Section 50 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999

(Supreme or District or Local) Court of NSW

at (Place)

Case Number


/ R v (Name of Offender)
Offender’s DOB / (Offender’s DOB)
Offender’s CNI / (Offender’s CNI if applicable)
Offender’s MIN / (Offender’s MIN if applicable)
Case and proceeding number(s) – short description of the offence or offences
Court / (Supreme or District or Local) Court of NSW at (Place)
Date: Date of Order
(Name of Judicial Officer)
/ (Terms of the order of imprisonment)
Pursuant to the provisions of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 the offender is to be released on parole at the expiration of the non-parole period of the sentence. Unless sooner revoked, this order remains in force until the end of the above term of imprisonment.
The Parole Order is also subject to the standard conditions applicable to Parole Orders (a copy of which is attached).
You are subject to Parole supervision unless:
(i)  the Court has directed that you are not subject to supervision; or
(ii)  the Court has sentenced you to Periodic Detention.


/ I (Name of the Offender) acknowledge that I understand the conditions on which I am released on parole.


Signed (witness)

Date Signed

The Offender was released from custody (date)

Signature of Governor of correctional centre

Standard Parole Conditions

/ ·  the offender must be of good behaviour and must not, while on release on parole, commit any offence,
·  the relevant parole order may be revoked if the offender contravenes any of the terms and conditions of the order,
·  the relevant parole order may be revoked if the Parole Board determines that it has sufficient reason to believe that the offender, having been released from custody, has not adapted to normal lawful community life.

Standard Parole Conditions ONLY if Parole is supervised

/ While the offender is subject to supervision by a probation and parole officer under such a condition, the offender has the following obligations:
(a)to obey all reasonable directions of the officer,
(b)to report to the officer (or to another person nominated by the officer) at such times and places as the officer may from time to time direct,
(c)to be available for interview at such times and places as the officer (or the officer’s nominee) may from time to time direct,
(d)to reside at an address agreed on by the officer, and to receive visits at that address by the officer at such times as the officer considers necessary,
(e)not to leave New South Wales without the permission of the officer’s District Manager,
(f)not to leave Australia without the permission of the Parole Board,
(g)if unemployed, to enter into employment arranged or agreed on by the officer, or make himself or herself available for employment, training or participation in a personal development program as instructed by the officer,
(h)to notify the officer of any intention to change his or her employment:
(i)if practicable, before the change occurs, or
(ii)otherwise, at his or her next interview with the officer,
(i)not to associate with any person or persons specified by the officer,
(j)not to frequent or visit any place or district designated by the officer,
(k)not to use prohibited drugs, obtain drugs unlawfully or abuse drugs lawfully obtained.
·  An offender’s probation and parole officer may, with the concurrence of the officer’s District Manager, direct that the conditions of the offender’s parole order in relation to supervision are suspended.
·  Such a direction takes effect when notice of the direction is given to the offender.