Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology:
Article Template
This template guides you through the elements that you should include in your article. Over-type the grey highlighted text to be sure to include everything that you need. You will find further details in the Instructions to Authors.
Article Title
Make it precise, concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulae in the title.
Author and Co-author Contact Information
List all authors with their first names first, and then the middle initials and last names. Provide correct and current affiliations with full postal details (including e-mails of all). Indicate the corresponding author.
Corresponding Author Name
Full Postal Address – these will appear in proofs for checking, but not in the final work.
Co-Author Author Name
Full Postal Address
Please provide up to a100 word synopsis of the article, which will be used to summarise the work when presented online.
Please provide up to 10 keywords, which will be used for indexing purposes only. These should be listed alphabetically.
Body text
The following numbered sections are proposed for the contributions. Since contributions in each volume will be different in nature, the authors are expected to modify the subsections of the template provided to be able to well accommodate their materials for the topic in the best possible manner with examples and cases studies. Indicate clearly where you wish figures and tables to be placed.
1. Introduction
(Number the main sections of the contribution) To highlight the importance of the topic, provide perspectives on energy, environment, sustainability, policies, strategies, etc. Provide an up-to-date and well-focused literature review stating the main and specific objectives of the contribution in this section.
2. Background/Fundamentals
Provide further background information (when applicable) and fundamentals related to the specific contribution here. This section might include sub-sections.
3. Systems and/or Applications
Describe the systems and/or applications considered for the specific contribution here.
4. Analysis and Assessment
Provide the necessary analysis method(s) for the system(s) and/or application(s) considered and their methods of assessment particularly for performance assessment through, for example, energy and exergy efficiencies.
5. Illustrative Example(s) or Case Studies
Provide illustrative examples or case studies here to support the contribution for better understanding for instance, the benefits, implementation practices, etc.
6. Results and Discussion
Present the results of the contribution when applicable and relevant discussions in depth here.
7. Future Directions
Discuss the potential developments and future directions in the area of the contribution here.
8. Closing Remarks
For closing remarks, state only the key points and/or main findings of the contribution here.
Cross References
Please provide suggestions for cross-references to other articles within the Work.
Full Table of Contents will be available on once we are fully commissioned.
Acknowledge any kind of support and/or financial assistance here when applicable.
Use SI for units and list all symbols, Greek letters, subscripts, superscripts, acronyms, etc. providing the units in alphabetical order.
- References should be cited within the text, and will follow the Harvard Style:
Harvard style references (Name (Date))
- References should be cited within the text and tables, using the format Name (Date). Multi-authored articles should list all authors if there are up to five of them, or the first three, followed by “et al” if there are more than five. More than one reference from the same Author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed after the year of publication
- The Reference List should be arranged alphabetically
Surname, A. B. (2000). Title with capital letters only for first word and Proper Names. Place: Publisher.
Surname, A. B. and Surname, C. D. (2000). Title as above (3rd edn.). Place: Publisher.
Surname, A. B. (ed.) (2000). Title as above. Place: Publisher.
Surname, A. B., Surname, C. D. and Surname, E. F. (eds.) (1985–2000). Title as above for multivolume series (4 vols.). Place: Publisher.
Surname, A. B., Surname, C. D. and Surname, E. F. (eds.) (1991). Title as above for series 4: Title of individual volume. Place: Publisher.
Article in edited books
Surname, A. B. (1999). Article title with capital letters only for first word and Proper Names. In Surname, C. D., Surname, E. F. & Surname, G. H. (eds.) Book title as above. 3rd ed, pp 3–56. Place: Publisher.
Articles in journals
Surname, A. B. (1991). Article title with capital letters only for first word and Proper Names. Journal Title with all Content Words in Capital Letters24, 128–156.
Surname, A. B. (2003). Article title with capital letters only for first word and Proper Names. In: Surname C. D. (eds.) Proceedings of International Conference of Scientific Reference Works, pp.1099–1111. Place: Publisher.
Surname, A. B. (1994). Br. Pat. 1 099 184 (Journal Title with all Content Words in Capital Letters, 1995 6, 56).
Website citations
- Websites may not remain active for the life of publication and may not be peer-reviewed. Please only submit the top-level of any website addresses and not deeply-linked sources as they are unlikely to remain active for the life of the publication
- Please supply a short title with each web address, as guidance for the reader (e.g. ‘BBC News’
- As reference works are expected to be a valid reference source for a long time, only the website addresses which are expected to remain valid for a long time should be used. Website addresses may be edited to conform to this stylistic requirement
- Websites should be cited in a “List of Relevant Websites” section at the end of the article, not in the text
- Web addresses may be used in tables in the text, but please note that the links in these will not be active in the online environment
Extensive reliance on earlier sources
- We prefer that your contribution be prepared drawing on your broad knowledge of the available literature on the subject
- For any verbatim quotation(s), please ensure that they are fully attributed with author, year and page number and that they are for illustrative purposes only. In no way should these be presented as your own original work. If in any doubt seek permission
- For more information on copyright permissions and obtaining them, see below: “Permissions”
Further Reading
The Further reading list is intended to be the next step for the interested reader, and as such should include chapters in books, major review articles, or seminal journal articles. The Further Reading list should include no more than 10-15 references and these, regardless of source, should be arranged alphabetically by author’s last name.
Relevant Websites
Authors are encouraged to provide up to 5-10 websites of use to the reader in regard of the topic. Please refer to the Instructions to Authors at for important notes regarding the particular format that may be submitted.
Appendices may be included to contain less important supporting materials such as interactive materials, glossaries, subroutines, etc.
Author Biography and Photograph
Please provide a brief biography (a maximum of 200 words) plus a colour photograph of the author and any co-authors.
Figures and Tables
For information on what file formats we will accept and the level of resolution we require please refer to the Instructions to Authors.
Every author has a responsibility to gain permissions for any figures they wish to include that have already been published. This also includes figures that have previously been published by Elsevier, as although there will be no charge permission still needs to be gained. To request permission please go to: We also have a Permissions Team who can help you with these and all queries regarding permissions ca be sent to the project mailbox
Please be aware that we will require your manuscript in an editable format (e.g. MS Word, LaTeX) not a PDF. If you encounter any problems please contact Elsevier at