QuadCity CPCU Society Chapter
April 16, 2013
Stoney CreekInn & ConferenceCenter, Moline, Illinois
Ameeting of the Quad City CPCU Society ChapterBoard was held April 16, 2013, called to order by President/Acting Secretary Amy Klutho at 5:05 pm. Directors in attendance included Amy Klutho, Chris Kruse, Debbie Theil, Craig Carstens, Rick Plunkett, Howard Beck, and Julie Schocker.
Secretary’s Report included review of the 08/07/2012 Meeting Minutes and Status of Action Items. Motion to accept by Howard Beck, second by Debbie Theil, motion carried.
Informal Treasurer’s Report by Chris Kruse reflected beginning balance of $13,602.87 and ending balance of $14,570.28. Estimated budget for 2013 was reviewed and discussed. Board members agreed disbursements to include two meetings, two Directors to attend Leadership Summit, one person to attend National Convention, $2000 for scholarships, and post office box fee of $70. Income includes estimate of $2000 dues which number may change and expense of $600 for one meeting. Any other meetings should be designed to be self-supporting or be minimally underwritten by the Chapter.
President’s Report by Amy Klutho included an update on our Chapter’s progress in Compliance.
Membership update by Klutho included report of 55 paid members through 04/15/13 and 17 unpaid “viable members.”
Klutho stressed the importance of succession planning and building an active, vibrant chapter. Directors Rick Plunkett and Debbie Theil will be attending the Leadership Summit on behalf of our chapter.
Scholarship update by Debbie Theil included that no applications had been received but most will come in closer to the deadline so that applicants can include current transcripts and grade information. The committee members in addition to Theil include Julie Schocker and Rick Plunkett.
Golf update by Craig Carstens included that the golf outing will be held at Pinnacle Country Club, $70 for 18 holes and cart, mid to late August. Last year the golf outing raised $500 for the scholarship.
Meetings update by Klutho included that we will be planning an I-Day for the week of November 4 or 14. Plunkett and Theil will give a presentation about their experience at the Leadership Summit and we will be looking for relevant topics and speakers.
Action Items:
- Craig Carstens to finalize golf outing details.
- Chris Kruse to research whether there is a Leadership component during the National Meeting so that we can determine whether the Chapter should send a representative this year.
- Scholarship Committee to review scholarship applications and determine scholarship winners prior to golf outing.
- Amy Klutho to finalize I-Day meeting date.
Business meeting was adjournedat 5:32 pm and the floor turned over to Dan Pettie and Amy Johnson for their presentation about their experiences at the Katie School of Insurance and the CPCU Society National Meeting.
No minutes were taken for the general meeting as there were no business items requiring votes. In attendance at the general meeting, in addition to the Directors: Tom Schwab, Laura Foust, Bob Rainey, Frank Sauser, Kristin Coers, Carol McGinnis, Dave DuPont, Scott Johnson, Deanna Schwab, Mark Schwab, and Joe VanCamp. Special guests included Bituminous trainee Luke Ebner and representatives of the Katie School of Insurance Amy Johnson and Dan Pettie.
Minutes completed by Amy Klutho, Acting Secretary