Parkwood Village Homeowners Association, Inc.

April 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
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Dana Warren
Vice President
Mary Swanson
Susan Cesnik
Susan Day
Dave Ferwerda
Sue Goldstein
Jim Stahl
Management Services:
Condo Management
motion was made, seconded, and carried)

April 13, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes – Subject to approval May 11, 2009

Board Members Present: Dana Warren, Sue Goldstein, Dave Ferwerda, Susan Day, Susan Cesnik, Jim Stahl, Mary Swanson

Board Members Absent: none

Also present: Jan Byrne (CMA)

Homeowners Welcomed: Gail Brittan, 266 GCD; Judy Savage, 258 GCD; Kathryn Moore, 4 GCD; Bonnie Buzogany, 106 GCD; Nancy Evans, 128 GCD; Nathan Richgels, 114 GCD

Guest(s) Welcomed: Kevin O’Toole, new CMA maintenance staff

President Dana Warren called the meeting to order at approximately 7:05 pm

Introduction: Jan Byrne from CMA introduced her newest maintenance staff person, Kevin O’Toole. Kevin will be on site at Parkwood Village Mon-Friday mornings for several hours each day. He’s a Madison resident (since 1986), despite the Iowa plates on the orange car he is using, w/ 35 years of experience in construction, much of that in HVAC. He comes from a family of plumbers and electricians and holds a mechanical engineering degree.


MMSC (Sue G., Jim) to accept and approve minutes as submitted.


Reviewed and discussed March Financials

  • It was noted by the Treasurer that due to the delay in getting a budget passed for 2009 that the budget will have a shortfall of $1708.96 at the end of the month due to the fact that the new month dues are not in effect until May 1st. This shortfall amount assumes all monthly dues are paid.
  • Treasurer addressed questions that others had. Treasurer working with Katie at CMA to get clarification on a few items and to make some corrections.
  • First quarter financials will be reviewed by Treasurer and sent out to homeowners in near future (anticipate late April/early May)
  • Treasurer has requested a schedule for the Ice Dam account ($3165.82 remains in acct as of 3/31/09). CMA last had communication with Nelson roofing late in 2008. CMA noted Nelson did not have work reviewed upon completing it as stated in contract.
  • Treasurer has also requested schedule of Capital Improvement budget with details on spending.
  • Agreed to wait for revised copy of monthly report to vote on approval


PVHA President took a few minutes to discuss her hopes for the future of the Association which include more homeowner involvement and homeowners to getting to know one another throughout the community.


“Area B” drainage issue (area in front of 140 and 124/126) – CMA provided proposals from Quam Engineering and MSA Professional Services which address the area. Proposals can be expanded or decreased as desired. Per the engineers a French Drain probably won’t work in the area due to shifting and the soil make up. Measurements needed first, then can assess work needed/recommended. Discussion on proposals. MMSC (Dave, Mary) to accept and proceed with the “Phase I Drainage Improvements” items 3,4,5 of the Quam proposal. During discussion noted that items 6 and/or 7 may or may not be appropriate to proceed with as well in the future.

Pool Rules – rules have been revised/updated – CMA will be sending out to homeowners. Pool scheduled to be open Memorial Day weekend (5/23) to Labor Day weekend (9/7). Current pool committee members are Bonnie B., Mary S., Diane H., Dave F. More homeowners welcome to be part of committee!

Pool Service Bids – Reviewed proposals from CMA and from USA Pool and Spa Services. MMSC (Dave, Mary) to accept CMA Proposal for Pool Maintenance for the 2009 Pool Season with modification noted. Modification is that services to be done by outside vendor to be taken out of proposal (USA Pool will open and close the pool). Discussed new Virginia Graeme Baker legislation and PVHA pool (legislation addresses drain suction concerns). PVHA pool in compliance, but legislation requires that an engineering report confirm this and prove compliance. Neuman Pools completing the report.

Roofing Bid – Discussed the error made on the initial bid regarding 230 and 232 GCD. Kono withdrew bid after realizing error made. Discussed whether to proceed with work given the updated bids and budget considerations (concerns about putting off work and possible additional expenses that this could lead to vs concerns about going over budget). Jan to send out updated bid again as numbers not available at meeting – Board will vote via email on whether or not to proceed.

Crabapple Tree Care – need pruning before budding, then need spraying – Jan will email out a date for when this will occur

Policy regarding Renters – Discussed some recent concerns and the responsibilities of the unit owners. CMA presented a policy draft. Draft discussed and some modifications to be made given discussion.

Outdoor Lights – Kevin from CMA has been repairing and replacing. Has worked on 15-16 so far. Noted that parts are becoming harder to find and that Association needs to consider replacements that are more economical. If homeowners notice a non-functioning light they are asked to notify CMA.

Reserve Study –Discussed proposals from Reserve Advisors and Building Reserves as well as Peter Ostlind’s work in this area. Peter Ostlind does not do proposals or bids, but rather works on a time and materials basis. Due to budget concerns general consensus is that we need to know cost ahead of time. Discussed proceeding with Reserve Advisors due to their history IF they will lower the bid. CMA to follow up.

Soffit Venting – Discussed need to have more detailed specifications (noting that they’ll vent from underneath and will not compromise ice shield. CMA to follow up with Kono (roofers).

Solar Heating for Pool – Homeowner Gail Brittan from Property Comm asked Dave to meet with Keith Ouinette from Cardinal Heating and Air Conditioning to discuss feasibility of solar heating for the pool. Dave reported that the pitch of the roof on the clubhouse is ideal for this. Estimated cost of installation AFTER Focus on Energy rebate would be around $4000. Thought is that roof probably would need to be re-shingled before any panels would be installed (adding to the cost of the project). Property and Green Comm members are meeting with another person to discuss options on 4/20 (someone from Water Energy Sources). Dana also noted that MGE installs panels and she is trying to see if they might be receptive to the idea of them using ParkwoodVillage as a model project. Efforts at gathering additional information continue on various fronts.


Pool Committee – (Dave Ferwerda, Board Liaison) no report

Parking Committee – (Jim Stahl, Board Liaison) no report

Property Committee – (Mary Swanson, Board Liaison) – Committee has been busy working to address a variety of issues and concerns – Committee members will be doing a walk around on 4/22 and will prioritize work for the season with water issues and security issues being two priority areas. Mary reported on recent Committee discussion topics:

  • Tasks that Kevin will hopefully work on including painting wood under front doors, continuing to work on outdoor lighting, continuing work to repair fences and gates, replacing broken downspouts and splash guards
  • Insulation when the roofers were here- some homeowners needed more per the roofers assessment
  • Homeowner is to replace the noodles that grandchildren apparently broke
  • Un-maintained gardens that homeowners have started and now are not taking care of and how to proceed to insure proper care (start by sending them a note or calling them to discuss intentions for this growing season)
  • Plants and how to identify them - Kevin offered to ask his wife if she would be willing to come when things are blooming and tell us what they are
  • Grass damaged by the salt and if Phil was going to repair those areas
  • Concrete work - doing a global picture or not
  • Water problem in front of 140 and 124/126
  • Tree trimming - pruning as well - need to get going on it
  • Having someone rake, thatch and/or aerate

Also discussed leaning pine tree behind 230 GCD – Has been shifting away from the fence over the past several years. Currently 96 inches from the fence per Dave’s last measurement. Will ask Boley to take another look at it and reassess status. Need to try to determine if action is needed or not. Mulch – will get some in May. Discussed need for Spring Clean Up (by Phil and crew) – would like to see by mid May. Stoop at 118 needs repair for basement work to be completed. CMA to follow up.

Neighbor To Neighbor Committee – Nancy Evans is Chair of Committee. Committee planning a Bike Safety check day for April 26th, and PVHA Garage and Bake Sale for May 16th. Picnic pending.

Green Living Committee – no report – Committee meeting later this week.


Most new business moved to next months meeting.

Garage venting – Discussed briefly - Some of the units that get a lot of sun and thus heat build up in the summer months could benefit greatly from venting if they don’t have already. Would need to identify and prioritize.


All committees looking for more homeowners to be involved!

Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:37 pm.

Notes compiled and submitted by Susan Cesnik, PVHA Secretary

NEXT BOARD MEETING: MONDAY, MAY 11 7:00-9:00 pm in the PVHA Pool house meeting room. Submit agenda items to secretary by May 7th (via email if possible). All homeowners welcome and encouraged to attend!