The Parish of Rhodes and Parkfield
Welcome to All Saints Church
2nd Sunday of Advent
11am – Holy Communion
5.30pm Carols by Request Sing-a-Long with Refreshments
The Sanctuary light this week is dedicated to Lilian WroeRemember in your Prayers This Week
ADVENT PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we remember your birth; help us to gather before your crib and prepare our hearts to welcome you as our Saviour and our Lord.
THE SICK : those with dementia or cancer and those who suffer in body, mind or spirit, at home, hospital, nursing home or hospice – for the power of God’s healing hand, the gentleness and patience of those who care, the love of family and friends.
RIP:Albert Fitton (78), Irene ‘Rene’ Clarke (94) nan of Sally McGowan, Rene’s funeral will take place here on Tuesday 12th at 10.30am, Hilary Compston (64) daughter of Enid Leach, Hilary’s funeral will take place here on Monday 11th December at 11.30am. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
PCC: please pray for our work as we continue to explore God’s purposes for us all here in Middleton through our Mission Action Plan.
BURNSIDE CENTRE- Receiving donated toys from services today: For the continuation of the good works at the centre. Managers, Joan andKerrythat they are able to help everyone who comes into the centre. The individuals and families who come into the centre for support in all shapes and forms.
PARISH SERVICES THIS WEEK 11th to 17th December
All Saints
Tuesday, 10.30am Coffee Morning
Sunday, 11am Holy Communion / St Michaels
Mon, Tues& Wed, 9.15am Morning Prayer
Tuesday 1.30 & 7.30; /Wed 11.15– Advent Study Groups
Wednesday, 10am Eucharist
Thursday, 9am Morning Prayer
Sunday, 8am Said Eucharist, 9.30amSung Eucharist, 6.30pm Candlelight Carol Service
This Weeks Notices
ADVENT & CHRISTMAS SERVICES: details can be found today in the magazine and the flyers available in church. Please take extra flyers to give out to your neighbours and friends. Please help us by delivering some of the 1000 flyers available at the back of church. If we all just took a handful each that would reach so many people. 100 people taking 10 flyers each would do that!
COFFEE MORNING: Every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12noon, Everybody Welcome.
CHRISTMAS RAFFLE: Raffle tickets are on sale today and will be drawn on Wednesday 20th December 7.30pm in Church at the Middleton Music Society Concert.
ADVENT PREPARATION: To help you in your preparations we have the following to offer - 1. EveryTuesday at Marjorie’s home from 1.30pm, a study group led by May with the title, ‘WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR’. 2. Also on, Tuesday in the Old Vic Prayer Room at 7.30pm. The theme is once again, ‘What Are You Waiting For’. This will be led by Dorothy and Rev’d Sally. 3. Every Wednesday after the 10am Eucharist in the Old Vic Prayer Room, 30 minutes of reflection on the artwork of the artist, Sieger Köder led by Rev’d Jackie.
REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: For all who mourn the loss of loved ones, this time of year can be especially difficult. Just like the ‘light for a Life’ service last week, this is an opportunity to remember and give thanks for those we love but see no longer. During this service, names will be read out and there will be an opportunity to light a candle. We look forward to welcoming you to this quiet and contemplative service where we hope you will find resurrection hope peace. Sunday 10th December, 3pm at St. Michaels
CAROLS BY REQUEST: Sunday 10th December 5.30pm here at All Saints. An informal gathering perfect for all your family, friends and neighbours with an opportunity to sing all your favourite carols by request. Hot tarts and mulled wine available throughout the service – soft drinks too for all the family.
CAFÉ CHURCHAT ST MICHAELS: Wednesday 13th, 2pm-3pm for those in the 2nd half of life. Informal worship with the theme of Christmas, sharing fun, food, fellowship & even a little singing too. Don’t forget your Christmas hat and a neighbour to bring along.
CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE: 6.30pm Sunday 17th with the Rt Rev’d David Walker, Bishop of Manchester preaching. Come and hear the Christmas story in words and music with over 700 candles lighting our beautiful church. Parking is available at Geometric Furniture next door. Please park sensibly and kindly leave church parking for the Band and those with a Blue Badge or needing assistance. Please also respect our neighbours when you are parking.
MIDDLETON CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT: 7.30pm at All Saints, Rhodes. Free entry to hear and join in with this gifted and talented group of singers. Refreshments available and all are welcome.
CRIB/NATIVITY & CHRISTINGLE SERVICE in aid of the Children’s Society: Sunday 24th December at 11am. If you are planning to attend this service, please make sure you sign the list at the back of church to order your Christingle and also to collect an envelope/candle box to bring to the service.
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Contact Rev’d Jackie Calow: email: or telephone: 0161 655 1816 or 07824445596
Curate: Rev’d Sally Robinson: email: or telephone: 07594 640485