Minutes of a meeting held on Saturday 20 June 2009 in Cathedral House. A Eucharist was held in the Cathedral at 12.15 p.m.
PRESENT: The Bishop of Portsmouth, some 45 members of the House of Clergy and 41 members of the House of Laity, together with representatives of other denominations and visitors. Apologies had been received from 12 clergy and 11 lay members.
The Bishop welcomed and thanked those attending the meeting and noted the apologies.
The minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2009 were agreed and signed by the Bishop in the Chair.
John Gwynn, chair of the Diocesan Finance Committee, introduced Stephen Collyer, the Director of Finance for Guildford, Portsmouth, and Winchester Dioceses, who then gave a short presentation on the 2008 accounts.
The presentation showed the actual budget and expenditure 2008 and also showed the projected income. There had been an under spend within the clergy maintenance budget.
It also showed the percentage of parish share received, 98.74%, which is very positive and means that ’08 was a good, well-managed year financially.
Stephen referred to the annual accounts booklet and pointed out other areas of particular note.
Lucy Docherty asked the Synod if they had any questions or comments and was asked if in the future there could be a more transparent link between the budget and accounts.
In response to a question, Stephen Collyer pointed out that over the next 2 years there is a fixed amount coming from Archbishops Council due to the reconstruction of the clergy pension scheme. This is shown in the income of the 2008 budget but had been notified too late to be included in the planned budget for 2008.
The Chair of the Finance Committee proposed the motion:
‘The report of the Board of Finance for 2008 be received and that the Board’s accounts for 2008 be approved’
Proposal seconded by Peter Lowater
Synod agreed nem con.
Wendy Kennedy led a presentation of ‘headlines of good news’ from 2008 and asked the Diocesan section heads to say a few words about the activities of each team.
David Isaac spoke regarding the Mission and Discipleship section. He gave an overview of the main duties of the team and highlighted ongoing areas of work including:
Lay discipleship, young vocations, liturgy worship (making worship work), Mission resources (vision days) and youth & childrentraining.
Nick Ralph spoke regarding the Mission and Society team. They had an interesting year, the main change being the Good Neighbours scheme. There are now 115 groups,external funding has doubled, and the scheme now has 4 excellent staff. The Hampshire Family Mentoring service is in year 3 of pilot scheme and is hoping it will continue. Youth development – Adam Court’s breakfast club at St Luke’s School is going well.
Tony Blackshaw spoke regarding the Mission & Education team. He paid tribute to our schools as they had had to cope with 135 changes in law and regulations in year and their standards are a credit to our Diocese.
Highlightswere: St Lukes to become Charter Academy Christ the Kings college is now a joint Anglican-Catholic school, the federations of 3 schools on the Isle of Wight and the affiliations of Henry Court and Warblington schools.
Paul Tizzard spoke regarding the Mission and Resources team. He gave an overview of the responsibilities of the section. A couple of positive landmark in the past year were CaFCASS becoming tenants of the ground floor of Peninsular House and the completion of the Copnor, St Alban development. The property department has 140 properties to manage and undertook 23 quinquennials in 2008. They also carried out many improvements to the parsonages that included new loft insulation and new boilers for many.
Wendy hoped that the presentation was of benefit. She told Synod that the 4 teams are working more closely and obtaining benefits from working in one location and within the arrangements set up following the Central Structures Review.
It was asked if Gareth Denby, former FE advisor will be replaced. Tony Blackshaw responded by saying yes, the funding will also be matched by Winchester. Tony paid tribute to Gareth for all the work he has done.
The Chair of the House of Laity proposed the motion:
‘The remaining annual reports to be received’
Proposal seconded by Sue Rodgers
Synod agreed nem con.
Peter Hancock spoke to paper 1 and noted the work to date.
The Archdeaconry Day dates - June 18 should read July 18 for the Isle of Wight day. He encouraged Synod to ensure that the dates are well known and that everyone, whether clergy or laity has the opportunity to be involved.
Stephen Girling asked who would take the initiative on the 2009/10 consultation dates?
Peter Hancock said he would liaise with the area deans.
Regarding the consultation process Sharon Court asked if the perceptions, values and thoughts of the children could be included. Peter Hancock said he was sure they could be included and more consideration would be given to achieving this.
David Bennision stated that the budget is not going to be easy. The difficult decisions that are being made must be dovetailed with the strategy as it emerges.
Peter Hancock was asked if there had been any thought to including the Methodist and Catholic churches? Peter replied that they hadn’t been yet but they are more than welcome. It was suggested that maybe they should be contacted.
Peter Hancock proposed the motion:
‘This Synod receives and notes progress to date and approves the proposed timetable for consultation and preparation of proposals for a strategy of Ministry for Mission’
Proposal seconded by Pam Hair
Synod agreed nem con.
It was suggested that General Synod members took questions from the floor and David Isaac offered to give a run down on what will be at General Synod.
Patrick Bruce-Gardyne also asked why the major issues seen in the press, e g Women Bishops, were not discussed at Diocesan Synod before General Synod?
Bob White replied that if no one puts a motion forward then it cannot be discussed but the subject of women bishops has always been on the agenda and the overall processes, albeit long term, are underway.
Wendy Kennedy explained the requirement to adopt a separate constitution for the DMPC. I
The Chair of the House of Laity proposed the motions:
‘This Synod adopts the constitution as proposed by the Bishop’s Council for the functions of the Bishop’s Council when acting as the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee’
‘This Synod adopts the proposed amendment to Standing Order 90 (vi) so that the words “Diocesan Pastoral Committee” shall be replaced by “Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee’
Proposals seconded by Bob White
Synod agreed nem con.
It pointed out that ‘standing orders 96’ also need to be changed.
922PORTSMOUTH AND WINCHESTER – creation of a joint Board of Education
Trevor Reader spoke to the papers made available to the Synod 6 weeks prior to this meeting. He said that having a joint staff team had been a long time coming. He gave an overview of the present situation and the proposed arrangement. Trevor stated that what was needed was the approval of the Diocesan Synod fro this to progress. A Summary can be found at Annex A to this document.
Ian Johnston noted that there is a lot of admin being shared across the Dioceses but putting the Boards together is quite different. He stated that the scheme may be a pre cursor for other proposals for more work to be shared. He gave a word of warning that this should not be used as precedent.
Bishop Kenneth was grateful to Ian for what he said but went on to say that this has been encouraged for a long time. Portsmouth and Winchester dioceses work very well together but remain quite separate bodies.
Trevor Reader proposed the motion:
‘This Synod approves the draft scheme, proposed by the bishop of Portsmouth and the Bishop of Winchester, under the terms of ss19 and 20 of the Dioceses Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007, to create a single joint Board of Education for the Dioceses of Portsmouth and Winchester with effect from 1 January 2010’
Proposal seconded by David Bennison
Synod agreed the proposal on paper nem con.
Michael Oakley proposed the amendment:
To add ‘ that the action specified in clause 5(c) be implemented as son as possible’
Proposal seconded by Sharon Court
Synod agreed with 7 abstentions and none against.
As this was Bishop Kenneths’ final Synod the Chair of the House of Laity, Lucy Docherty presented him with farewell gifts. Lucy Docherty then said a few words of farewell. She said Kenneth has been a great encourager, who allowed us to grow; he was passionate, had commitment and was a great inspiration to many.
A copy of the presidential address can be found at Annex B of this document.
John Preston was introduced to the Synod as the National Stewardship and Resources Officer.
The global issues impacting on parish and diocesan and finances are: the banking crisis, global recession and lower share and commodity prices.
He showed Synod how Portsmouth Diocese compares with other dioceses.
A summary of points are:
- Giving is slightly higher than before
- This cannot compensate for loss of investment income
- Key to 2009 was cash flow.
- Pension contributions create additional pressure for 2010.
A discussion followed and members requested a copy of the presentation as it was very well received. Other points raised were:
- Gift aid needed to be encouraged
- Members would like access to how the method of giving is worked out
- The proportion of giving in Portsmouth is 3.1%, national average is 3.4%, what is the proportion of Sheffield? – reply –4.6% of average individual income is given and they are the 4th poorest Diocese.
- Sheffield has had a network of stewardship officers for 14 years
- Portsmouth Stewardship Resources advisor has done an analysis of each parish; what is given and what should given.
- If people see where the money is going then they can get excited about giving.
Bob White thanked John Preston for his excellent presentation.
Michael Oakley referred to the last Bishop’s Council meeting and stated this session was part of an ongoing effort to engage the diocese with the issues involved in the diocesan budget. He gave a handout about this.
The Synod then worked in groups to discuss what services and resources we needed to support mission and ministry: what is essential and what is desirable?
See Annex C of this document
Peter Hancock spoke to paper 3 which gave an update of the vacancy in see process.
Meetings have been honest and frank. A Statement of Needs had been produced and will be finalised fairly soon and put on the Diocesan website. The two appointments’ secretaries had been in Portsmouththat week challenging us about what is specifically required for this Diocese in a Bishop. They complimented Portsmouthon the efficiency and effectiveness of conducting the consultations. At the public meeting, many people posed valuable questions.
The vacancy in see committee’s work is soon to come to an end and will be out of our hands.
The Diocesan representatives to the Crown Nominations Commission, who are:
Caroline BastonDavid IsaacPeter Lowater
Sue RodgersMichael TaylorBob White
The CNC will meet on 9 October and 9&10 of November 2009 and hopefully a new Bishop may take up post in the first half of 2010.
In closing the meeting Bob White thanked all those Synod members who would not return when the new Synod is inaugurated in November 2009
Signed as a true record of proceedings……………………………………….....
Date: ……………………………………….
Annex A
An introduction by the Chairman of the Board of Education
1.A joint education staff team, based in the Portsmouth Diocesan offices and employed by the Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF), has been in existence since October 2006. Tony Blackshaw is Director of Education for both the Portsmouth and Winchester Dioceses and is responsible, in the first instance, to Wendy Kennedy, the Portsmouth Diocesan Secretary. 2/3 paid by Winchester; 1/3 by Portsmouth, reflecting the fact that Winchester has twice as many church schools as Portsmouth.
2. The two Dioceses continue to have their own separate Diocesan Board of Education (DBEs) but work in unison with joint DBE meetings (membership of nearly 40) and two co-chairmen (the chairs of each DBE). From the outset it was always the intention to create a single DBE of a size that could function effectively, enabling strategy and policy to be consistent across both dioceses. Therefore, 1 Director of Education relating to 1 joint board, not 2!
3. The two DBEs both operate under the DBE Measure (1991) but have a different legal status. The Portsmouth Board is an incorporated body that holds in trust the assets of the church schools whereas in Winchester this role is fulfilled by the DBF. All concerned within the two dioceses have taken the view that the new body should not be incorporated and that the charitable assets should be held by the two DBFs.
4. After discussions with officers of the Archbishops’ Council it was decided to promote a scheme using Sections 19 and 20 of the Dioceses, Pastoral & Mission Measure 2007. This enables diocesan bishops to initiate joint schemes with the consent of the Dioceses Commission and with the advice of the Charity Commission, and to implement them with the approval of their Diocesan Synods. We have got the consent of the Dioceses Commission, after a rigorous meeting with them in April. The Dioceses Commission warmly welcomed the proposal. Likewise, we have taken advice from the Charity Commission and they are content with our proposals. Throughout the entire process we have sought expert legal advice to ensure everything is in order. So today we seek that final stage – the approval of our Diocesan Synod. Winchester DBE already has that approval from Synod.
5. After considerable discussion within the two DBEs and extensive consultations with the officers of the Dioceses Commission and our own legal advisers, the two Diocesan Bishops are now proposing the attached scheme, which has the support of the DBEs and the consent of the Dioceses Commission. So, this scheme is the Bishop’s scheme!
6.The balance of membership within the new Board replicates the requirements of the DBE Measure (1991) and would operate with numbers (around 20) similar to a DBE for one diocese. The two dioceses would have equal representation on the board.
- So, how are we handling the fact that the current Portsmouth DBE is an incorporated body responsible for holding in trust the assets of our church schools? The proposal is that we separate the 2 activities:
(a)The new single board with Winchester will be a non-incorporated Board of Education, just responsible for the work of the DBE Measure 1991. Thus it will look after the care of our schools and school children without being encumbered by the need to manage the trust funds and property.
(b)The management of the trust fund and property will be undertaken by a separate group called the Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Education Trust (or similar). It is envisaged that membership of this trust will be coterminous with membership of Bishop’s Council. It is further envisaged that eventually the Diocesan Board of Finance will take on this responsibility. More work will be needed to achieve this final transfer.
- So what happens next? Winchester Diocesan Synod has already given its approval. If our Diocesan Synod gives its approval today, the current Board of Education will need to amend its Memorandum & Articles at its next meeting, to approve transfer of that management of the trust funds and properties to the PDBE Trust – or whatever it is to be called. The 2 Bishops will then need to finally sign off the scheme for the creation of the 1 single joint board.
- Finally, when the 2 DBEs first started meeting together in 2007 we adopted a mission statement which sought to ‘serve God by contributing to educational policy and provision within the two Dioceses’. Quite simply, we believe a single DBE will help us to discharge this mission more effectively.
Annex B
Presidential Address, Portsmouth Diocesan Synod, June 20th, 2009.
Note: this is an expanded, revised and reworked version of a talk given to a Conference held in Portsmouth on March 24th, 2009, under the auspices of the Foundation for Christian Leadership.