Under the auspices of the International Marcé Society
In collaboration with the French SpeakingMarcé Society, WAIMH-F and A.R.I.P.
International Workshops in ClinicalSkills for PerinatalPsychiatry
La TeppeMedical Centre, France
DisruptiveThinking / CreativeClinical Practices
Level E
Pr Scott Stuart, MD (University of Iowa, USA)
Dates: 16 – 17 September 2013from 9am to 5pm.
Location: Audiovisual Room, La Teppe, 26602 Tain l’Hermitage, France
Enrollment by e-mail
Limited number of places
Cost of Training kept to a minimum :50 euros which includes 2 lunches
Location : South of France
Airport : Lyon. Easy acces by fast train (TGV) from Paris
Training conductedentirely in English, withoutinterpretation
For enrolment or further information
contact (preferably by e-mail):
Dr Oguz OMAY
PerinatalPsychiatry Consultation
La Teppe Médical Center
26602 Tain l’Hermitage Cedex
Tel: +(33)4 75 07 59 49
Disruptive Thinking / CreativeClinical Practices
Pr Scott Stuart, MD
InterpersonalPsychotherapy (IPT) is a time-limitedindividualpsychotherapyfocused on symptom relief and interpersonalfunctioning. IPT has been empiricallydemonstrated to be effective in the treatment of affective disorders and interpersonalproblems, and has proved tobeparticularlyhelpful for womenwithdepressionduringpregnancy and the postpartum. Pr. Stuart, alongwithhiscolleague Pr. Michael O’Hara, have been conductingresearch on IPT for perinatalwomen for over 15 years.
This course isdesigned to teach participants to teachotherclinicians to use InterpersonalPsychotherapy. General principles and techniques for «teaching workshops»willbecovered, withspecific information about teaching IPT. The course willemphasize practice exercises and participant observation in small groups, and willalsoinvolveteachingexperiencewith participant feedback.
The idea of this unique workshop comesfrom a highlyqualified group of IPT trainerswhoworkedtogetherduring the 2012 Level E course in La Teppe. Our aimis to continue to foster new, disruptive thinking and clinicalcreativitybased on IPT principles. Scott Stuart will guide the sharing of experience and interactions of amotivated group of therapists, supervisors, and experiencedIPT trainers.
The course isco-sponsored by the IPT Institute. It is open to all experiencedclinicianswho have an interest in IPT and supervision.A few number of motivatedprofessionalswith no priorexposure to IPT maybeaccepted, depending on places available. Thoseclinicianswho are registeredwith the IPT Institute atLevel D (Certified IPT Supervisor) are eligible to receiveLevel E accreditation (Certified IPT Trainer) aftercompleting the course.
Pr Scott Stuart, MD
Pr. Stuart is a psychiatrist and aProfessor of Psychiatry and Psychologyat the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Iowa (USA). He has been active in clinicalwork, education and research in the areas of InterpersonalPsychotherapy and perinatalpsychiatryduring the last twodecades. Dr. Stuart completedhismedical training at the University of Kansas, followed by internshipat the University of Pittsburgh. He has receivedseveralteachingawards, including the John ClancyTeacher of the YearAward (Department of Psychiatry of the University of Iowa)
Pr. Stuart is the President and co-founder of the International Society of InterpersonalPsychotherapists and Director of the InterpersonalPsychotherapy Institute. He has alsoauthored a number of articles on IPT, and is the co-author of an internationallyacclaimedtextbook on InterpersonalPsychotherapy.