Table 5 Characteristics of participants allocated to Control, Disinhibition and Restraint groups, split by gender. Values are means (standard deviations in brackets)

Control (N=29) Disinhibition (N=30) Restraint (N=31)

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Ratio 13 16 13 17 14 17

Age (years) 19.85 (1.86) 19.88 (1.20) 20.85 (2.85) 21.06 (4.48) 20.71 (3.77) 20.12 (1.73)

Alcohol consumption 55.31 (25.39) 39.63 (18.89) 58.46 (46.82) 44.29 (22.03) 56.00 (32.55) 43.47 (26.27)

AUDIT 13.54 (4.79) 14.12 (6.23) 12.69 (5.15) 13.76 (4.96) 17.14 (5.41) 14.65 (5.01)

BIS Attention 20.15 (2.76) 19.44 (2.71) 18.54 (2.22) 19.29 (3.60) 20.43 (2.23) 18.94 (3.44)

BIS Motor 24.46 (4.86) 26.25 (4.61) 24.54 (4.86) 26.59 (5.71) 26.71 (4.32) 23.18 (5.08)

BIS Non-Planning 28.15 (7.02) 28.38 (5.81) 26.85 (5.64) 28.35 (6.76) 31.07 (3.99) 26.29 (4.65)

TRI CEP 20.92 (8.48) 21.31 (6.17) 20.23 (8.77) 23.12 (8.32) 30.43 (7.73) 23.00 (10.98)

TRI CBC 13.92 (6.65) 14.31 (6.50) 16.85 (8.96) 15.53 (8.01) 17.57 (8.12) 17.65 (8.07)

Alcohol consumption = average self-reported weekly alcohol consumption in UK units (1 UK unit = 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol); AUDIT = Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; BIS = Barratt Impulsivity Scales; TRI = Temptation and Restraint Inventory, CEP = Cognitive and Emotional Preoccupation, CBC = Cognitive Behavioural Control.

Table 6 Performance on the Stop Signal task, shown separately for Control, Disinhibition, and Restraint groups. Values are covariate adjusted means (standard error in brackets)

Control Disinhibition Restraint

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Reaction time to ‘Go’ cues (ms) 558 (33) 614 (29) 407 (33) 450 (27) 753 (34) 737 (27)

Number of errors on ‘Go’ trials 0.84 (0.47) 0.74 (0.54) 2.95 (0.47) 4.21 (0.52) 0.76 (0.49) 0.86 (0.52)

Number of Inhibition Errors 8.85 (2.06) 6.72 (2.09) 37.22 (2.08) 32.45 (2.03) 1.50 (2.14) 3.46 (2.03)

Table 7 Heart rate, blood pressure, self-reported mood and alcohol craving, shown separately for Control, Disinhibition, and Restraint groups, before and after completion of the Stop Signal task. Values are covariate adjusted means (standard error in brackets)

Pre-Manipulation Post-Manipulation

Control Disinhibition Restraint Control Disinhibition Restraint

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Heart Rate (bpm) 66.43 (3.15) 81.85 (3.48) 68.75 (3.19) 80.88 (3.37) 69.69 (3.28) 73.03 (3.36) 66.20 (2.58) 78.39 (3.25) 68.14 (2.61) 82.27 (3.14) 67.11 (2.69) 73.66 (3.14)

Systolic BP 128.23 (6.72) 115.58 (2.55) 111.05 (6.72) 112.20 (2.47) 120.52 (7.00) 110.42 (2.47) 117.00 (4.10) 100.20 (5.41) 120.38 (4.14) 102.16 (5.24) 115.08 (4.26) 105.65(5.24)

Diastolic BP 67.73 (2.84) 75.10 (2.91) 71.26 (2.87) 72.75 (2.81) 67.80 (2.95) 71.74 (2.81) 66.56 (3.51) 73.92 (3.21) 71.10 (3.56) 71.32 (3.11) 70.25 (3.66) 70.47 (3.11)

BMIS Pleasant 6.97 (1.63) 10.81 (1.19) 8.78 (1.69) 10.94 (1.07) 6.44 (1.68) 8.75 (1.08) 7.36 (1.81) 10.22 (1.65) 10.44 (1.87) 8.12 (1.50) 5.29 (1.86) 6.64 (1.50)

BMIS Arousal 14.23 (0.91) 13.42 (1.07) 15.34 (0.94) 14.97 (0.97) 15.64 (0.93) 14.92 (0.97) 13.79 (0.95) 13.00 (0.81) 14.86 (0.99) 13.67 (0.73) 14.60 (0.98) 14.39 (0.73)

BMIS Negative 4.74 (0.72) 2.93 (0.57) 4.50 (0.72) 3.79 (0.51) 5.53 (0.73) 4.50 (0.51) 4.30 (0.74) 2.93 (0.60) 3.89 (0.77) 4.03 (0.54) 5.46 (0.76) 5.09 (0.54)

BMIS Positive 7.53 (0.96) 8.28 (0.93) 8.16 (1.00) 9.18 (0.84) 7.95 (0.99) 8.41 (0.84) 7.85 (1.04) 7.56 (0.96) 9.04 (1.08) 7.30 (0.87) 6.89 (1.07) 7.12 (0.87)

AAAQ Obsessed 0.68 (0.30) 0.49 (0.30) 1.29 (0.31) 0.48 (0.24) 1.12 (0.32) 1.14 (0.24) 0.70 (0.26) 0.49 (0.25) 1.15 (0.26) 0.83 (0.21) 1.26 (0.27) 1.07 (0.12)

AAAQ Inclined 4.72 (0.53) 4.15 (0.43) 4.89 (0.54) 3.70 (0.41) 5.04 (0.56) 4.58 (0.41) 4.69 (0.53) 3.75 (0.45) 4.36 (0.53) 3.65 (0.44) 4.86 (0.55) 4.33 (0.44)

AAAQ Resolved 1.05 (0.33) 0.85 (0.28) 1.12 (0.34) 0.56 (0.27) 1.28 (0.34) 1.52 (0.27) 0.92 (0.34) 0.73 (0.26) 0.96 (0.34) 0.5(0.26) 1.23 (0.35) 1.17 (0.26)

Bmp = beats per minute; BP = blood pressure; BMIS = Brief Mood Introspection Scale; AAAQ = Approach and Avoidance of Alcohol Questionnaire.

Table 8 Participant responses to the Stop Signal task. Values are covariate adjusted means (standard error in brackets)

Control Disinhibition Restraint

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Frustrating 3.21 (0.54) 3.57 (0.44) 2.55 (0.55) 3.47 (0.43) 2.93 (0.56) 3.35 (0.43)

Pleasant 1.91 (0.46) 1.96 (0.44) 1.47 (0.62) 1.52 (0.43) 2.29 (0.48) 2.52 (0.43)

Fighting an urge 2.44 (0.46) 2.09 (0.51) 1.38 (0.46) 2.40 (0.49) 3.02 (0.47) 2.10 (0.49)

Annoyed 2.46 (0.52) 1.61 (0.45) 1.81 (0.52) 2.21 (0.43) 2.32 (0.54) 2.39 (0.43)

Difficult 2.45 (0.42) 1.88 (0.36) 1.86 (0.43) 1.94 (0.35) 0.93 (0.44) 0.82 (0.35)

Irritating 2.54 (0.52) 2.78 (0.41) 2.56 (0.53) 3.22 (0.39) 2.84 (0.54) 3.11 (0.39)

Items were presented in a 7 point likert scale, anchors were ‘not at all’ (1) and ‘extremely’ (7).

Table 9 Fluid consumed during the taste test and pleasantness ratings. Values are covariate adjusted means (standard error in brackets)

Control Disinhibition Restraint

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Beer consumed (ml) 124.89 (23.88) 48.95 (11.88) 127.46 (24.16) 70.16 (11.50) 83.74 (24.86) 37.70 (11.49)

Juice consumed (ml) 118.24 (23.84) 44.83 (13.96) 85.78 (24.12) 60.45 (13.52) 83.63 (24.82) 48.10 (13.51)

Beer pleasant rating 6.65 (0.74) 5.14 (0.75) 6.94 (0.75) 5.19 (0.73) 6.31 (0.79) 4.50 (0.73)

Juice pleasant rating 6.98 (0.55) 6.45 (0.59) 7.29 (0.55) 6.20 (0.57) 7.32 (0.57) 6.61 (0.57)