RossHigh School, Well Wynd, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 2EQ
Meeting of Tuesday 30th October2012
Present:J Belton (Chair),R Powell (Vice Chair), J Robertson, A Welsh, B Esamal,D Bartholomew, M Collins,N Chisholm, N Craik-Collins, Cllr D Grant, N Nicholls (Clerk).
In Attendance:L Thomson (Head Boy), T Hardwick (Deputy Head Boy), J Ramsay (TranentElphinstone CommunityCouncil)
Apologies:H Williams, A Muir, L Morrison, Cllr S Akhtar, Cllr J Gillies, Cllr K McCleod.
Minutes / Action1. Introductions and Apologies
JB welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies as above.
2. Minutes and Matters Arising
The minutes of the meeting held on 28thAugust 2012 were approved by JRand seconded by JBsubject to two amendments: the addition of apologies from R Powell and,under item, 4 Pencaitland to be replaced by Macmerry.
3. Head Teacher’s Update
DB said that the school was still waiting for post appeal exam results. The school merits system was being developed and DB said that a breakdown of merits and demerits would be provided at parents’ evenings. Certificates would be awarded for ongoing good behaviour. Professionally produced photos of pupils at work were now displayed around the school. This had been suggested by pupils to help to brighten up corridors and the foyer and had been paid for by savings from last year’s staffing budget. A new bike shelter was almost complete and the flagpole for the GreenFlag(paid for by Tranent and Elphinstone Community Council) would be up by Christmas. An article and photo would be appearing in East Lothian Council’s Living Magazine.
A PT English literacy had taken up post on 5th November. A repeat advertisement for a CDT maternity leave post had been placed. A suitable candidate had not been found for a teacher of German so the timetable had been rearranged to cover German classes and an advertisement had been placed for a French teacher instead.
Staff had been concerned about pupils arriving at school after drinking large cans of high caffeine “energy drinks”. This had been adversely affecting behaviour in the classroom, particularly if combined with ADHD andthe impact of long-term use was not fully understood. It was, however, noted that the effects on behaviour of consuming these drinks varied from person to person.
NC said that educational information about high caffeine drinks had been placed on tables in the social area. The Health and Wellbeing Group was also working on the launch of a healthy living initiative in January and would work with retailers on the High Street to enforce the guidelines which stipulate that these products should not be sold to children under 16. JB said that the PC supported the school’s approach. NC said that he would pass this on to the Health and Wellbeing Group.
NC introduced a short film about Columba 1400, a charity which ran residential programmes to develop the leadership potential of young people – in particular “hard to reach pupils”. Ross High had been approached to take part in a programme in partnership with George Watson’s College, who would cover Ross High’s expenses. There would be a selection process to send 6 pupils and 2 staff on a residential course in October 2013 (the year group and selection criteria still had to be agreed). This would benefit the pupils themselves and have a positive, on-going, impact on the school and the wider community. Ross High was also considering embarking on a 3 year programme involving 3 cohorts of pupils each year. However, the school would need to obtain external sponsorship. DB asked PC members to email her if they knew of any prospective sponsors.
NCC circulated information about the school’s new S4-S6 tracking and monitoring system (attached) held within SEEMIS (the system on which school information was held) which was being developed to improve attainment in the school. Pupils, parents, and staff would agree aspirational targets and the system would be used to monitor pupils’ working levels and effort against those targets. Normal reports to parents would continue and additional reports would only be triggered if the system highlighted a need for intervention by staff in consultation with parents and pupils. The system was not used for S1-S3 pupils because points of reference were not clear. S3 pupils were presently involved with pilot work on e-profiling - gathering and evaluating information on their own performance - but this work had been hindered due to recent problems with Edubuzz.
6th November – P7 parents’ evening. JB agreed to say a few words to parents about the Parent Council (PC)
27th November – Connexions@Ross Evening (and short PC meeting)
3rd December – S3 parents’ evening
6th December – Fashion Show (volunteers had been asked to email offers of help)
Photographer in school in December: Monday 5th (1st 2nd and 3rd years), Friday 16th (4th and 5th years), Thursday 20th (6th years and ASN Department).
Family photos could be taken at break and lunchtime.
Ross High continued to be represented at Primary 7 parents’ evenings.
4. Finance Update
This would be discussed in detail at the next meeting as the Treasurer was not present. After consulting PC members at this and the last meeting JBconfirmed that the £100 request for funding by 6th year pupils to help with transport costs of the shoebox appeal had been agreed.
5. Parents’ Queries
JB circulated an email from a parent who had some concerns about the whole school sponsored walk on Friday 5th October. These were: that pupils would be missing crucial lesson time;whyEast Lothian Council had placed the school in a position so that the Head Teacherneeded to make a direct approach to parents for funds via pupils; and that details of the amount raised and what it would be used for should be provided.
DB said that the walk had been a huge success and that the school was grateful for the support of families, the police, the community, school staff members, senior pupils and the Parent Council. This had been an ethos building event which had captured the spirit of the school; staff and pupils, both in the mainstream school and theASN Department,had enjoyed the morning and the opportunity to mix and to get to know each other better. £7,194.81 had been raised so far. This money would be ring-fenced and used to support achievement in the school e.g. the travel costs for school trips and to allow the achievement group to plan for activities in May or June. Although school activities were inclusive, good behaviour would be rewarded with pupils who had achieved the most merits being given first choice.
PC members at the meeting fully supported the sponsored walk and felt that it had been beneficial to the well-being of the school and a good advert for the school in the wider community.JBwould respond to the parent query on behalf of the PC.
6. Fundraising
JB asked PC members to email any fundraising ideas to him. MC suggested drawing up a plan of when future events would be held eg. arace night or bag pack. DB said that the school would not be holding a Christmas fair this year as SVS was no longer being offered as a standard grade. NC and DB suggested that the fashion show on 6th December might be a good opportunityfor the PC to have a stall or hold a raffle (Elizabeth Hull, Modern Studies, was organising this). JB asked teaching staff to remind their colleagues toapply for PC funds to help with projects and activities which would benefit pupils.
DG reminded members about the freeFa’side familyfireworks display on Friday 2nd November.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 27thNovember2012at 7.30pm (this would take place during the Connexions@Ross evening). / NC