This is a hands-on educational program designed to develop responsible pet owners and animal advocates in the community. Junior Dog Trainersshould have a sincere interest in working hands-on with animals to help better their lives. They share an eagerness to learn more about animal training and the function of the LA/SPCA in our community. Applicants must be 12-16 years old by the first date of the session they are applying for. Acceptanceinto the program is based on an application process that may involve an interview. While acceptance is first come, first served the Louisiana SPCA reserves the right to deny acceptance to anyone who they feel would not be a good fit for the program.
Campers will cover topics including animal body language,how animals learn, animal behavior and training, responsible pet ownership, grooming techniques and much more. Working in pairs, the campers will be assigned a shelter dog to trainduring the 1-week camp. This camp will involve many physical activities along with classroom learning. This camp is organized by the Canine Behavior and Training Department and instructed by two professional dog trainers.
Campers are tested daily on all of the materials presented to ensurethat our Junior Dog Trainers are well-versed in dog training. Graduates of the program may assist at the Shelter andwithspecial events following the completion of their program. As theJDTsenterJr. High SchoolandHighSchool,they may volunteer at the Shelter to fulfill their community service requirements.
Applicants must:
- Be 12-16 years old on the first day of the session in which they are applying
- Complete the entire application and submit it no later than 4 weeks prior to the session in which they are applying
- Have two referencessent to the LA/SPCA for a completed application
- View the video orientation prior to the first day of camp
- Have transportation arrangements to and from the shelter, daily
- Have arrangements for before and after camp care. Camp ends at 4 pm daily, and campers must be picked up by 4:30 pm.
Tuition: $675.00 for the 1-week program and all supplies. Once accepted, tuition is due by three weeks prior to the start of the session. Tuition covers two uniform t-shirts, leash, bait bag, clicker, nametag, all training supplies, classroom supplies, and allfield trip costs. Tuition does not cover lunch, which campers must bring daily.
Orientation: There will be a video orientation that will be sent to approved applicants with their acceptance packet via email.
References:Two references are required. One must be from the applicant’s teacher; the second should be from an adult who is not a relative or a teacher, but who knows the applicant well. Examples would be a scout leader, counselor, principal, church leader, vet, dog trainer, pet sitting client or neighbor. Reference forms for each are provided. References should be sent to: LA/SPCA, 1700 Mardi Gras Blvd, NOLA 70114, Attn: Behavior and Training Department. References must be received for your application to be considered complete.
Uniforms: Uniform T-shirt and nametag with long pants and closed toe, rubber soled shoes.
2016Junior Dog Trainer Application
Completed applications and reference must be received by four weeks prior to Session Start Date.
Mail application to:
LA/SPCA, 1700 Mardi Gras Blvd., NOLA, 70114
Attention: Behavior and Training Department
Mailing Address______
City /Zip______Phone______
Date of Birth______Age at the start of camp______
Phone (work)______(home)______
Phone (work)______(home)______
With whom does the applicant live?______
Email address(es) for camp correspondence:
Will family be able to provide transportation to and from camp?______
Please remember that there is no before or after camp care. Campers may be dropped off no earlier than 8:45a.m. and must be picked up by 4:30p.m. Campers must provide their own lunch daily.
Are there any medical problems of which we should be aware?
What Session are you applying to (circle one)?
Spring - March 21st-25th, 2016 Summer - June 27th – July 1st, 2016 Winter - December 26th – 30th, 2016
References: Please list names and phone numbers of applicant’s references. These must also be submitted by four weeks prior to session start date.
Teacher Name______
Teacher Email______
Name______Relationship to Applicant______
Junior Dog Trainer Applicant: Complete this section without help from another person. You may attach additional pages if you need more space. Please read the following carefully. Be sure you can meet all of the challenges before completing this application.
Please consider me for the Junior Dog TrainerCamp. If accepted, I will attend every day of camp and will participate in all activities. My family will not schedule vacation or special events during camp so that I can attend each day. I realize that this is a learning camp and that I will be required to listen during lectures and pass daily tests. I know the kennels will smell bad, most of the animals are pretty dirty and some of the diseases I will learn about are gross. I understand that I will be required to clean up poop from any of the animals I handle. I love animals and want to help and learn about them so much that I will not complain about such things. I have completed the questions below by myself.
Applicant’s Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature______Date______
1. How did you learn about Junior Dog Trainer Camp and why do you want to attend?
2. Other than animals, describe your interests, talents and/or hobbies.
3. How would you teach a dog to “sit”? ____________
4. If your dog did something wrong, what would you do?
5. If a dog was afraid, what would that look like?______
6. On a separate sheet of paper write a short essay about how attending this camp would help you better the lives of your or other’s animals.
LA/SPCA Junior Dog Trainer Camp
Teacher Reference Form
Please complete this form and mail to:
LA/SPCA Behavior and Training Department
1700 Mardi Gras. Blvd., NOLA 70114
Or email to
This form MUST be received by four weeks prior to session start date.
Applicants: Ask your teacher to mail this form as soon as possible.
Applications will not be considered complete without references, and this camp is filled on a first come, first served basis. Please be sure to thank your teacher for completing this form.
Applicant’s name______
Teacher’s name______
The student above is applying to the LA/SPCA’s Junior Dog Trainer Camp. The camp includes the study of animal health care, dog obedience training, public education and interaction. Successful graduates of the camp will volunteer at the Shelter and help with special events. Junior Dog Trainers must be able to interact well with both animals and potential adopters.
We would appreciate your candid responses, which will be kept confidential. This program is very important to us and your comments aid us in selecting a diverse and committed group of students. Our enrollment is very limited so your input is extremely valuable. If you have any questions regarding the program, please call the LA/SPCA camp coordinator at 368-5191, ext. 329. Thank you for your valuable time and assistance.
1. Whendid you last teach this student?______
2. How long and in what capacity have you known this student?
3. Which best describes the applicant’s relationship with his/her peers?
____Shows leadership/takes charge____Prefers to be alone____Reserved
____ Is easily accepted by his/her peers ____ Other (please explain)
4. Do you know of any special interests, qualities, abilities, disabilities or experiences concerning this applicant which would be helpful for us to know about?______
5. Please evaluate the applicant using the scale below:
1=Outstanding 2=Good 3=Average 4=Fair 5=Below Average U=Unknown
Oral communication skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / UAbility to analyze a problem / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Curiosity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Dependability / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Sense of responsibility / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Self-motivation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Perseverance / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Ability to work independently / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Reaction to constructive criticism / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Regard for authority / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Regard for rules / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Cooperation / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Adaptability / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Sensitivity to feelings of others / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Behavior in a group / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
Ability to follow directions / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / U
6. I recommend this student to the LA/SPCA for the Junior Dog Trainer Camp:
____ with great enthusiasm ____ with confidence ____ with some confidence
____ with reservation ____ I do not recommend this student
Additional comments: ( please explain any reservations) ______
Teacher’s Signature______Date______
Email Address: ______
Phone number (W)______(H)______
Best time of day to contact:______
Reference Criteria: This reference should be from an adult who is not a relative or teacher, but who knows the applicant well. Examples would be a scout leader, counselor, principal, church leader, vet, doctor, dog trainer, pet sitting client or neighbor
Applicant’s Name______
Reference’s Name ______
Relationship to Applicant ______
The applicant above is applying to the LA/SPCA’s Junior Dog Trainer Camp. The camp includes the study of animal health care, dog obedience training, public education and interaction. Successful graduates of the camp will volunteer at the Shelter and help with special events. Junior Dog Trainers must be able to interact well with both animals and potential adopters.
We would appreciate your recommendation, which will be kept confidential. This program is very important to us and your comments aid us in selecting a diverse and committed group of students. Our enrollment is very limited so your input is extremely valuable. If you have any questions regarding the program, please call the LA/SPCA camp coordinator at 368-5191, ext. 329. Thank you for your valuable time and assistance.
I recommend this applicant to the LA/SPCA for the Junior Dog Trainer Camp, for the following reasons:
Do you know of any special interests, qualities, abilities, disabilities or experiences concerning this applicant which would be helpful for us to know about?______