North Central Area Schools

Powers, Michigan

Announcement of Vacancy



Menominee County in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The district encompasses 276 square miles and is less than 40 miles from the larger communities of Iron Mountain, Escanaba and Menominee. The economic base is agriculture and forestry related products. Year around recreational opportunities abound. The school district experiences excellent school and community relations.



·  Masters degree or higher in educational administration

from an accredited college or university. Teaching and

administrative experience preferred with administrator


·  Demonstrated effective management skills including the

ability to organize, direct, manage and evaluate

educational personnel.

·  Skills in long-range planning and implementation.

·  Understanding of labor relations and contract


·  Knowledge and experience in financial management and

a realistic understanding of budgeting and planning.

·  Ability to establish cooperative leadership to maintain

cohesion and teamwork.

·  The belief that every child has the right to receive the

very best education possible.

·  Be an effective communicator who presents a positive

image to students, staff, parents and community.

·  Be a visible and accessible leader who demonstrates

respect and sincerity toward district residents, students,

staff and board members.

·  Be a leader who exemplifies the highest moral, ethical

and professional behavior.

·  Be willing to work and participate in a small rural community.


Salary: Competitive compensation package with potential for a multi-year

Contract; salary and fringe benefits commensurate with education and


Deadline: All applications must be received by 4:00 pm CST December 12 or be

postmarked by December 10, 2014.


Application Procedures:

Applicants should provide the board of education with the following

items to ensure consideration for this position:

·  A letter of application setting forth in detail the applicant’s personal

qualifications, experience, demographics of current district and

reasons for interest in the position.

·  A current resume including letters of recommendation and/or list of


·  College or university placement papers and credentials

The superintendent search will be conducted with due regard to the Michigan Open Meetings Act (Public Act No. 267 of 1976) relative to

public deliberations, decisions and interviews.

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the North Central Board

of Education. The board will select the candidates it wishes to interview and will contact each candidate on or about December 18, 2014.

Following the interviews, the board will narrow the field to those it

wishes to consider further. Additional evaluation may include a visit to

the candidate’s home community.

Travel expenses for candidates selected for the initial interview will be the responsibility of the candidate.


Application to: Nick Pipkorn, President

North Central Area Board of Education

W5465 Third Street/P.O. Box 159

Hermansville, Michigan 49847


School District Data

Enrollment……………………………………………………………………… 381

Instructional Staff……………………………………………………………. 26

Support Staff…………………………………………………………………… 18

Administrators……………………………………………………………….. 4

SEV……………………………………………………………………….. $31,345,280

2014-2015 Budget………………………………………………….. $3,545,000


Non-Homestead…………………………………………………. 18.0

Debt Retirement………………………………………………… 2.52