
IMEPhase 2intheDioceseof


2014 Edition

From the Bishop of Chelmsford

It is good welcome you to ordained ministry. The diocese of Chelmsford is a large, dynamic and diverse diocese and we look forward to your ministry amongst us.

Your curacy is a hugely significant time. The spiritual and personal growth in grace and learning,a journey which precedes your ordination, is in fact the beginning of a process of lifelong learning. And the forming of good habits in curacy is essential.

Those called to ordained ministry in the Church are called to a great privilege and a great responsibility. To fulfil our calling we must look to God for wisdom, grace and discernment and deeper maturity in Christ. For those newly ordained the support and supervision of a good training incumbent, and full participation in the diocesan programme of IME Phase 2 are key ingredients in this process.

Those ordained as curates come within Common Tenure andprocesses of Assessment at the End of Curacy – which in practice means opportunities for on-going reflection and evaluation throughout your curacy. These processes are intended to enhance ministerial development and formation. I am grateful to Graham Hamborg and his colleagues in CMD for overseeing this and all aspects of curacy. I commend the helpful guidelines in this handbook to you.

Be assured of my prayers for you, along-with my fellow bishops, at this significant time in your life.

+Stephen Chelmsford


IntroductionfromGrahamHamborg...... 4

The Area CMD Advisers……………………………………………………………4

TheTrainingIncumbent...... 5

TheRoleoftheParishinTraining...... 7

TheCurateinTraining...... 9

BeforetheCuracyBegins...... 10

GettingGoing...... 12

The Framework of Curacy in the Diocese of Chelmsford………………………..15

TheSupervisionProcess...... 20

TheAnnualTrainingand Development Plan Process...... 24

Learning Outcomes...... 26

Check-list of Parish Ministry Work…………………………...... 33

Preparation of the Annual Training and Development Plan………40

Trainingand Development PlanGrids...... 41

SummaryofAnnualTraining and DevelopmentPlan...... 42

AnnualTrainingand Development Plan Review...... 43

SummaryofAnnualand Development TrainingReview...... 45

The Portfolio………………………………………………………………………46

The Phase 2 Programme and the Role of the Area CMD Advisers……………....52

Placements during Curacy……………………………………….………………...54


Appendix 1Template for a Curacy Agreement………………………………..57

Appendix 2Sample Reflections for Supervision meetings………………….…..63

Appendix 3Assessment of Curates: Guidance for Incumbents’ Reports……...65

Appendix 4How to give praise and criticism…………………………………..72

Appendix 5Assessment Forms for a Sermon…………………………………..74

Appendix 6Example of Supervision Preparation Sheet………………………...78

Appendix 7Two examples of Questions to aid Reflection…………………….79

Appendix 8Pastoral Visiting Record Form……………………………………..81

Appendix 9Sample of entries in a curate’s Portfolio…………………………...83

Appendix 10Sample Year 2 Annual Training & Development Plan………....…...85

Appendix 11 Learning Outcomes for IME Phase 1 and Phase 2…………………87

Appendix 12Learning Styles……………………………………………………...93


The Hind Report (2003) brought a new perspective to curacy by asking us to consider the curacy time as the second part of “Initial Ministerial Training” (IME). Hence pre-ordination training is now known as “IME Phase 1”, and curacyas“IME Phase 2”.

In its wake, the report Shaping the Future (2006) then introduced tables of Learning Outcomes which indicate the Church’s expectations at the points of selection, ordination, and at end of curacy. These have been freshly revised for those being ordained in 2014. You will find the current version on pages 27-32.

Finally, along with all dioceses we have introduced a process of “Assessment at the End of the Curacy”, as required by the House of Bishops and Ministry Division. In practice, “at the end of the curacy” has to mean throughout curacy, and you will find the intended procedures of this diocese on pages 16-19. My colleagues and I are keen to point out that this is to be viewed positively, as an opportunity to promote and enhance opportunities for ministerial formation and personal growth during the time of curacy.

You will find our contact details below, and please be in touch with us if you have any queries at all, at any stage.


(Ordained Ministry Development Adviser, IME Phase 2 Coordinator, and Bradwell Area CMD Adviser)

The Area CMD Advisers

CMD Adviser for Barking Area

Revd Jill Mowbray, 39 Kings Road, Leytonstone E11 1AU, 020 8281 2574, 07783 742022,

CMD Adviser for Bradwell Area (and Co-ordinator for IME Phase 2)

Revd Canon Dr Graham Hamborg, The Rectory, Colam Lane, Little Baddow, Chelmsford CM3 4SY, 01245 227418,

CMD Adviser for Colchester Area

Revd Geoff Read, Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford CM1 1AT, 01245 294453,

The CMD Administrator

Mrs Sue Denham, Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1AT, 01245 294450,



a)will be committed to giving dedicated time to a curate to assist the curate’s ministerial formation, and to fulfilling all his/her parts in diocesan curacy processes;

b) will be committed to working in partnership with the diocesan CMD Advisers and other diocesan staff as necessary;

c) is committed to welcoming, growing and supporting collaborative ministry with ordained and licensed colleagues and with other lay members of the church;

d) is committed to their own continued personal development, and growth in love and holiness and learning; undertakes CMDthemselves; and participates in Ministry Development Review;













q)isawareoftheimportanceofthediocesanIMEPhase 2programmeandwillensurethatthecurategivesitpriority;




Itiswithintheparishcontextthatthecuratereallylearnstheskillsofordainedministryandwilldevelopastyleofministry.Thetakingofservicesandthecelebrationoftheoccasionalofficesareobviousexamplesofthis.Similarly,the learning ofprofessionalcourtesiesinvolvedinvisitingandworkingwithothersisdeveloped.However,thecuracytimeisnotsimplyabouttheacquisitionofskills;rather,itisessentialthattheprocessofTheologicalReflection,beguninpre-ordinationcourseorcollege,iscontinuedanddevelopedintheinteractionsbetweenpractice,prayer,conversationinsupervision,andcontinuedtheologicalstudy.Thisisintegraltoformationintheordainedlife.











  • Itcanofferasuitablywiderangeofministerialopportunities;
  • Itis willing to support the curate, and seek to help in thecuratein(a)theroletransitionfromlaytoordainedstatus;and(b)developingministerialcompetence;
  • Itiswillingtograntthecurate,ungrudgingly,thetimetotakeafullpartinIME Phase 2;
  • Itiswillingtopaythecurate’sworkingexpenses.

Initial Ministerial Education (IME)Phase 2

TheDioceseofChelmsfordprovidesadiocese-wideprogrammeoftraining.It includes eight to tendayseachyear,andanannualresidentialweekend.Amonthlyeveningprogrammeisprovidedforthosewhoholdfull-timesecularjobs.Thisisallinadditiontoothersuchtrainingandstudythatacuratemayundertake.

DiocesanIMEPhase 2isapriorityforcurates.ParishesmustaimtoavoidfacingacuratewithaclashbetweenIMEandparishactivities;andwheresuchaclashoccursIMEtakespriority.


Under Common Tenure, curates will receive a Statement of Particulars. Additionally curate and incumbent will agree a Curacy Agreement. Thiswilladdressissuessuchas

  • WorkingArrangements,intermsofdaysoff,holidaysetc.;
  • Forcuratesinsecularemployment,thetimeavailabletotheparish;
  • HowmanySundayserviceseachweek;
  • Frequencyofpreaching;
  • Meetingpatternwithincumbentforprayer,businessandsupervision;
  • Professionalapproachtoministryandconduct;
  • Mutual Expectations;
  • Confidentiality;
  • Procedures of Assessment;
  • Allocation of Time;
  • ParochialSupport,includingpaymentofworkingexpenses;
  • GrievanceProcedures.


TheAnnualTraining and Development TrainingPlan

ThepurposeoftheAnnualTrainingand Development Planistoenabletheincumbentandcuratetomapoutaphasedprogrammeofexperiencesoverthetitlepostyears.Forexample,experienceofandtrainingintheconductoffuneralsmaycomeinthefirstperiod,whilefamiliaritywithchurchmanagementandbudgetingmaycomelateron.TheAnnualTrainingand Development Planallowsobjectivestobesetforthecomingyear,andforthesetobereviewedfromtimetotime,andespeciallyinanannualreviewwhichthecurateandtrainingincumbentcanundertake.InpreparingtheAnnualTrainingand Development PlantheincumbentandcuratewilltakenoteoftheexpectationsoftheChurchofEnglandassetoutintheLearningOutcomesapproved by the House of Bishops.


  • Offeringa‘lay-eyeview’ofpublicministrysuchasevaluatingpreaching,leadershipofworship,etc.
  • Enablingthecuratetounderstandareasofworkinwhichlaymembershavespecialskillsandinvolvement,forexampletheworkofparishtreasurerorchildren’sandyoungpeoples’leadersand,outsideofthedirectchurchenvironment,theaspectsofministrylivedoutintheworldofsecularwork.
  • Offeringparticularskillsin,forexample,adultlearningandtrainingandotherpracticalfields.




  • sharinginthemissionofthegospelthroughthelocalparishchurchanddeanery;
  • prayerfuldiscernmentoftheirownandotherpeople’sgifts,strengthsandweaknesses;
  • growinginself-awarenessasindividualsandasChristianministers;
  • anopennesstoappreciatethecontributionofandabilitytoworkwithChristiansofothertraditionsandpeopleofdifferentviewsfromtheirown;
  • sharingresponsibilityfortheirownlearninganddevelopment;
  • receiving,offeringandrespondingtofeedbackfromcolleaguesandchurchmembers;
  • DiocesanandArearequirementsforIMEPhase 2;
  • thepoliciesandpracticeofleadershipintheparish;
  • workingtowardsthedesiredaimsandoutcomessetoutinthishandbook.























Afirstcuracyisexpectedtolastforthreetofouryears.TheArea Bishop will be involved in any discussions regarding extending the curacy (as may arise in circumstances of extended sick leave, and maternity/parental leave).Inveryexceptionalcasesitmaybenecessarytoterminateacuracybeforethistime.Insuchcasesthelawofthechurchstatesthatacuratemayleavethecuracyattheexpirationofthreemonthsaftergivingnoticetotheincumbentorbishop.ThecuratemayleaveearlierwiththeBishop’swrittenconsent.Theincumbenthastogivethecuratesixmonthsnoticeinwriting,havingfirstobtainedtheBishop’sconsent.Therecanbenobindingagreementofcurate’slengthoftenureoneithertheirownpartortheincumbent’s.Curateshavethesamerightsasanyotherministerwhoselicenseisrevoked.




For a more detailed description of duties of the housing provider and the occupant, see the Clergy Handbook pages 13-14.


Curates from non-European Economic Area countries require a visa to reside and work in the UK. In order to apply for this visa, a Certificate of Sponsorship needs to be provided from the Diocese. In all cases, please contact Nathan Whitehead at the Diocesan Office from the outset.

(01245 294412 or )


TheIncumbenthasaresponsibilitytosettheframeworkwithinwhichacuratewillwork.Herearesomesuggestionsfortheinductionprocessinthefirstmonthintheparish. Early on thereshouldbeanintroductorymeetingwiththeIncumbentsettingoutparishpolicyandtherangeofworkexpected.

Curacy Agreement

ACuracyAgreementshouldbedrawnup early in the curacy, or in advance of ordination when circumstances permit. Four signed hard copiesshould besentto the Area CMD Adviser; the CMD Adviser will also sign it, and forward it to the Area Bishop. The CMD Adviser or SSM Officer will be available to offer advice on this. If the curate lives outside the parish, an additional page needs to be signed by the Area Bishop authorising the diocesan Accounts Department to reimburse PCC treasurers for the cost of travel from home to the parish boundary.

A draft text will be foundin Appendix 1 pages57-62of this handbook: it is not a requirement to use this format, but many will wish to.





















ThebookletGuidelinesfortheProfessionalConductoftheClergywill be given tothecurateat theDeaconsDayinJuly.Itisabookletinwhichincumbentsandcuratesmay,atvarioustimes,findissuestodiscusstogether.


guidelinesfor theprofessionalconductof theclergy.pdf)



  • Travellingandtransportcosts
  • Telephone
  • Postage,stationaryandotherofficeexpenses
  • Hospitality
  • Books/journals


Wherethereisaparishoffice,staffedbya secretaryoradministrator,itisimportantforthecuratetoknowwhathis/herrelationshiptothispersonshouldbe.Forexampleifthesecretarydoesadministrationortypingfortheincumbentisitlegitimateforthecuratetoexpectthisserviceaswell?Andwhenworkpeaks,whohaspriorityofaccess?Itisofteninthesedetailedandmundaneareasoflifethatpressurescansurfaceifclearcommunicationisnotestablishedandproperlymaintained.

TheAnnualTrainingand Development Plan

TimeneedstobearrangedtocompletefullytheAnnualTrainingand Development Plan, of which a copy should be sent to the Area CMD Adviser by the end of September.This Training Planwillbereviewedannually.






Itisinevitablethatconcernswillariseoverahostofissues,largeorsmall.Incumbentandcurateshouldagreethattheremustbeanopennesstoshareandraisesuchconcernsassoonastheyarise,ratherthanleavingthemtogrowintomajorproblems. Additionally the Area CMD Adviser may be consulted by either curate or incumbent at any time.

The Framework of Curacy in the Diocese of Chelmsford

The Core Components

1. At the outset of the curacy (or, when possible, prior to its commencement) the curate and incumbent will agree a Curacy Agreement. This complements the curate’s Statement of Particulars. It sets out greater detail with regard to working arrangements, and expresses agreed expectations of curate and incumbent. An optional draft text of such an agreement will be found in Appendix 1 pages 57-62.

2. A regular Supervision Meeting between curate and incumbent is essential. For stipendiary curates and others whose ministry is 100% parish-focused, this should be weekly for 60-90 minutes or fortnightly for 90-120 minutes. For those in full-time secular work with parish availability of Sundays plus one or two evenings, a monthly meeting will generally be appropriate. For those with half-time parish availability, frequency of meetings can be agreed between curate and incumbent, in liaison with the Area CMD Adviser. The initiative for making good use of that time lies principally with the curate, although the incumbent will sometimes wish to suggest particular approaches or topics too. Good preparation will make these meetings fruitful and useful. Further guidance on these meetings will be found on pages 20-23.

3. An Annual Training and Development Plan is formed, related to the Learning Outcomes now in use in the Church of England for the stages of selection, ordination, and completion of curacy. The Learning Outcomes will be found on pages 27-32, and on pages 33-39 a check-list of parish-focused ministerial work. Following these, on pages 40-45 is a framework which may be used to form and review the Annual Training Plan. A summary of the Annual Training and Development Plan should reach the Area CMD Adviser by 30th September each year, in all years other than the first accompanied by a summary of the progress review of the previous year’s.

4. The curate keeps a Portfolio in which is entered:

(1) The Curacy Agreement between curate and incumbent (see pages 57-62);

(2) The Annual Training and Development Plan agreed (see pages 24-45, 85-86);

(3) The curate’s record of and reflections on supervision meetings and the topics discussed therein (see pages 20-21, 46-47, 63-64);

(4) The first, interim and final assessment reports written by the incumbent (see pages 65-71);

(5) Any other relevant materials and evidence e.g. any piece of work and ministry which is consciously treated as a ‘parish-CMD project’ (see pages 48 & 84);

(6) Any feedback, reflections or accounts from people other than the incumbent e.g. churchwardens, headteacher, warden of residential care home, minister of another denomination (see page 51);

(7) Reflections and feedback from any placement undertaken (see pages 54-56);

(8) Record of attendance, notes of, and reflection on diocesan IME Phase 2 training events (see page 49);

(9) Record and notes of any other training undertaken;

(10) Notes on any theological and spiritual reading (see page 50);

(11) Any other material which the curate considers relevant and helpful.

5. Participation in the diocesan Phase 2 programme is expected and required by the bishops of the diocese. Incumbents and curates should seek to avoid clashes with parish commitments, but when they are unavoidable the IME Phase 2 programme takes precedence over the parish commitment. For stipendiary and other full-time parish-focused curates the expectation is clear, namely full participation. Those in full-time secular work should attend any days which are offered on a Saturday. Throughout the curacy they should attend as often as possible the sessions held on Thursday evenings specifically for curates in secular employment. Those with other varying levels of available time should discuss with their incumbent and CMD Adviser what is an appropriate level of involvement. On those few occasions for which apologies for absence have to be given, they should be made both to the CMD Adviser, and to Sue Denham, the CMD Administrator, who needs to know numbers for each day.

6. Curates are placed in Area Curate Groups formed of the curates in their year group in their Episcopal Area (although sometimes numbers necessitate alternative arrangements). They are facilitated by each Area CMD Adviser. These are an important expression of collegiality and fellowship as ordained minsters together, and are of the highest priority. They will be held at a time when all curates can attend, which in most cases will mean in an evening in order to include those in secular work. They meet a minimum of three or four times a year.

Assessment at the End of the Curacy

The goal of assessment is to assist ministerial development and formation. It allows the identification and confirmation of particular gifts and strengths, and ensures competence in each area of ministry. Of course, there is much more to mission and ministry than technical competence in the exercise of ministerial tasks, and the Learning Outcomes point us towards:

(a) Competent exercise of ministerial skills;

(b) Formation of Character: it is not sufficient that clergy do a technically competent job; rather we look for grace, love, and spiritual depth;

(c) The ability to reflect – reflective practice – and self-awareness;

(d) The ability to relate well to and work well with other people, both when ‘alongside’ i.e. being a team player, and when ‘in charge’ i.e. team leader: collaborative working is not one heading among others, it has to be a whole way of being and working.

Assessment Points

The following timings have been agreed with the Diocesan and Area Bishops:

All Curates

First Assessment in January – February of Year 1, so that the Area Bishop may meet with the curate before Easter and make recommendation that a curate may proceed to be ordained to the priesthood.

Curates wishing to proceed to an incumbency-level post

Interim Assessment April – May of Year 2.

Final Assessment January – early February of Year 3, with moderation in late February or early March, so that the Area Bishop can write to the curate by the end of April (Year 3).

Curates wishing to proceed to an associate ministry post

Interim Assessment May – July of Year 2.

Final Assessment from September – November of Year 4, with moderation inthe second half of February, so that the Area Bishop can write to the curate by the end of April (Year 4).

Stipendiary curates will follow the first timescale, while self-supporting curates will, in most cases, follow the second timescale. However, self-supporting curates with a full-time parish focus may agree with their incumbent and CMD Adviser to follow the first if appropriate.

It will be vital that there is total openness and transparency in all parochial and diocesan processes and relationships from the outset. Curates and incumbents should both read all the relevant sections of this Handbook carefully, and clarify together that they understand and agree the processes to be followed. A key value and commitment must be that of total openness and honesty with one another. Certainly no curate should ever read anything in a report written by an incumbent (especially anything which might be perceived as negative) which had not already been shared with them verbally in a supervision meeting.

A final outcome of the process of assessment is that the Area Bishop, acting on the recommendation of the CMD Advisers, will write a letter to the curate at the end of the curacy confirming that the curate may proceed to an incumbency-level post or to as associate ministry post, as appropriate. All bishops nationally will follow this practice.