is asking a question of the
instructor, they should have your full attention. Students may be assigned seating,
as necessary.
8. Eating meals in the classroom is inappropriate.
9. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior may result in the student(s) being asked to
leave the classroom and may also lead to disciplinary action.
10. Each infraction of a class rule may result in a ten point deduction from the student’s
grade point total. Repeated or serious infractions may result in referral for
disciplinary action.
Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus during the semester.
Changes will be announced during class or emailed to students’ school email addresses.