UNIVERSITY of SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (the resume - about 0,05 from all materials published on the given site)

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The problem of education is a problem of formation of our future. Not a secret, that the present education system focuss on learning casually or is going supported dogmas. It, first, causes proof disgust for study, for sciences, for teachers, for textbooks in pupils, brings up proof disgust for the native language, the native literature, second is trampling creative potential which rudiments are in all children. More productive braking of development of mankind is difficult for itself for presenting. It is impossible all it at once to turn.

The purposes and tasks of education argue for a long time and frequently unsuccessfully. To solve this question is means to define(determine) the purposes and tasks of existence of the person, mankinds. We shall narrow a problem and offer for discussion the following thesis: the general education, school it is necessary to prepare children for a life; and the life always and today is not only preservation achieved, but also development. And here the school of us does not teach this.

As a rule, taught subjects are that never in a life can be necessary. And that, as could, the standard teacher cannot, is not learned it to show. It let alone that is drunk the teachers in love with the subjects, obviously is not realized competing among themselves for authority above pupils, set on the house to pupils exactly so much that their and only their subject has occupied all free time of the pupil. And somewhere and it is even more. So the contribution of school to the phenomenon of a general illness of schoolboys - the basic. And if someone has counted up these losses and has presented school to indemnification, the school simply would fail.

Originally (2005) the idea of the organization of special Academies of creativity but since this word is already thoroughly worn out, from gamblings and art creativity we shall be defined more precisely was assumed: Universities of social development (UNSD) for formation of people focused on creation new and socially useful result and at it with deep social orientation, closing for them antihumane use of results of their creativity. These universities also should approve the first textbooks, the first methods which then will move in usual educational institutions - schools and high schools.

In brief, the sense of offered(suggested) reform of school (while calculation is made on 4 experimental schools) will consist in the following.

· Total time of the pupil shares on 3 sectors: Subject sector (60 % of time) with training to the standard subjects, but on the volume reduced in 2-3 times by simple underlining on fields on 3-rd levels in most successfully written textbooks, while without a spelling new; thus

· For employment with especially interested pupils payment of additional teacher's time proportionally to number interested is provided.

· A part - 30 % of time of the pupil - are given on Sector of social development under completely new textbooks (the site, item 6.10), collectively prepared with use available at us and other experts (including on the Internet) materials - basically for this purpose and will be necessary additional expenses, together with time surcharges to teachers it is the order 4,4 million american dollars on 4 experimental schools calculation see below. And at last,

· The personal sector is 10 % of time - is given on the profound employment by physical culture, to acquaintance to the nature and bases of its preservation, music, reading of the highly artistic literature, acquaintance and the comparative analysis of bases of different religions, etc.

Tasks of suggested University:

- Creation of unifying representation about the World, is artificial dismembered on separate sciences in last hundreds years; development of skills to see the World as system;

- The maximal development of creative abilities and public orientation of young people, skill to be everywhere the Inventor, the Innovator, comprehending the theory and practice of innovations - Novistics; maintenance of the best transfer of experience from more skilled creators - young;

- Education of the persons, capable to initiate and carry out nonconventional decisions and to achieve the essential contribution to development of the country and mankind;

- Education of socially focused psychology directed on entering of the contribution to acceleration public, first of all of social development of the country, the different countries and peoples; development of bases spiritual, anyway - a social unification of faiths, various spiritual communities, peoples and races;

- Education of skills to reveal in any science, religion, in any doctrine, in activity of different communities fundamental bases of their existence - whether for satisfaction of those or other real public needs or only unitary needs of these communities and their heads - i.e. to see the purposes public - or alluvial, pragmatical and even antisocial;

- Training the theory and practice of a self-estimation and an estimation, i.e. public utility of the and another's innovations, training to bases Новометрии: Эконометрии, Социометрии and Наукометрии - all on fundamental bases of an estimation of public utility of innovations;

- Search of bottlenecks in structure of functions of the basic public institutes of our Civilization, revealing in them of brakes perfection human community and development of methods of their evolutionary transformation for creation of organizational bases new postcapitalist building with use of the best achievements of the previous public formations;

- Creation of the center (centers) of distribution by the ground socially directed ideology for creative transformation of a planet the Earth in the world of the maximal prosperity and harmony of the person and the nature, with gradual convergence of different social and economic and political systems in a global social order "HUMANISM", and as a matter of fact - refusal from fundamental bases of our Civilization and creation of conditions for formation of bases of a new humanistic civilization of the future;

- Operative search of bases of the new, much more perfect right, capable to provide inevitability and sufficient speed of such development. Anyway to this to not prevent

Carrying out of employment

As a whole creation UNSD assumes immersing in social for creatively active persons social and cultural environment, with the minimal external telecommunication (except for actual data such as the latest news). The best will be a mode of a full boarding house.

Except for fundamental theoretical preparation in the selected subjects, training to skills will work as hands (for example, on construction of new cases of high school), obligatory practice at the enterprises and in the organizations, obligatory physical preparation, introduction of culture of dialogue, business and personal ethics and т.д..

All lessons will go with record on audio and videocassettes for use by less advanced students or absent (for example, because of presence at in parallel going lesson) and for sale outside high school.

For rest and in the educational purposes the most talented theatrical and musical collectives will be invited. Especially careful selection of musical programs for a musical background - from the most worthy representatives of all musical genres.

The university will not be an exclusive educational institution for, first, everyone can go to study in it (but with payment in inverse proportion to the creative abilities); second, the audio and the videorecordings, specially prepared textbooks and manuals will be distributed and outside of limits of university.


..... The concept of education working in overwhelming majority of the countries of our Civilization if to speak at a level of procedures and principles (the teacher has told - the pupil has remembered and has retold - the teacher has compared and has estimated) - dominates many centuries, if not millenia. In the previous slowly current stages of development of human community this its concept in many respects satisfied. But accelerated growth scientific and technical and the main thing - the requirement active socially the developments, undeclared competition on this parameter between the countries, to be exact - between the nations and even races and, at last, essential acceleration development of consciousness and adults, and is especial children gradually leads to to appreciable discrepancy of results of education (both training, and education) to new requirements of a life. The overwhelming majority of the knowledge transferred to the schoolboy, does not find application further - neither in an industrial life, nor in high school, in general in a life, but it was given by enormous overloads of a young growing organism - both physical, and mental. And some requirements fixed in questions of Uniform examination, were simply absurd (type in what colors slippers Anna Karenina went. Questions on Russian it is even more terrible).

About the same it is possible to see on the following critical site: high school - work. It even if to not speak about huge costs as textbooks and about unsatisfactory, bad quality ways of delivery of this knowledge many teachers, which hardly cope with inflow of knowledge. All this also defines necessity for periodic revision of the working concept and occurrence all new and new experimental educational systems.

In connection with natural risk to be the pupil not understood examiners, and also because of relative novelty of the approach and high cost of preparation at once a special educational institution (in an ideal it is a full board at the limited dialogue with an external world, with new structure of the teachers, new textbooks, etc.) realization of the project without good experiment, obviously, was is inexpedient, necessary smooth reorganization of an educational policy(politics) on such consecutive algorithm: change of an education system in several high schools and creation on their basis of Schools of creativity, then similar creation of High schools of creativity (both there, and there - with compression of an obligatory material and addition of the material devoted to studying of the theory and practice of creativity) and already then, at the proved expediency, - creation of the specialized University of creativity on the model submitted in our primary letter and on a site

And here as to the area of a subject field here official traditions should renounce appreciablly, it is especial as to examination requirements of last years. Anyway, it is possible to refuse without special losses necessity to graduates of schools to remember, Anna Karenina went to what colors of footwear... A.Asmolov's Words, we should to learn seize pupils « ways of thinking and abilities by means of which people during centuries built a world civilization ». To tell the truth, only now we have understood, that they not absolutely have built that is necessary. Already everyone see, that the turned out civilization is not economical and aggressive.

The education system, including subsystems of training and the education, distinguished by that the subsystem of training provides the certain minimum of volume of base knowledge and the concepts acquired by overwhelming majority learning and necessary for correct orientation in a life, significant volume of the profound knowledge in the subjects voluntary chosen separate pupils, and in addition for all volume of knowledge and skills of the nonconventional, creative decision of non-standard problems(tasks), and a subsystem of education is designed on social accelerated consciousnesses, desires and skills to live in a society and for a society.

To real kinds already today observable at the analysis of work of schools and high schools of expenses which should be reduced at full-scale realization of the project, it is possible to relate:

· Essential decrease during training "deterioration" of health of pupils, and on all to its key parameters - due to essential decrease in requirements to volume of obligatory mastering a material on all to "base subjects»,

· Essential increase of their interest to a public life, desire and skill to arrange the life more productively and interestingly - for the account of more active policy(politics) familiarizing with a life in the social environment,

· Decrease existing significant expenses in institute after school, and on manufacture - after institute on conversion training for the adaptation to real requirements of the subsequent activity - for the account of specially stipulated employment(occupations) under the theory and practice of creativity,

· Decrease(Reduction) rather the greater outflow of the most advanced graduates abroad without appreciable advantage(benefit) for the country, i.e. for the society which have paid formation(education) - in due course, due to increase in weight of schools and high schools of creativity and gradual decrease(reduction) in aggression of the social environment.

All these consequences are represented axiomatic enough, however before radical change of requirements, the purposes and tasks of education, is already simple at scale changes of an educational policy(politics) experiment, in general the smooth coordination of the future with hereby is completely necessary. And to start it is necessary from several schools which for 2-4 years will allow to check up correctness of the concept, including NATURAL predisposition of young generation to perception(recognition) new and unusual to their parents of the approach in formation(education), in general in a life, to prepare an initial basis for new textbooks and to save up a certain experience of work, to draw conclusions on expediency and possible speed of turn of an educational policy(politics) on new rails.

Reserves of time on both items if we of them shall manage to take, it will be possible to fill many useful affairs. Except for obligatory intensive employment by physical culture and art arts, music, singing, it is possible and it is necessary to fill their training to such arts, as:

• the Ethical life in the nature and in society, including in international;

• the Life among technical equipment;

• Introduction in a working environment, i.e. skill to work as hands;

• Training to bases of justice: how to be able to stand for itself in legally difficult cases;

• Elementary dietology and parasitology, skill to support the health.

But the main thing - will learn to see guys since the childhood vital lacks at itself and in an external world and skill of them to overcome. And in weight to make of them the true active and mentally clean citizens of the country, sharply to lower aggression of a society – probably, the basic argument for all waves of mass emigration of intellectual forces from Russia.

Repeated waves of mass emigration after socialist, and then and capitalist revolutions is an and essential pauperization of our national genofund, and decrease in its mental potential. Negative consequences of it is essential "thickening" of a layer of the population with aggressive antiintelligence which under protection of Christian amnesty (actually - indifference) and legal impunity at us "has decisive influence", demoralizes our social environment and thus prepares for new waves of emigration. These, as a matter of fact intersocial, instead of the interethnic phenomena determine, for example, the facts of an attack on pupils in our country of foreign students - africans.

Search of the reasons of the reduced efficiency of our education show: in many respects its lacks - problems not only Russian, but also all «the advanced countries» which too search for ways of the effective self-development, including by reorganization of the education system. Allocated under A.Merkel's initiative of 1,5 billion euro on reorganization of the German education system is not from a good life. All question in what country will choose the first the most effective концепт, will declare the nonfictional results more impressing, than at others, and can offer the recipe.

It is difficult to not agree, that education of the future is an education "creative". Very much frequently as it understand creative procedures of the best development of subject knowledge, and the it is more than this knowledge, the better. Methodical development in this area really impress. And still the root of the future transformations, from our point of view, will consist in necessity of addition to the perfect methods appreciablly other "subjects" with which these methods can operate.

Our academy sees the most perspective the project of an educational institution in which will be not only to teach creatively, how many, the main thing, - to teach creativity, and as specially organized employment with detailed training to skill to make inventions and correctly to make out applications for them, all system of creativity: to see bottlenecks in social development, to find for them maximum effective decisions, will measure this efficiency - let all over again even approximately and all over again potential, to search for ways of realization of the most effective decisions. Including social.

About overcoming possible(probable) forces of resistance

Probably, corruption in publishing is only consequence of much more difficult and nocuous phenomenon, Marx's words - "the profcretinism ", involuntary professional «mindobscurings», anyone, from mad belief in to what him learned(taught) also to that he has learned for long years. It, basically, the same, that in biology the phenomenon to remember the first impressions, even completely false. To get rid of it more than difficultly. For this purpose in clinically most difficult cases of professionals to involve it is possible only on the rights of a deliberative vote and to establish measures of the social responsibility from a choice of not optimum decision.

Federal general educational standards should take into account occurrence and in due course multiplication of educational institutions of new type. As it to make - it is necessary to think, the answer will be.

Yes, children should not live in confidence, that the external world lives in harm - but it lives in huge wadded misunderstanding the half-received happiness and validity, and does not understand this lack. Is inadmissible to convince the child, that all made till now is absolutely imperfect. But it is impossible to convince and of the opposite. Otherwise we shall receive the following generation of the finished dogmatic persons and opponents of any progress.

We have not the right to speak that they, children, bad or good: the first will cause in them rage or a breakdown, the second - unwillingness to be improved. That and another is inadmissible. We should speak all, that each of them can and should become better. We should show, as it can be achieved. And further to estimate not the pupil, and his achievements - as well as now at school, but in the chapter(head) exposing not the factsleft in memory, but skill them to operate, know logic of their occurrence, the mechanism of the invention.