JUNE 2016
Deal & Walmer Castles open every day to the public
Deal Maritime & Local History Museum, 22 St Georges Road, open Tuesdays-Fridays 2-4pm, Saturdays 11am-4.30pm, Sundays 12noon-4pm
Deal Timeball Tower, Seafront, open every day except Mondays and Tuesdays. 11.30am-4.30pm
South East Open Studios, 3rd-19th June
Wed 1st / Wednesday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pmSummer Trail, 10am-3pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £1.50 per trail sheet, welly boots advised
Betteshanger Basecamp, including cycling, den building and obstacle course, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, 10am-4pm, for children aged 8-14 years-old. £25 per day including bike hire, helmets and all activity equipment, pre-booking essential
Thurs 2nd / Summer Trail, 10am-3pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £1.50 per trail sheet, welly boots advised
Betteshanger Basecamp, including cycling, fossil hunting and geocaching, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, 10am-4pm, for children aged 8-14 years-old. £25 per day including bike hire, helmets and all activity equipment, pre-booking essential
Fri 3rd / Friday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Summer Trail, 10am-3pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £1.50 per trail sheet, welly boots advised
SpeakUpCIC Service Users’ Forum, 11am-12pm, MCCH Pathways to Wellbeing, Deal Ability Centre, 43 Victoria Road, Deal, CT14 7AY
First day of South East Open Studios – visit or visit Deal Visitor Information Centre for more information
Mick Ryan and Paul Downes at the Deal Friday Folk Club, 8pm, upstairs at the RMA Club, 37 The Strand, £5 admission
Sat 4th / Deal General Market, Union Road car park, from 8.30am
Deal Farmers’ Market, free entry, 9.30am-1pm, Landmark Centre, High Street, Deal
Aunty Nora’s Vintage Market, St George’s Hall, 10am-4pm
The Wild Kitchen Wild Food Day, visit or phone 07810 317866 for more information
Summer Trail, 10am-3pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £1.50 per trail sheet, welly boots advised
Fossil Hunt, 11am-3pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £3 per person (sessions start on the hour and last for 50 minutes), booking not required
Sun 5th / Deal Memorial Bandstand Concert – University of Kent Big Band, 2.30pm (free event)
Summer Trail, 10am-3pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £1.50 per trail sheet, welly boots advised
Wild Flower Wander, 10.30am-12.30pm, Betteshanger Country Park, Sandwich Road, Deal, £5 per child (lasts 45 minutes and is suitable for children aged 8 years-old and under), accompanying adults are free
Mon 6th
Tues 7th
Wed 8th / Wednesday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Thurs 9th
Fri 10th / Friday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Sat 11th / Deal General Market, Union Road car park, from 8.30am
Summer Fete to celebrate HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday, St George’s Church Gardens, High Street, 10am-4pm
Summer Fete to celebrate HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday, Sutton Community Parish Centre, 2-5pm
Le Weekend, an authentic French market; free outdoor concerts, street Can Can dance off, cyclists ride Le Tour de Sandwich, Anglo French Medieval encampment, and a concert in the evening featuring the P&O workplace choir supported by French musicians
Sun 12th / Deal Memorial Bandstand Concert – Snowdown Colliery Band, 2.30pm (free event)
Mon 13th
Tues 14th
Wed 15th / Wednesday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Thurs 16th
Fri 17th / Friday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Sat 18th / Deal General Market, Union Road car park, from 8.30am
The Cliff Top Challenge. Walmer Green, from 12 noon Table bookings available
Sun 19th / Father’s Day
`Deal Memorial Bandstand Concert – Broadstairs & ~St Peter’s Concert Band, 2.30pm (free event)
Last day of South East Open Studios – visit or visit Deal Visitor Information Centre for more information
Open Garden, 34 Cross Road, Walmer, adm £3.50, chd free
Little Gardens of Sandwich, 2pm-5.30pm, with specialist nurseries, raffle & cream teas available at St Mary’s Art Centre (Strand Street). Entry £5 to include all gardens, children free, cream teas £3 each. Tickets available in advance from the tourist office at the Guildhall and at the gardens on the day; all proceeds go to St Clement’s Church
Mon 20th
Tues 21st
Wed 22nd / Wednesday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Thurs 23rd / European Referendum Poll
Fri 24th / Friday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am.-1.30pm
Sat 25th / Deal General Market, Union Road car park from 8.30am
Walmer Parish Summer Fayre, Walmer Green
SEAS Open Studios
The Wild Kitchen Wild Food Day, 10am, visit or phone 07810 317866 for more information
Sun 26th / Deal Memorial Bandstand Concert – Sandwich Concert Band, 2.30pm (free event)
Deal Beach Clean – all welcome
SEAS Open Studios
Mon 27th
Tues 28th
Wed 29th / Wednesday Market, Town Hall Undercroft, High Street, 9am-1.30pm
Thurs 30th / Charity Quiz with proceeds going to ‘Save the Children’, 7pm for 7.30pm at Deal Vics Cricket Club, CT14 7RQ, teams welcome, £2 per person