Floods in the city of Riga
Riga, 28 October 2016
Climate-KIC Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change event (hack) which will take place simultaneously in 121 cities around the world.
In Riga the event takes place from 28 October 2016 10:00 AM until 29 October 2016 11:30 AM, at Kipsalas str. 6, RTU Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, room 115.
In 24 hours participants listen to a presentation about the issues and experiences and will work in teams, to discuss, to choose the climate change problem the best solution.
The Challenge
Riga rainfall caused flooding of urban areas. Rainwater management systems and possible solutions. Climate-KIC's Climathon challenge the world's urban population to engage in 24 hours of the climate problem solving workshop. Participants will be able to offer their solutions for solving the flood problem of the city of Riga.
The program
Friday, 28 October 2016, moderator Ansis Bogustovs
Team draw during registration
10:00-10:05 AM Opening and tasks – Jānis Rubulis (RTU), room 115
10:05-10:10 AM Climate-KIC Gatis Bažbauers (RTU, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research), room 115
10:15 AM Presentation "Current Situation and Solutions" in LMT live stream, room 115
Time / Lecturer,1. / 10:15-10:35 / Svetlana Aņiskeviča (LVGMC) / Rainfalls in Latvia: 40 years of data and future forecast
2. / 10:35-10:55 / Pēteris Bethers (Latvijas Universitāte, Vides un tehnoloģisko procesu modelēšanas laboratorija) / Future climate of Latvia and precipitation projections
3. / 10:55-11:15 / Jānis Virbulis (SIA Procesu analīzes un izpētes centrs) / Hydrological model of Riga city, mapping of flooded territories vulnerable to rainfall and snowmelt
4. / 11:15-11:35 / Andris Ločmanis (Rīgas domes Pilsētas attīstības departamenta Stratēģiskās vadības pārvalde) / Rainfall problem hotspots in Riga city in climate change context
11:35-11:55 / Coffy break
5. / 11:55-12:15 / Inga Grīnfelde (LLU) / Urban Hydrology - the latest trends in urban planning for flood risk reduction
6. / 12:15-12:35 / Arta Useļonoka (SIA 3C/LLU) / Stormwater problems and solutions in Zemgale region, Latvia
7. / 12:35-12:50 / Jurijs Kondratenko (Grupa93) / Sustainable rainwater management system in Skanstes neighborhood of Riga city
12:50-13:05 / Coffy break
8. / 13:05-13:25 / Arnis Lektauers (RTU) / Intellectual integrated platform for technological and environmental systems monitoring
9. / 13:25-13:40 / Aija Zučika (LVIF) / Involvment of popullation in to the stormwater monitoring
10. / 13:40-14:00 / Juris Laicāns (SIA Aqua Brambis) / Stormwater collection infrastructure and its development in Riga
14:00-14:30 PM RTU Design factory and clarification of the tasks
14:30-15:30 PM Lunch break
16:00 PM Teamwork, preparation for communicating with other towns. Questions to the expert Mindaugas Rimeika (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithiuania), room 115
18:20 PM Rainwater issues in the Netherlands - presentation and questions to the expert. Contacting to the expert - Floris Boogaard (Delft University of Technology), room 115
19:00 PM Commands 5 minute State of the Art presentation and 5 minutes of questions to Climathon participants in Malme in Sweden. Then hearing presentation from Malme command and answering to the questions, room 115
20:00 PM Dinner
21:00 PM Team work (including State of the Art presentations and questions sending to the Climathon members to other cities with similar problems (Brisbane, Australia, Bogota, Colombia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Guadalajara, Mexico), room 116 and 117
23:00-23:45 PM Social activity (gymnastics, refreshments)
24:00 PM Team work until the morning
Saturday, 29 October 2016, moderator Ansis Bogustovs
8:00-9:00 AM Breakfast
Ideas / solutions presentation, room 115
9:00-9:10 AM the A team
9:15-9:25 AM the B team
10:30-10:40 AM the C team
10:45 AM Coffy break
11:00 AM Award ceremony / closing of event, room 115
Pick up a laptop, clothing which will be comfortable to move a small physical activity, may take a sleeping bag and mattress if necessary take a nap for a while.
More information:
Jānis Rubulis
Water Research Laboratory senior researcher
Evita Ore
Ilze Pusbarniece
If you want to be a global event participant registered Climathon event at the Riga team: