Course Objective:

This course will cover the economic foundations of the United States. You will learn about the free enterprise system, factors of production, supply, demand, trade-offs, opportunity costs, and other concepts in economics. You will explore your role as citizens, consumers, producers, and taxpayers while studying fundamental economic principles. Economics includes five main units which are fundamentals, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and personal finance.

Required Text:

Prentice Hall: Economics-Principles in Action

Grading Scale:


Class work/Homework/Quizzes30%

EOCT (Students entering 2011-2012)20%

EOCT(Students who entered HS 2010-2011 or before)15%

Final Exam 5%

Course Requirements:

You will need your textbook and notebook every other day on our A/B schedule.

Be on time to class. (See tardy policy in your student handbook)

Please pay attention and actively participate in class.

Respect yourselves, your peers, and your teacher and I will do the same.

Homework Policy:

You should review what we do in class each day to reinforce your own learning because we do have an EOCT in Economics!

Homework and make up policy guidelines are stated in the student handbook.

Here are the chapters we will be covering in conjunction with our Georgia Standards from Picasso.

Chapter 1Factors of Production, wants, needs, opportunity costs, trade-offs,

production possibilities curve

Chapter 2Features of economic systems, Adam Smith, laissez-faire, Invisible

Hand Theory, circular flow model

Chapter 3Free Enterprise, voluntary exchange, role of consumers and

government, public and private goods

Chapter 4, 5, 6 Demand, supply, equilibrium prices, elastic and inelastic demand

foritems and how that affects price

Chapter 7 Features of various types of market structures and examples

of each

Chapter 12Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Consumer Price Index (CPI), key

indicators of economic performance, business cycles

Chapter 13Unemployment rate, inflation, types of unemployment, CPI

Chapter 14Role of government in the economy, types of taxes

Chapter 15Fiscal Policy

Chapter 16 Discount rate, fiscal policy, reserve requirement, Federal Reserve,

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), and open market

Operations, monetary policy

Chapter 17Benefits of international trade, fluctuating exchange rates based on

supply and demand, comparative and absolute advantage, trade

deficits, imports, and exports

Personal FinancePages 502-528

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have! I am always available before or after school. (I prefer mornings because I arrive at school early, so I will be available to help you!)

I will post what we do to my blog; be sure and check it frequently particularly if you are absent from class!

Breakdown of Economic Standards-Pacing Guide

Fundamentals20.5%14 items2 weeks

Micro22%15 items4 weeks

Macro20.5%14 items5 weeks

International18%12 items2 weeks

Personal Finance19%13 items2 weeks

Social Studies phone # 770-819-2521-Ex. 239

Georgia Performance Standards