DAC Council Report Spring, Dallas, TX 2014

Committee on Divisional Activities

Council Report

247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX

March 2014

Mister President and Fellow Councilors:

At least once every three years, at a spring national meeting, the Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC) is required to bring to Council a formula for allocating dues funds to the divisions.

[Display Slide 1] Here is the current formula. As you can see, it features four ‘buckets’ of funding: Base, Per Member, Innovative Projects, and Total Programming.

[Display Slide 2] This slide illustrates the changes DAC is recommending. We propose an increase in the base allotment to 15% from 12.5%, and a decrease in the Total Programming allotment to 62.5% from 65%. Our intent is to provide smaller divisions with more funding to produce 1-2 additional sessions each year.

[Display Slide 3] ACS has three classes of divisions, based on the number of a division’s members. This slide breaks out the divisions by class, and more importantly, projects the impact of the new formula on the three classes. As you can see, we forecast the smaller divisions will receive more funds, and our larger divisions will receive slightly fewer.

[Display Slide 4 – Motion Slide] DAC voted to approve this revised formula. Mister President, I so move.

DAC voted to fund 16 Innovative Project Grants totaling $84,000. The committee will consider another set of IPG proposals at the San Francisco National Meeting; the deadline for that round of submissions is July 1, 2014.

DAC updated its process for acting on division name change requests. The document will be posted on the DAC website no later than April 1, and is also available upon request.

DAC is partnering with the International Activities Committee (IAC) to catalog the divisions’ best practices to engage international scientists. This is part of our efforts to support the Society as it develops a strategy to increase international collaboration.

[Display Slide 5] Operating as a DAC subcommittee, the Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group is proposing the following 2017 national meeting themes to the divisions for their consideration:

Spring, San Francisco
Advanced Materials, Technologies, Systems and Processes
Fall, Washington, DC
Chemistry's Impact on the Global Economy

Mister President and fellow Councilors, this concludes my report.

Final Post CPC 3.18.14