/ Alumni

November 2015
Challenging the mind – Living the Faith


Message from the Principal

With the 2015-2016 school year, Saint Mary Catholic School opened its doors beginning its one hundred forty-first school year! Our school community continues to be blessed with new and returning families who recognize the value and importance of a Catholic education and are making many a sacrifice to ensure their children have that advantage.

This year begins a year-long reaccreditation process. The Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic Schools are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement. Through AdvancED, a rigorous, on-site external review of the Archdiocese of Baltimore school system will be conducted to ensure that all learners realize their full potential. SMCS will participate in a self-study as part of the continuous improvement process. Areas of focus will be Catholic Identity, Academic Excellence, Governance and Leadership, and Operational Vitality.

As you probably remember, each year our students in grades 3 through 8 participate in standardized testing. Grade level results are posted on our website under the Academics tab, on the Standardized Testing page. Once again our students performed well above the 50th percentile, which is the national average on the Stanford 10. In addition, five out of six grades tested scored in the top 15% of the nation in reading and in mathematics based on each class’s mean scaled score. This chart may also be found on the Standardized Testing page of our website. What does this mean? Our students were extremely close to earning scores that would have made SMCS eligible to apply for National Blue Ribbon status. Our students should be commended for their hard work. Faculty and staff will continue raising the bar and challenging our students.

In our efforts to keep current in this digital world, our computer lab now has 34 touchscreen computers. Our students are able to acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning, and producing multimedia projects. We believe the modernization of the lab is leading to increased student engagement and is improving the quality of student use of technology, including presentations and projects. This was made possible by the grant from The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Foundation in the amount of $46,790. Cutting edge technology is definitely a priority in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. In May 2015, Archbishop Lori announced an initiative to place 3-D printers in every Archdiocesan Catholic elementary and high school. SMCS is part of the second cohort of schools to receive the 3-D printer. Our printer has arrived and a group of teachers is attending training sessions for utilizing this incredible technology tool.

Understanding the importance of providing good communication and of having a fresh, interesting, and aesthetically-pleasing design, we retired our website and teacher pages after six years. Our new website launched on the first day of school. There is a page dedicated for Alumni, we just need your news and pictures sent to .

Our school building has also enjoyed some upgrades. In the 2013 Legislative Session, Maryland’s General Assembly passed legislation providing $3.5 million to nonpublic schools who currently participate in the Maryland Nonpublic Student Textbook Program for renovations and security-related upgrades to existing nonpublic school buildings. The program is administered through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). The windows in Pre-K, kindergarten, and the K-2 resource room were replaced for a cost of $13,200. St. Mary Catholic School received $12,050 in grant money from the Nonpublic Aging Schools Fund toward the window replacements. Thanks to the success of the 2014 HSA Auction Event, air-conditioning units were installed in the kindergarten, first, and second grade homeroom classrooms. $21,383 from the Auction proceeds was used to fund this cool
improvement. Thank you, HSA!
Although there are changes in technology and cosmetic upgrades to our facilities, our mission, Saint MaryCatholic School empowers children in their faith journey and promotes academic excellence and life-long service inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a nurturing community, remains constant.

Please plan a visit to your Alma Mater during Catholic Schools Week, January 30 through February 5, 2016. Catholic Schools Week is rooted in so much tradition, beginning with the Pancake Breakfast on January 30, and ending with our First Friday Mass at 10:30 A.M. on February 5. Tours are given daily that week between 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. Please join us!

May God Bless you!

Patricia McDermott



SMCS Art Teacher, Mrs. Stacey Renken (Class of 1987) has created a partnership between Washington County Museum of Fine Arts and St. Mary. All art classes visited the museum last spring. The Museum showcased art work that SMCS students created during Mrs. Renken’s artist studies. All of our K-8 students had a piece of their original artwork on display. A special reception was held. Two hundred thirty-four guests attended the show and reception. In March 2016 the second annual SMCS Art Show will be hosted at the Museum. What a fabulous opportunity for our students (and art teacher) to shine!

St. Mary Catholic School graduated thirty-three students in 2015. They are pictured here: Row 1, left to right: Norah Cvijanovich, Zara Ahmed, Meghan Scott, Emily Saylor, Olivia Brooks, Elizabeth Fisher; Row 2: Anna Mele, Sarah Sardina, Emma Ortiz, Amanda Thomas, Aria Smith, Quinton Reed; Row 3:

Morgan Giannoumis, Kira Lutz, Emily Concovia, Charlotte Larkin, Frederick Farah; Row 4: Grant Shanholtz, Cole Trippett, Nathan Haupt, James McKane, Gabriel Burgess; Row 5:Jahi Fleet, Steven Hamilla, Jacob Kornilow, Elias Blumenberg, Colette Waldron; Row 6: Noah Litzinger, Harrison Ewing, Zachary Towns, Benjamin Byers, and Joseph Jacques.




St. Mary Catholic School 2015 graduate, Cole Trippett, erected a statue of the Blessed Mother on St. Mary Church property, at the corner of West Washington and Walnut Streets. This project was part of his Eagle Scout program.

Cole is a member of Troop 4 of the Mason-Dixon Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The statue is dedicated to Sister Corda, who graduated from the school in 1944, and taught at St. Mary for many years.

Cole raised the money for the statue himself through the church bulletin and he worked with different companies to make his project become a reality. He decided on the statue for his project after speaking with Principal, Mrs. Patricia McDermott. Mrs. McDermott said she was very touched when she found out Cole wanted to do something for the church and school, and she spoke with theReverend J. Collin Poston, pastor of St. Mary Church, about what Cole could do.

“From the time our students are in kindergarten, they learn to give back to the community, so I thought it was very fitting that Cole wanted to give back to the school and the church, and it just makes you proud that the lessons they learned in the classroom are carried over to the community,” she said.
Cole is attending Mount St. Joseph High School.



Student Council Officers 2015-2016

President – Sofia Corsi

Vice President – Jackson Pentony

Secretary – Ava Giannaris

Treasurer – Stephen Reiter

Parliamentarian – Aba Mitchual

National Junior Honor Society Officers 2015-2016

President – Alice Poffenberger

Vice President – Owen O’Connor

Secretary – Anne Balog

Treasurer – Morgan McMahon

Parliamentarian – Lauren Beck

St. Mary

Gifts of $1,000 & up

Mr. Ryan & Ms. Justine Beachley

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bockrath

Mr. Howard B. Bowen

Ms. Carolyn Cusumano(in memory of William & Sheila Sayles)

Ms. Justina E. Eke(in honor of my children, grandchildren and staff at City Pediatrics)

Mr. & Mrs. Duane Grove

Dr. Francisco Japzon

Reverend George A. Limmer(in memory of Dorothy & Aaron Limmer)

Mr. & Mrs. SatyarajuMangalapati

Dr. & Mrs. Neil O’Malley (in honor of unborn babies)

Reverend J. Collin Poston

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rankin (in memory of Margaret Rankin)

Father Alfred S. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. James Stojak

St. James Catholic Church

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Gifts of $500 to $999

Mr. & Mrs. Frankie Corsi

Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Jones

Ms. Paula Radley

Mrs. Helen Walla

Catholic Daughters

St. Joseph

Gifts of $250 to $499

Mrs. Joan Ray Bernhard

Mr. Joe Breslin

Mr. & Mrs. Rob Flint

The Jacques Family (in memory of Jean Jacques)

St. Matthew

Gifts of $100 to $249

Mr. David Clement (in memory of Judithann L. Clement)

Mr. Harold Comerer(in memory of Dr. Charles Spencer)

Mrs. Frances M. Eves

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hamilla(in memory of Gilbert Coody)

Mr. Richard Lamoreux

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDermott

Mr. & Mrs. David McGinley

Ms. Hannah Hardinge Moylan (in memory of Betty Ann Hardinge Stoner)

Mrs. Casey Breslin-Murphy (in honor of Erik Lenhart, OFM Cap)

Ms. Julie Murphy (in memory of James Bussard)

Mr. Roger Nicholas (in honor of Bette Nicholas)

Ms. Marie Nowakowski(in honor of Sister Corda)

Ms. Mary O’Malley (in honor of unborn babies)

Ms. Tara O’Malley (in honor of unborn babies)

Ms. Kathleen O’Malley (in honor of unborn babies)

Mr. Connor O’Malley (in honor of unborn babies)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spinnler(in honor of Patti Jones)

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sun (in memory of Dr. Charles Spencer)

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson (in memory of Dr. Charles Spencer)

St. John Paul II

Gifts up to $99

Mrs. Mary K. Barger

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Breslin, III (in honor of Erik Lenhart, OFM Cap)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ewing (in honor of Sisters Aloysius & Corda)

Mrs. Kristy Gross

Mrs. Francis M. Hartman

Mrs. Rita Jane Hartnett (in memory of Mary Ann Hartnett Miley)

Mr. Forbes Jones (in memory of Dotty Jones)

Mrs. Jonna Larkin

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Malejko, Jr.

Ms. Mary Theresa Marozza(in memory of Nikki Sayers Corbin)

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Martin (in honor of Sister Margaret Mary Glick, SSND)

Mrs. Faith Mentzer

Mr. & Mrs. David Moats (in memory of Gorman Palmer)

Ms. Mary Poffenberger (in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Poffenberger)

Ms. Pamela Ward (in honor of Rose Marion Hade)

Ms. Dolores J. Weaver (in memory of Joey & Allen Weaver)

Ms. Susan Hankey Webb (in honor of the Ramacciotti & Hankey Families)

Mr. & Mrs. John Zink (in memory of Gorman Palmer)



Pastor’s Circle

Gifts of $1,000 & up

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Beck (in memory of Mary Beck)

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bockrath

Mr. Howard B. Bowen

Dr. Ben & Dr. Michelle Byers

Dr. & Mrs. Ramsay Farah

Mr. Vincent Groh(in honor of the Garland Groh Foundation)

Knights of Columbus, Pangborn

Council #1365

Knights of Columbus, Ladies Auxiliary

Reverend George A. Limmer(in memory of Dorothy & Aaron Limmer)

Monsignor Joseph S. Lizor, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James Marshall

Dr. & Mrs. Neil O’Malley (in honor of unborn babies)

Mr. Raymond P. Niner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rankin (in memory of Margaret Rankin)

Ms. Patricia Startzman Ridenour (in memory of Charles & Edna Startzman)

Dr. & Mrs. Gary Smith

St. Michael Catholic Church

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson (in honor of Father Limmer)


Gifts of $500 to $999

Mr. & Mrs. Frankie Corsi

Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Orlando Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDermott

Mr. & Mrs. David Moats (in memory of Sydney Cushwa)

Mr. & Mrs. Nemesio Morales

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morrell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murray

Ms. Paula Radley

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tedeschi

Mr. Thomas M. White


Gifts of $250 to $499

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Capone

Ms. Beth Elbin

Ms. Cynthia Garland (in memory of Ceryl “Red” Hensel & Anne Garland)

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerstner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grimsley(in honor of James Gray, Sr. & Robert L. Grimsley)

Mr. & Mrs. Monte Hilmoe

Mr. Joseph Jacques (in memory of JeanAnn Jacques)

Mr. Chris Litzinger

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGinley

Ms. Marie Nowakowski

Ms. Lois M. Potter

Mr. & Mrs. John Snyder

Mrs. Helen Walla (in memory of Dick Walla)

Guardian Angels

Gifts of $100 to $249

Ms. Teresa Karn Angle (in honor of the Karn Family)

Mrs. Casey Breslin-Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Bowers (in memory of Debra Ann Bowers)

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Churchey

Mr. David Clement (in memory of Judithann L. Clement)

Mr. & Mrs. William Collins(in honor of Cathy & John Reiter, Peter, Philip, and Stephen)

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fahey

Mr. & Mrs. R.L. Fisher

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hamilla(in memory of Gilbert Coody)

Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Keller

Mr. & Mrs. Robert May

Ms. Hannah Hardinge Moylan

Mr. & Mrs. Craig O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. William O’Mara

Ms. Dorothy Palla(in memory of Robert L. Palla & Ron Kinsey)

Mr. John Pennsinger

Mr. Joe Rafter

Mr. & Mrs. ShahinRahimian

Mr. & Mrs. John Reiter (in honor of Joseph Reiter)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shelbert(in honor of Father Limmer)

Mrs. Christine HovisShives(in memory of Mary & Ralph Hovis)

Sisters M. Corda Mullenix

& Aloysius Norman

(in memory of Chris Dunn)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spinnler(in honor of Patti Jones)

The Swarner Family

Ms. Charity Sweeney (in memory of Mrs. Domenici)

Ms. Dolores Weaver (in memory of Joey & Allen Weaver)

Mr. Paul Yeargan


Gifts up to $99

Mrs. Mary K. Barger

Ms. Sarah Bond

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Breslin, III

Mr. & Mrs. D. Timothy Butts

Mrs. Frances M. Eves

Mr. Robert J. Eves

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ewing

Mrs. Kristy Gross

Mrs. Rita Jane Hartnett (in memory of Mary Ann Hartnett Miley)

Mrs. Joann Hevey

Ms. Maria Jones

Mr. Patrick Jones

Mr. William Jones

Mr. Forbes Jones (in memory of Dotty Jones)

Mrs. Jonna Larkin

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Malejko, Jr.

Ms. Mary Theresa Marozza(in memory of John F. & Marjory E. Sayers)

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Martin (in honor of Sister Margaret Mary Glick, SSND)

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. David McGinley

Mr. & Mrs. Ernie L. Mellott, Sr. (in honor of Father George Limmer)

Mrs. Faith Mentzer

Mrs. Pam Miller (in memory of Tommy Miller)

Ms. Julie Murphy (in memory of James Bussard)

Ms. Mary O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques)

Ms. Tara O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques)

Ms. Kathleen O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques)

Mr. Connor O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques)

Ms. Mary Poffenberger (in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Poffenberger)

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rhodes

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sokol, Sr. (in memory of Steven Sokol)

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Symonds

Ms. Pamela Ward (in honor of Rose Marion Hade)



There was much excitement as our students celebrated the historical visit of Pope Francis to the United States. The students and staff wore Pope Francis buttons. Students enjoyed a special Pope Francis dessert. There were even Pope Francis sightings around SMCS as students posed with a life-size cutout of the Pope. Many of our students watched part of the parade and middle school students gathered in the science lab to listen to Pope Francis address Congress. Also, our middle school students paired up with our primary students to make feet for Francis. Students traced their feet and wrote a service they would perform in honor of our Pope’s commitment to helping others to create a beautiful display in the cafeteria. In the words of Pope Francis, “Holiness doesn’t mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith.”

St. Mary Catholic School was awarded a grant from the Marion I. & Henry J.Knott Foundation in the amount of $46,970. This grant has been used to purchase new computers for the computer lab, administrative offices, and select teachers.

At the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year students started working in the lab with state-of-the-art, touchscreen computer stations. The computer lab is used by all students at St. Mary Catholic School and is an asset to our 21st century learners.

“We are confident that our students will appreciate the value of these state-of-the-art computers and will benefit from a technology-rich, instructional environment,” says Mrs. McDermott, Principal of St. Mary Catholic School.

Mrs. Ellis, the IT coordinator, adds, “The students are excited. The new computers are a necessary tool to create a technology-rich environment that will meet the needs of our students in today’s digital society.”


Alumni News

Maria Jones (2007) graduated from Bucknell University with a degree in Biochemistry in May 2015.

Patrick Jones (2010) is a sophomore at Catholic University of America studying Mechanical Engineering. He is a student athlete as a member of the cross country team.

William Jones (2012) is a junior at St. Maria Goretti High School and is on the cross country, swim & track teams.

Mrs. Julie Sanicola-Johnson(1996) has returned to the area with her husband and children and is an ER doctor at Meritus Hospital.

Joe Breslin (1999) is a financial planner in the Baltimore area and is getting married on October 24, 2015.

Kevin Breslin (2004) is working on his master’s degree at Washington College and is the assistant basketball coach at Johns Hopkins University.

Caitlin Breslin (2005) graduated from Towson University and is working in Baltimore selling Verizon Fios.

Let us know what is happening in your life; catch up with your St. Mary classmates. Send us a note by mail, call us at 301-733-1184, or email us at . If you prefer to receive the newsletter by email, please let us know.

218 W. Washington St.
Hagerstown, MD 21740