Rule5.500+Appendix of 5.100


Applicability. This Rule applies to all proposed interconnections of GenerationResources within the State of Vermont which are not (i) lawfullysubject to ISO-NE interconnection rules or successor rules approved by FERC, or (ii) subject to the Board's net metering rule (Rule 5.100), for which the interconnection provisions of those rules will govern.This Rule does not apply to facilities within the State of Vermont that were interconnected or hadobtained all necessaryapprovals for interconnection with electric power transmission ordistribution systems prior to 60 business days after the effective date of this Rule.


(1)Affected System – any electric system that is either directly or indirectlyconnected to theInterconnectingUtility's electric system that could be adverselyaffected by theinterconnection and parallel operation of the Interconnection Requester's GenerationResource.

(2)Application – a request for interconnection initiated bythe completed Standard ApplicationFormprovidedbytheBoardfortheinterconnectionofGenerationResources,the $300 Application fee, documentation of site control, and information regardingcertificationorUnderwritersLaboratorylistingoftheInterconnectionRequester'sGenerationResource.[DKM2]TheBoardmayrevisetheStandardApplicationFormfromtimetotime,asnecessary.

(3)Automatic Disconnect Device – an electronic ormechanical switch used to isolate a circuit or piece of equipment from a source ofpower without the need for human intervention.

(4)Board – the Vermont Public Service Board.

(5)Disconnect (verb) – To isolate a circuit or equipment from a source of power. If isolationis accomplished with a solid-state device, "disconnect"shall mean to cease the transfer of power.

(6)Disconnection – the state of a circuit or equipment being disconnected from a source ofpower.


(8)Emergency–asituationinwhichcontinuedinterconnectionofaGenerationResource isimminently likelyto result in significant disruption of service or endanger life orproperty.

(9)Facilities Study – a studyto determine which Interconnection Facilities or SystemUpgrades are necessary for interconnection of the Generation Resource.

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(10)FacilitiesStudyReport-containstheresultsoftheFacilitiesStudy,andistransmitted tothe Interconnection Requester in accordance with Section 5.507(G)(3).

(11)Fast Track – the process for establishingan interconnection for certain qualifyingGeneration Resources in accordance with Section 5.506 of this Rule.

(12)FastTrackScreeningCriteria–thescreeningcriteriaforGenerationResourcesset forthin Section 5.505(B) of this Rule.

(13)Feasibility Study– a study consisting of initial engineeringanalyses regarding thefeasibility of interconnecting the Generation Resource, if the Generation Resource is noteligible for Fast Track.

(14)Feasibility StudyReport - contains the results of the FeasibilityStudy, and other information pursuant to Sections 5.507(E)(6)(a) through (c).

(15)FERC – the Federal EnergyRegulatoryCommission.

(16)GenerationResource–afacilitythatproduceselectricenergyfromotherenergysources. This will includes batterieselectric energy storage capable of inserting[DKM3] electric energy oconnetedn to the grid by way of inverters.

(17)IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

(18)InterconnectingUtility – Electric utilitywith which the Interconnection Requesterproposes to interconnect a Generation Resource.

(19)Interconnection Agreement – an agreement between an Interconnecting Utility andInterconnection Requester regarding the interconnection and parallel operation of aGeneration Resource. The Interconnection Agreement is accompanied by or includesTechnicalRequirementsandOperatorProtocols.

(20)Interconnection Facilities – all facilities and equipment between the Generation Resourceand the Point of Interconnection, includingany modification, additions or upgrades thatare necessaryto physicallyand electricallyinterconnect the Generation Resource to the InterconnectingUtility's distribution or transmission system. Interconnection Facilities aresole-usefacilitiesandshallnotincludeSystemUpgrades.

(21)Interconnection Requester – person or entity who proposes to interconnect a GenerationResourcewithanInterconnectingUtility.

(22)Interconnection Queue – The list of Applications for the interconnection of GenerationResources,inorderbaseduponthedate-andtime-stampofcompleteApplications,maintainedbyeachInterconnectionUtility.

(23)ISO-NE – Independent System Operator of New England, Inc.

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(24)Operator Protocols - an agreement between the Interconnection Requester and theInterconnectingUtility pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the GenerationResource.

(25)Point of Interconnection – The point at which the interconnection between theInterconnectingUtility's system and the Interconnection Requester's equipment interfaceoccurs.

(25)(26)Pre-screen[ADS4] -

(26)(27)PSB – the Vermont Public Service Board.

(27)(28)Radial Feeder – a distribution line that branches out from a substation and is normallynot connectedtoanothersubstationoranothercircuitsharingacommonsupplyofelectricpower.

(28)(29)Scoping Meeting – an optional meeting between the Interconnecting Utility and theInterconnection Requester to discuss the results of the review of the Fast Track ScreeningCriteria,andhowtoproceedwiththeinterconnectionrequest.

(29)(30)Standard Application Form - the form included as Attachment 1 to this Rule, as maybe amended by theBoard from time to time.

(30)(31)System Impact Study – anystudy or studies performed by an Interconnection Utility or adesignated third partyto ensure the safety, reliability, and stabilityof the electric powersystemwithrespecttotheinterconnectionofGenerationResources.

(31)(32)System Impact Study Report - contains the results of the System Impact Study, and otherinformation pursuant to Sections 5.507(F)(4)(a) through (c).

(32)(33)System Upgrades – the additions, modifications, and upgrades to the distribution systemand/ortransmissionsystematorbeyondthePointofInterconnectiontofacilitateinterconnection of the Generation Resource. System Upgrades do not includeInterconnectionFacilities.

(33)(34)Technical Requirements - an agreement between the Interconnection Requester and theInterconnectingUtility designed to provide protection to the public and to the personneland equipment of the Interconnection Requester and Interconnecting Utilityfrom thephysical and financial risks associated with the interconnection and parallel operation oftheproposedGenerationResource.TheinterconnectionTechnicalRequirementsaccomplish this task through including, but not limited to, ensuring the installation of properprotectivedevicesandmeteringequipment,andestablishingperformancecriteriato minimize the probability that the Generation Resourcewill reduce the quality of serviceontheInterconnectingUtility'ssystem.


Rule5.500+Appendix of 5.100


5.502General Procedures

(A)Generation Resources up to 150 kW [DKM5]shall follow the interconnection requirements in Appendix A to this rule, and are exempt from the remaining requirements of this rule, unless specifically noted. If additional studies are needed pursuant to Table 1 of Appendix A, the Interconnecting Utility shall follow the process of this rule. Generation Resources greater than 150 kW shall follow the requirements of this rule,[b6]Applications for proposed Generation Resources less than 75 kW, including such applications received under the processes of Rule 5.100, shall be allowed to interconnect if the Interconnecting Utility does not raise any issues within thirty days of receipt of the Application.

(B)Applications for proposed Generation Resources less than 75150 kW, including such applications received under the processes of Rule 5.100, shall be allowed to interconnect if the Interconnecting Utility does not raise any issues within thirty [ash7]days of receipt of the Application.

(C)ApplicationsforproposedGenerationResourcesthataredeterminedtobecomplete inaccordancewithSection5.504,andwhichsatisfyalloftheFastTrackScreeningCriteriaof Section 5.505 shall proceed directly to the Interconnection Agreement in accordance with Section 5.506(D)(B), shall follow the Fast Track process specified in Section 5.506.

(D)Complete Applications for proposed Generation Resources that do not meet all of the Fast Track Screening Criteria may proceed directly to the Interconnection Agreement in accordance with Section 5.506(D) if the Interconnecting Utility determines in writing that the Generation Resource may nevertheless be interconnected consistent with safety, reliability and power quality standards.

(E)If the proposed interconnection fails the Fast Track Screening Criteria of Section 5.505 and the Interconnecting Utility cannot determine that the Generation Resource may nevertheless be interconnected consistent with safety, reliability and power quality standards, then the Interconnecting Utility may offer to perform either a supplemental review in accordance with Section _____ or to proceed to the appropriate Feasibility, System Impact, and/or Facilities Studies as set forth in Section 5.507 of this Rule.

(F)The Standard Application Form is included as Attachment 1 to this Rule.

(A)After providing an opportunity for comment to the Department of Public Service, electric utilities, and other affected parties, the Board will provide model documents, which may be used by the Interconnecting Utility and Interconnection Requester, for the following: Feasibility Study Agreement, System Impact Study Agreement, Facilities Study Agreement, Interconnection Agreement, Technical Requirements, and Operator Protocols. However, the Interconnecting Utility and Interconnection Requester may also voluntarily enter into different arrangements. In the event that these parties are unable to agree upon the terms of an agreement to be reached under this Rule, either party may petition the Board under Section 5.508(D) of this Rule for resolution of the dispute.

Complete Applications for proposed Generation Resources that do not meet all of the Fast Track Screening Criteria shall be evaluated through the appropriate Feasibility, System Impact, and/or Facilities Studies as set forth in Section 5.507 of this Rule. The Standard Application Form is included as Attachment 1 to this Rule.

(C)(G)After providing an opportunity for comment to the Department of Public Service, electric utilities, and other affected parties, the Board will provide model documents, which may be used by the Interconnecting Utility and Interconnection Requester, for the following: Feasibility Study Agreement, System Impact Study Agreement, Facilities Study Agreement, Interconnection Agreement, Technical Requirements, and Operator Protocols. However, the Interconnecting Utility and Interconnection Requester may also voluntarily enter into different arrangements. In the event that these parties are unable to agree upon the terms of an agreement to be reached under this Rule, either party may petition the Board under Section 5.508(D) of this Rule for resolution of the dispute.

(H)The time deadlines specified in this Rule are maximum times. To avoid unnecessary delayoftheGenerationResourceproject,theInterconnectingUtilityisencouraged tocomplete each task in less time than allotted, to the extent feasible.

(D)(I)AflowchartfortheinterconnectionproceduresspecifiedinthisRuleisincluded inAppendix AB. The flow chart is provided for informational purposes only, and is not partof this Rule.[b8]

(J)For Feasibility, System Impact or Facilities studies for which these Rules require the Interconnection Customer to bear the cost, the Interconnecting Utility may propose to group projects for more than one Interconnection Requester in order to minimize costs through economies of scale.

5.503Application Submittal and Determination of Complete Application

(A)Pre-ApplicationScreen[HA9]. ToassistanInterconnectionRequesterintheinterconnectionprocess,the Interconnecting Utility shall designate an employeeor office from which informationon the application process can be obtained through an informal request bytheInterconnectionRequesterpresentingaproposedproject. Whenrespondingtothefirstsuch informal request, the Interconnecting Utilityshall inform the InterconnectionRequesterof,andhowtoaccess,thisRule. Systeminformationprovided toInterconnection Requesters should include relevant existing system studies, existinginterconnection studies, and other existing materials useful to an understandingof an interconnection at a particular point on the InterconnectingUtility's electric system. TheInterconnectingUtility shall complywith reasonable requests for such information. Prior totheInterconnectionRequester'sfilinganApplication,theInterconnectingUtilityshallinform the Interconnection Requester of its view on whether the interconnection of the

proposed Generation Resource is governed by this Rule, Rule 5.100, or theinterconnection requirements of the ISO-NE or successor rules approved byFERC, andthe basis for that view.

(B)Application. The Interconnection Requester shall complete and submit to the Interconnecting Utility the appropriate application form, provided by the Board in an electronic format. The electronic form shall direct the completed application immediately and electronically to the Interconnecting Utility.

(1)For net metered systems of less than XX kW in capacity, the Registration or Application form applicable to the system under Rule 5.100.

(1)(2)For other systems, Standard Application Form, provided by the Board, forsingle-phase or three-phase equipment[DKM10]of any size. In addition to the StandardApplication Form, the Interconnection Requester shall include the following items andinformation in an Application:

(a)The$300Applicationfee. TheApplicationfeeshallbenon-refundable,unlesstheApplicationiswithdrawnwithinfivebusinessdaysofsubmittal.

(b)Documentation of site control, which maybe demonstrated through:

•Ownership of, a leasehold interest in, or a right to develop a site for thepurpose of constructing a Generation Resource;

•An option to purchase or acquire a leasehold site forsuch purpose; or

•An exclusivityExclusivity or other business relationship between the GenerationResource and the entityhaving the right to sell, lease or grant theGeneration Resource the right to possess or occupy a site for such purpose.

(2)(3)Information regarding certification or Underwriters Laboratorylisting of the[DKM11]Interconnection Requester's Generation Resource.

(B)(C)The Interconnecting Utility shall date- and time-stamp Applications upon receipt. Theoriginal date- and time-stamp applied to the Application at the time of its originalsubmissionforinterconnectionshallbeacceptedasthequalifyingdate-andtime-stampfor the purposes of anytimetable in this Rule and for inclusion in the Interconnecting Utility's Interconnection Queue.

(C)(D)Initial notifications byInterconnectingUtility

(1)The Interconnecting Utility shall provide the Interconnection Requester with anotification of receipt within 5 business days of receiving the InterconnectionRequester's Application.

(2)The Interconnecting Utility shall notifythe Interconnection Requester within 10businessdaysofthereceiptoftheApplicationastowhethertheApplicationiscomplete or incomplete.

(a)If the Application is complete, the Interconnecting Utilityshall notify the

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Affected Systems in accordance with the same interconnection notificationprotocolsthatwouldapplyiftheApplicationweresubjecttoFERCjurisdiction,andshallplacetheApplicationintheInterconnectingUtility'sInterconnection Queue.

(b)If the Application is incomplete, the Interconnecting Utilityshall provide,alongwiththeNoticethattheApplicationisincomplete,awritten listdetailing all information that must be provided to complete the Application. TheInterconnectionRequestershallhave10businessdaysafter receipt of the Notice to submit the listed information or to request an extension of time to provide such information. If the InterconnectionRequester does not provide the listed information or a request for an extension of time within the 10-business day deadline, the Applicationshall be deemed withdrawn. If the Interconnection Requester requests an extension but does not provide the listed information within the extension time limit, then the Application shall be deemed withdrawn. The Interconnecting Utility need not agree to additional extension requests if there are other Interconnection Requesters in the queue on the same circuit. An Application will be complete upon submissionofthelistedinformationtotheInterconnectingUtility.

(D)(E)Each Interconnecting Utility shall maintain an Interconnection Queue for proposed Generation Resources above XX kW. TheInterconnectingUtility shall assign each complete Application a position in theInterconnection Queue based upon the date- and time-stamp of the InterconnectionRequester'sApplication.Thedate-andtime-stampoftheApplicationwillbeused todetermine the cost responsibility forany System Upgrades necessaryto accommodate theinterconnection.At the InterconnectingUtility's option, interconnection requests maybestudiedseriallyorinclustersforthepurposeoftheSystemImpactStudy.

(E)(F)Modification of Application. Any material modification to machine data or equipmentconfiguration or to the Point of Interconnection not agreed to in writing bytheInterconnectingUtility and the Interconnection Requester maybe deemed bytheInterconnectingUtility as a withdrawal of theApplication and may require submission ofanewApplication,unlesspropernotificationofeachpartybytheotherandareasonabletimetocuretheproblemscreatedbythechangesareundertaken. Thisprovision shallapply duringthe process described in Sections 5.505 through 5.508 of this Rule.


(A)Within 15 business days after the Interconnecting Utilitynotifies the InterconnectionRequesterithasreceivedacompleteApplication,theInterconnectingUtilityshallperformareviewoftheApplicationundertheFastTrackScreeningCriteriaset forthbelow, which is applicable to the Generation Resource under consideration, shall notify the Interconnection Requester of the results, and shall include with thenotificationcopiesoftheanalysisand dataunderlyingtheInterconnectingUtility'sdeterminations under the applicable Fast Track Screening Criteria.


(1)The Interconnection Requester's proposed Generation Resourcemeets theapplicable codes and standards of Section 5.510 or is a certified equipment

package under Section 5.511.[b13]

(2)The proposed interconnection point is not at a transmission voltage subject to ISO-NE rules. (i.e., not over 23 kV line to line or 13.28 kV line to neutral).

(3)For interconnection to a Radial Feeder, the aggregated generation, including theproposed Generation Resource, on the circuit will not exceed 15% ofthe line section annual peak load as most recentlymeasured at the substation. A line section is that portion of a distribution system connected to acustomer bounded by Automatic Disconnect Devices or the end of the distribution line.

(4)The aggregated generation, including the proposed Generation Resource, on adistributioncircuitwillnotcontributemore than10%tothedistributioncircuit'smaximum fault current at the point on the high voltage (primary) level nearest theproposed interconnection point.

(5)The aggregated generation, including the proposed Generation Resource, on adistribution circuit will not cause any distribution protective devices andequipment (including, but not limited to, substation breakers, fuse cutouts, and linereclosers),orcustomerequipmentonthesystemtoexceed87.5%oftheshort-circuit interrupting capability; nor is the Generation Resource proposed for acircuit that alreadyexceeds 87.5% of the short-circuit interrupting capability.

(6)For interconnection of a proposed single-phase or effectively-grounded three-phase Generation Resource wherethe primary distribution system is three-phase,four-wire, the Generation Resourcewill be connected line-to-neutral.For interconnection of a proposed single-phaseor three-phase Generation Resourcewhere the primarydistribution system is three-phase, three-wire, the GenerationResource will be connected line-to-line.

(7)Voltagedropduetostartingtheproposedgeneratoriswithinacceptablelimits,meaning that inrush current, due to starting the proposed Generation Resource uptoonceperhour,isnotgreaterthan 3%oftheavailablefaultcurrent.Voltagedrop due to starting the proposed Generation Resource more than once per hourmeets a tighter inrush-current tolerance, to be determined bythe InterconnectingUtility.

(7)(8)Voltage flicker caused by the proposed Generation Resource shall comply with IEEE Std. 1453 unless a utility has a more rigorous standard documented that it uses for flicker analysis[b14].

(8)(9)For anysingle Generation Resource, the available utility short circuit current atthe Point of Interconnection divided bythe rated output current of the Generation Resource is no less than:


(b)40 for Generation Resources from 100 kW to less than 500 kW; and

(c)20 for Generation Resources equal to or greater than 500 kW.

(9)(10)Aggregate generation, including the Proposed Generation Resources, on a circuit will not exceed 2 MVA shall not be locatedinanareawherethereareknownorpostedtransientstabilitylimitations to generating units located in the general electrical vicinity(e.g., threeor four busses from the point of interconnection).

(11)No sSystem Upgradesmodifications, in excess of limited preparations that do not necessitate aFacilities Study[ash15], arerequired to facilitate the interconnection of the GenerationResource. For purpose of this Fast Track Criterion, system modifications include but are not limited to the following:

(a)Single phase to three phase conversion on a distribution line even if constructed pursuant to a line extension tariff;[b16]

(b)Modification or replacement of existing line equipment

(c)Any construction or modifications to transmission or subtransmission facilities

(d)Any construction or modifications to distribution facilities for addition of protective devices or communication equipment.

For purposes of this Fast Track Criterion, system modifications do not include the following:

(a)Line extensions constructed pursuant to the Interconnecting Utility’s line extension tariff;

(b) Required equipment for Interconnection Facilities (e.g., PCC recloser, communication/SCADA requirements and metering).

(10)(12)For interconnection of the proposed Generation Resource to the load side of spotnetwork protectors, the proposed Generation Resource utilizes inverter-basedequipment and aggregate generation, including proposed Generation Resource,will not exceed the smaller of 5% of a spot network's maximum load or 50 kW. Synchronous generators cannot be connected to a secondarynetwork.

(11)(13)IftheGenerationResourceistobeconnectedonashared,single-phasesecondary,aggregate generation capacityon the shared secondary, including the proposedgeneration, will not exceed 20 kVA.

(12)(14)If the Generation Resource is single-phase and is to be interconnected on a centertap neutral of a 240 volt service, its addition will not create an imbalancebetween the two sides of the 240 volt service of more than 20% of the servicetransformer nameplate.

5.505Applications Eligible for Fast Track

(A)Applications for proposed Generation Resources shall be eligible for Fast Track if theproposed Generation Resource satisfies all of the Fast Track Screening Criteria. At thetime the InterconnectingUtility notifies the Interconnection Requester of the results of thereview of the Fast Track Screening Criteria, if the Application is eligible for Fast Track,the Interconnecting Utility shall present the Interconnection Requester with the option ofFastTrackingtheApplication. IflimitedandlowcostpreparationsarerequiredtoFastTrack the proposed Generation Resource, a good-faith cost estimate shall accompanythenotification that the requested interconnection satisfied the Fast Track Screening Criteria.can be Fast Tracked.Ifthe InterconnectionRequester indicates in response to this notification that it does not want to proceed further, the Application will be considered withdrawn.