Alcohol Awareness Outline

* You may also add any factual information that you think is important to your presentation. This program is not limited to the information listed below*

  1. Introduction
  2. What is alcohol? (Snowball activity)
  3. What is a drink?
  4. 12 oz.= Beer
  5. 5 oz. = Wine
  6. 1 oz. shot of 100 proof = Spirit
  7. 1.25 oz. of 80 proof = shot
  8. Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
  9. Legal BAC for minors
  10. .02
  11. Talk about the effects of cough medicine of BAC
  12. Talk about the consequences of MUI (minor under the influence) or MIP (minor in possession)
  13. Goes on your record and your guardians/parents are made aware of charges
  14. Community service and fines
  15. Legal BAC for over 21
  16. .08
  17. Talk about the consequences of DUI (Driving under the influence)
  18. Many occupations won’t hire someone if they have an DUI/MUI/MIP on their record (teachers, child care workers, nurses, commercial drivers, sales/marketing associates for Fortune 500 companies)
  1. Absorption rate factors
  2. Size
  3. Smaller people are sometimes affected more quickly by alcohol than larger people
  4. Gender
  5. Women are generally smaller than men, have more body fat and tend to reach higher BAC’s more quickly
  6. Fat does not absorb alcohol
  7. Food
  8. A full stomach slows the absorption rate of alcohol in to the bloodstream
  9. Strength of Drink
  10. Drinks can give different effects based on their composition (strength, carbonated, juice mixer)
  11. Rate of Consumption
  12. Gulping or chugging drinks will increase the amount of alcohol taken in to the system
  13. It takes the liver 1 hour to process 1 drink
  14. Mood
  15. A person who is obviously upset, exhausted, or under stress feels the effects of alcohol more quickly than others
  16. Alcohol is a depressant
  17. Mixing alcohol and energy drinks
  18. Hormones
  19. Women who take birth control or are ovulating are affected more quickly by alcohol
  1. Behavioral Cues (ask the audience what they know)
  2. Behavioral cues are things you can look for to see how intoxicated a person is
  3. There are FOUR behavioral cues
  4. Lowered inhibitions.
  5. Excessive talking
  6. Being in a relaxed state
  7. Being over friendly
  8. Displaying mood swings
  9. Decrease in judgment
  10. Behaving inappropriately (drinking games, promiscuity)
  11. Using foul language
  12. Telling offensive jokes
  13. Annoying others
  14. Slowed reaction
  15. Glassy, unfocused eyes
  16. Slurred speech
  17. Talking and moving very slow
  18. Forgetting simple things (train of thought)
  19. Loss of coordination
  20. Stumbling, swaying, losing footing
  21. Dropping things,
  22. Failing hand-eye coordination
  23. Passing out (alcohol poisoning at this point)
  24. What heals a hangover? TIME
  1. Signs of alcohol poisoning (ask the audience what they know)
  2. The first sign of alcohol poisoning is vomiting
  3. Other signs include:
  4. Cold, clammy, unusually pale or bluish skin
  5. Breathing slowly or irregularly (less than 8 breaths per minute OR ten or more seconds between breaths)
  6. Unconscious and cannot be awaken (passed out)
  7. What to do if someone has alcohol poisoning???
  8. Know the behavioral cues previously discussed
  9. Do not wait for all the symptoms to be present to take action
  10. Be aware that a person who has passed out may die
  11. Immediately call 911 for help if off campus. If on campus call public safety at 678 839 6000 for immediate response
  12. Don’t be afraid to call for help because you think you may get in trouble if underage drinking is involved
  13. Calling for help vs. Watching your someone suffer potentially fatal injuries
  14. What could happen if alcohol poisoning goes untreated???
  15. Victim chokes to death on his or her own vomit
  16. Breathing slows, becomes irregular, or stops
  17. Heart beats irregularly or stops
  18. Hypothermia (low body temperature)
  19. Hypoglycemia (too little blood sugar) leads to seizures
  20. Untreated dehydration from vomiting can cause seizures, brain damage and death
  21. Conclusion (review)
  22. Drunk goggles