Early Years Safeguarding Newsletter

September 2014

Ceri McAteer – Early Years Safeguarding Adviser Tel: 465740 mobile: 07774178011

Training Information

New Designated Safeguarding Leads – welcome to all new safeguarding leads, if you haven’t been in touch with me yet I would be grateful if you would send me your details so I can update my records. Make a note of my contact details and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any safeguarding support or advice. Please note, if you are new to the role, or you are a deputy who is not yet confident in the role, I would strongly recommend you attend the training for “New Designated Safeguarding Leads” this course aims to cover the basics of therole. There is a choice of 2 dates;

Thursday 25th September 9.30-3.30 (The Meadow) or

Tuesday 18th November 9.30-3.30 (The Meadow)

Please contact Helen Thompson at or telephone 463207 to book a place on the training.

For the attention of all Designated Safeguarding Leads, have you booked your place on one of the briefing sessions below?

Future Safeguarding Briefing dates for your diary;

February 23rd 2015 amorFebruary 25th pm

May 11th 2015 amor May 13thpm

Guidance on safeguarding training levels for early years practitioners

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) –Level 3,to be updated every 2 years by attending courses identified as suitable for update training on the LSCB training timetable.

Other training to be attended: Allegations, Safer Recruitment, Conferences and Core groups.

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) – Level 2, to be updated every 2 years by attending Level 2 Refresher (CWD) or LSCB update courses as above.

All other staff -Level 1.This is an online training course and can be booked through the LSCB. All staff need to complete Level 1 training every 3 years.

The current LSCB training timetable is available at

The Child Workforce Development (CWD) training timetable is available at

Supervision, Appraisals and Safeguarding Training(previously “Effective Supervision”)

There are 2 further dates for this very popular training course Saturday 15th November 9.30-4.30 and Tuesday 3rd March 9.30-4.30. Please book early to avoid disappointment. (bookings to be made through the CWD as above)

Early Help Record and Plan Training

There is still only about a quarter of early yearssettings who have attended this training. It is essential that at least one person from each setting attends the training so that they are able to lead and advise when an Early Help Record is required.

Further training dates are available on 23rd September 2014, 7th October 2014, 12th November 2014, 14th January 2015 and the 10th February 2015.

Please book onto one of these training sessions as a matter of urgency if you haven’t already done so. Email to book a place.

LSCB Conference – Safe and Strong Relationships-October1st

This multi agency conference provides an opportunity to learn about safeguarding children in terms of the influences that impact upon building healthy and safe relationships and will cover the themes of; internet safety (including online games, sexting and grooming), child sexual exploitation, drugs and alcohol, domestic abuse, self harm, risky and anti social behaviour and safeguarding children affected by gang activity.

This event is open to all those who work with children.

Further information and booking is available at

Registration Information

The beginning of the new school year is a good time to check that existing records are up to date with Ofsted. You will need to check that Ofsted hold the name of your current manager, nominated person, registered person or persons and committee members. If Ofsted are not informed enforcement action can be taken possibly resulting in temporary closure of the provision. To check Ofsted hold the correct details for your setting you can phone them on 0300 123 1231 and request a list of individuals listed for your setting. If this list is incorrect you should immediately inform them of the change verbally and follow this up as soon as possible in writing.

Data Protection

It is a legal requirement that Early Years Providers who handle personal data need to be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For further information and to register please follow this link

Local Updates

Swindon LSCB has recently updated their procedures page with some further guidance for professionals including:-

-Guidance for dealing with bruises on non-mobile babies.

-Further guidance about using the escalation policy

-Professionals meeting

For further information follow the link below

Child Protection Conferences

Over the last few months in Swindon a review of child protection conferences and core groups has taken place. This has included a detailed analysis of feedback taken from agencies attending. Working Together 2013 highlights the responsibility of all agencies involved in a conference, to share information and make decisions about the child’s future safety, health and development. The following actions will be implemented as a direct result of the review.

From Monday 3rd November;

  • Agencies will be expected to bring 12 hard copies of their written report to the conference to distribute to other agencies. A copy will still need to be sent via email prior to the meeting so that the Independent Review Manager can read this prior to conference. This report will need to be password protected.
  • Agencies must ensure that they have shared their report with parents, unless to do so would put the child / children at greater risk. Being open and transparent with the family is key to the signs of safety approach, which is being implemented in Swindon.
  • The report must be completed using the appropriate conference report template (this can be found on Swindon schools online)
  • Conferences will start at an earlier time of 9.30am for morning conferences and 12.30 for afternoon conferences. This will allow half an hour for agencies to read the reports. It is anticipated that this will reduce the length of the actual conference as all professionals will begin the meeting in receipt of all the information. The IRM will spend this first half an hour with the family.
  • Invitations to conference will be sent for initial conferences but there will be no paper invitations sent for review conferences. Subsequent meeting dates will be agreed at the initial meeting and professionals will be expected to put this in their diaries at this meeting. Invitations will only be sent if the original date changes for any reason.
  • Copies of agency reports will no longer be sent attached to minutes.
  • Child protection conferences will move from the Civic annexe to Clarence House (corner of Euclid Street). This is expected to take place towards the end of October, further details will be sent out nearer the time.
  • Professionals are reminded of their shared responsibility when working as part of a core group. If you are unhappy with the effectiveness of the group or with decisions made please contact to voice your concern.

These changes will be discussed further at the autumn term briefings. If you have any further questions please contact Ceri McAteer (01793465740)


You should all have received a copy of my annual safeguarding audit by now, please complete and return the audit to me by Friday December 12that the very latest, if you haven’t received a copy of the audit please get in touch with me. A word of warning, I have updated last years audit to keep it in line with the updated EYFS Framework (2014)

I have attached an up to date contacts list to be displayed on your safeguarding noticeboard.

Also attached is an update information sheet which I would like you to complete and return to me asap so that I can be sure I have the most up to date contact information.

Further guidance materials, safeguarding information, archived newsletters and course materials can be found on the following websites

(services for children)

If you have concerns about the safety of a child do not hesitate to contact Family Contact Point on 466903 or Emergency Duty Service on436699