Akim of the North Kazakhstan region

Sultanov Yerik

1stSession of the Regional Council of Investors’

attraction and the investment climate improvement

of the North Kazakhstan region

Petropavlovsk city

22nd of January 2016



Chapter 1

General subject

1.The purpose of the Investment Declaration of the North- Kazakhstan region (hereinafter - the Declaration) is to create conditions for the region's economic growth through support to investment projects in the region as the earliest possible dates, their administrative support to ensure prompt approval agreement procedures.

2.The Declaration is an important part of the activities of the executive authorities of the North Kazakhstan region to ensure a favorable investment climate in the region, thereby will provide investment activity subjects with full information about the investment policy carried out on the territory of North- Kazakhstan region.

3.Responsible body for the implementation of the provisions of this Declaration is the Management of industrial and innovative development of the North Kazakhstan region (hereinafter - the Coordinator).

4.The monitoring of the provisions of this Declaration is implemented ​​by the Coordinator.

Chapter 2.

The main directions of investment policy

5.The main directions of investment policy in the North Kazakhstan region are:

1)creation of favorable business environment in the North Kazakhstan region;

2)creation the prepared infrastructure for an investment, aimed on the innovative development of the economy of the North Kazakhstan region;

3)improvement of mechanisms to attract and support investment;

4)improving the efficiency of the use of state measures of investment activity support;

5)active support for effective investment projects for the production of competitive products;

6)enhanced attraction of investments in high-tech industries, based on the "knowledge economy", producing competitive products that comply with international standards (with a high level of productivity and added value);

7)creating conditions for mobilizing domestic and increase the inflow of foreign investment resources and new technologies to the economy of the North Kazakhstan region;

8)the expansion of investment sources;

9)the implementation of measures for informational lighting and offers of the development opportunities of resource based and tourism industry;

10)the formation and distribution of information on investment opportunities in districts of the North Kazakhstan region;

11) Stimulation of investments through the formation of the cluster complexes in the economy of the region through the development of public-private partnerships;

12)informational and personnel support of investment activities

Chapter 3

Priority directions of investment policy of the North Kazakhstan region

6.Priority directions for investment are based on the current competitive advantages of the region in the field of:

  • agro-industrial complex;
  • machine-building;
  • food processing industry;
  • wood processing;
  • mining and processing of mineral raw materials with high added value;
  • transport infrastructure;
  • creation of tourism clusters;
  • development of the metallurgical complex;
  • production of modern building materials and the development of high-tech construction productions;
  • energy-saving technologies.

Chapter 4

Subjects of the investment activity

7. Subjects of the investment activity are investors, customers, executors of works, users of the investment activity objects, as well as providers, legal entities (banking, insurance and brokerage companies, investment exchanges) and other participants of the investment process.

8. Subjects of the investment activity may be individuals and legal entities, including foreign ones.

Chapter 5

Interaction of subjects of the investment activity

9. Order of interaction of the investment activity entities is established within the framework of the current legislation and in accordance with international agreements and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 6.

Principles of investment policy of the North Kazakhstan region

  1. Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region welcomes the information transparency of investment activity subjects.
  2. Akimat of the North Kazakhstan oblast is ready to offer for investors the favorable conditions for the realization of investment projects on the territory of North Kazakhstan region in accordance with the legislation of the state support for investment projects.
  3. Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region provides equal conditions, both for Kazakhstani and for foreign investors, while focusing attention on the social, economic and environmental efficiency of the investment projects.
  4. Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region strictly adheres to the investor's right to free choice of contractors, suppliers and any other counterparties, guarantees non-interference in the economic activities of investors, to implement investment projects on the territory of the North Kazakhstan region.
  5. The policy of akimat of the North Kazakhstan region related to investors is aimed at reducing the administrative barriers, as well as on the development of "one window" system and the transition to the provision of public and municipal services in electronic form

Chapter 9

Regional Council of Investors' attraction and the investment climate improvement of the North Kazakhstan region

  1. In order to improve the effectiveness of the investment policy, to create a favorable investment climate, implementation of investment projects (programs), as well as developing proposals for the creation of effective mechanisms for investment and entrepreneurship, improving the competitiveness of economy in the North Kazakhstan region the work of Regional Council of Investors attraction and the investment climate improvement of the North Kazakhstan region is organized (hereinafter - the Council of Investors).
  2. In its further work, the Council of Investors is guided by the Regulations of the Regional Council of Investors' attraction and the investment climate improvement of the North-Kazakhstan region.