January 28, 2013
The meeting began at 2:00 pm and adjourned at 3:25 p.m. EST.
Kristin Joannou is submitting minutes.
Board members present for the meeting:
- Officers:
- Kharon Grimmet, President
- Kristin Joannou, Secretary
- Melissa Jasieniecki, President-Elect
- Lisa Pufpaff, Past President
- David Gordon, Vice President
- Committee Chairs:
- Mari Beth Coleman, Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chair
- Megan Elam, Chronic Medical Conditions Committee Chair
- Cindy Chambers, Professional Development Committee Co-Chair
- Pamela Mims, Professional Development Committee Co-Chair
Lisa motioned to approved board minutes from November 17, 2012, Mari Beth seconded. 7 approved & 1 abstained.
Committee Reports:
KharonGrimmet presented the Membership Committee Report
- Thanks, Melissa & Bob - Ablenet is going to include information about joining DPHMD as a member and getting 10% off products from them in their newsletter. In addition, DPHMD can start sharing this with our membership and advertise this on our website, in the newsletter, etc.
- Bob will send Mari Beth information to post on website.
- DPHMD ran this campaign in 2012…and CEC is offering it again. Think about when we want to use this!
- Possibly in April/ May to piggy back off of convention
- Last year we did it October 15 to November 15
- How to take advantage of this offer: Contact Anna Henderson, Coordinator of Division Services, at or 703.264.9433 at least two weeks before you need the special application. We need this time to prepare your special application and program our database to accept the discount. Please provide:
- Dates for your campaign (limited to 30 days). You may use a calendar month (for example, June 2013), or another 30-day segment, for example May 15-June 15. How this campaign will be used: for example, March is your “Membership Month,” or the campaign is in conjunction with your conference. Tell us about your membership promotional plans and communications related to this offer so we can support it from headquarters by helping you get the word out. Name and e-mail of the person responsible for this membership campaign to receive the special application (it will be sent as a pdf).
- CEC - Free Advertising For Your Conference - To have your conference listed on the events calendar on the CEC Web site at no charge, please provide your division name, conference title/theme, dates, location (city, state/province), and contact information (Web site and/or contact person’s name, address, phone, fax, e-mail). Send your conference information to Anna Henderson, Coordinator of Division Services, at , fax 703.620.4334. Please allow at least 5 working days for your event to be listed. Sorry, but we cannot list events that are not sponsored by a CEC division or state/provincial unit.
- An Opportunity To Increase Your Membership -Several times each year, CEC conducts direct mail campaigns to recruit new members. The lists we use include our own in-house lists compiled from people who requested membership information, non- members who attend the convention and other events, as well as product purchasers. One advantage to CEC is that we save money not having to rent the names we already have in-house.
- How can you help…and what's the benefit? Send us the names and addresses of non-members who attend your conference and other events. We'll put them on our database to receive a promotion inviting them to become a member of CEC. When they join, your division will have a new crop of prospective members to recruit! Send your lists to Anna Henderson at , fax 703.620.4334.
- 11 new members, 28 lapses, 30 that renewed
- We are the only division that had an increase in membership last month.
- Bob not able to attend meetings at this time. David will serve as liaison.
- Goals for Membership Committee (membership expansion):
- Focus needs to be on parents, teachers, related service providers, hospitals (people who are working directly with children)
- Follow up with group of lapsed members through email or contact. (Juliet Hart has been doing this)
- Identifying those who are about to lapse and contacting them before their memberships lapse.
Kharon Grimmet presented the Convention Committee report
- Position is vacant. Please email Kharon () if you are interested or would like to nominate someone for this position.
- Display
- Discussed doing something easier to transport (like DADD had a last years convention
- Cost about $250
- What to put on display- keep it simple so that it won’t become outdated
- Division name and logo
- Division Goals (may want to revisit goals)
- Pictures- we have permission to use pictures that were Janie’s kids
- Additional items on table- candy, committee information, handouts, possible picture holders to display more information, sample copies of the journals (possibly ask Barbara if she is willing to pay for free copies), copies of recent newsletter, business cards, extra handouts from presenters
- Last year business card were done from Vista Prints
- Made 250 last year
- Had logo, website, general business meeting and showcase
- CEC/DPHMD Brochure – No info from CEC as yet, if they will offer 250 color prints for $55 again.
- Mark Oppenheimer CEC historian- friend Andy Burg who is in process of developing materials to submit a resolution to CEC to honor Mark Oppenheimer (life time achievement award). Kharon is seeking additional information.
- Lisa has letter, resume and 8 letters of support
- Meetings at Convention
- Division Membership Chair’s Meeting (Possibly David)
- Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 10:00 am-12:00 noon
- This meeting is for Division Membership Chairs and other division officers interested in membership development. You’ll get information on CEC’s membership recruitment and retention programs and what other divisions do for membership development and an update on the Membership Options Workgroup. Registration information for this meeting will be distributed via e-mail in early February.
- Interdivisional Caucus (IDC) (?)
- Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 1:00-4:00 pm
- Information on this meeting will be provided by the IDC Chair, Diane Johnson.
- Division Treasurer’s Meeting (Meg cannot attend…Alternate?)
- Saturday, April 6, 2013, 10:00-11:00 am
- This meeting is for Division Treasurers and Executive Directors to present information and address issues of interest specifically to the divisions. Registration information for this meeting will be distributed via e-mail in early February.
- Program Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting (Melissa & Kharon)
- Friday, April 5, 2013, 8:00-10:00 am
- This meeting is for division and other representatives on the Program Advisory Committee. Information on this meeting will be sent by AnmarieKallas, Senior Director for Conventions, Conferences and Meetings.
- Division Publication Chairs and Journal Editors Meeting (Linda & Barbara)
- Friday, April 5, 2013, 2:00-3:30 pm
- Other Dates:
- 2013 CEC CAN Coordinators Meeting (Amanda)
- June 8-11, 2013
- CEC Headquarters, Arlington, VA
- The CEC Board of Directors approved that the registration fee for one CAN Coordinator in each division be waived again this year for the CAN Coordinators Meeting in order to increase the opportunities for attendance. This meeting will be held at CEC Headquarters in Crystal City (Arlington, VA), very close to Reagan National Airport. June 11th will feature advocacy visits on the Hill. Registration and additional information about this meeting will be sent to all CAN Coordinators by CEC’s Policy and Advocacy department.
- 2013 CEC Divisions’ Summer Leadership Institute (Melissa)
- July 24-25, 2013
- CEC Headquarters, Arlington, VA
- The Leadership Institute will begin at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, July 24 in addition to Wednesday night’s dinner, a full day of sessions on Thursday, July 25, and an Interdivisional Caucus (IDC) meeting on Thursday, July 25 from 3:00-5:00 pm.
- The CEC Board of Directors approved that the registration fee for one leader in each division be waived again this year for the CEC Divisions’ Summer Leadership Institute in order to increase the opportunities for new and emerging leaders to attend. This year, membership chairs are also invited to attend in order to participate in the discussions related to the Membership Categories Workgroup. Each division may send a maximum of 3 persons.
- For your planning, it may be helpful to know that the registration fee for the 2012 Leadership Institute was $60 (one waived for each division) and the hotel was $186/night (including taxes). This event will be held at CEC Headquarters in Crystal City (Arlington, VA), very close to Reagan National Airport. We hope to have every division represented in 2013! Registration and hotel information will be sent via e-mail in May 2013.
- Program Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting (Melissa)
- July 26, 2013
- CEC Headquarters, Arlington, VA
- The hotel for the PAC meeting will be the same hotel used for the Summer Leadership Institute. The PAC meeting information will be sent at a later date by AnmarieKallas.
Kharon Grimmet presented the Knowledge and Skills committee report
- Position vacant. Please email Kharon () if you are interested or would like to nominate someone for this position.
- Knowledge and Skills - CEC did get approval for the new "Preparation Standards" from NCATE. There continues to be talk about the purpose of K&S changing, I will keep you all informed as I hear information. It's probably time for me to hand this over to someone else as well. It would be a great time for someone to start out as we start with new standards and tasks. I have done it for 12-15 years and am the "oldest" standing committee member (except for Parthenia from Pioneers). If someone is interested I will attend with them in San Antonio (Friday 8:30-12:00) and will remain available to consult. It is a great way for "national service" but it does take a commitment to work and to being an active member of a team. It requires a weekend in Sept/Oct in DC, along with 1 to 2 days at the National convention. The budget did provide $600 - it is not enough to cover the cost of two trips. It was decided long before me it should be someone who works with standards.
- Discussed possibility of funding trips to DC for committee chair
Kharon Grimmet presented the Journal report
- Unfinished Business from November Board Meeting:
- Discussed getting full membership opinion on this issue presenting several options:
- Leave journal as is and raise membership rates
- Drop down to one issue per year
- Go to online format and explore dropping memberships
- Publication Committee to provide:
- A list of questions that haven’t been answered
- A draft survey for membership
- Beginning exploration of other publishers.
- Journal Goals to be approved by Board:
Email from Barbara Kulik 11/27/12:
DPHMD Board Members,
The attachment contains the recommendations from the DPHMD Publications Committee on the goals of the DPHMD journal. The Committee requests that the DPHMD Board take official action (a formal Vote) on this issue at its next meeting. If you have any questions, please communicate with one of the Publications Committee members. Thank you for your consideration.
DPHMD Publications Committee
BarbaraKulik, Chair
Mari Beth Coleman
Blanche Jackson Glimps
Linda Thomas
DPHMD Journal Goals
Physical Disabilities: Education and Related Services
- Support the goals of DPHMD
- Provide a forum for presentation of current research in the field of physical, health, and multiple disabilities (PHMD).
- Act as a vehicle for the dissemination of information important to practitioners in the field
- Address the nature and characteristics of children and adults with PHMD, program development, assessment practices, and instruction from different perspectives
- Supply valuable information for professionals providing related services to the population with PHMD
- Stimulate thoughtful consideration of the future of education of individuals with PHMD
Considered for publication, through peer-reviewed, blind evaluation:
- Empirical research
- Theoretical perspectives
- Case studies which address promising practices
- Innovative instructional practices
- Reviews of relevant books, materials, media, technology, and software
- Kharon will contact Barbara about tasks
- The journal is very expensive
- Publications committee needs to take some action or pass it over to the board
- Discussed going with online journal (ISU scholar ware is a feasible possibility)
- ISU scholar ware is free
Response to the Question: Who funds ISUW?
IUScholarWorks is currently an open access publishing service of the IU Libraries and is not grant supported. With the newly created IU Office of Scholarly Publishing – which is a provostial office at this time, we can’t say where support for open access scholarly journal publishing will come from in the future. We are confident, however, that support for open access publishing is a strategic initiative of the IU Libraries and that long-term support will be provided. Like in many cases, there are no guarantees – whether it’s a library-based publishing program, a for-profit operation, or a university press. We do affirm that the Indiana University Libraries are committed to long-term support of all our digital library initiatives, including this one.
Additionally, we participate in a variety of preservation initiatives. Should something drastic occur to the IUScholarWorks program, we have various preservation plans in effect that could be enacted. One if CLOCKSS ( would make certain to provide a preservation plan for the journal. We would also actively technically migrate it to another support organization.
Jennifer Laherty
Digital Publishing Librarian and Head of IUScholarWorks Services
Indiana University Bloomington Libraries
Wells Library E159
Bloomington, IN 47405
- Lisa moved that we accept the goals, Meghan seconded, all in favor, goals approved
Pamela Mims presented the Professional Development Committee Report
- I have yet to hear back from Kathleen McLaneon the acceptance or rejection of the 3 proposed topics for webinars I’ve emailed her to see if she had an updated and have not heard back. They were due back in Oct. and I have yet to hear anything.
- Have yet to receive payment for the October webinar.
Kharon Grimmet presented Newsletter report
- Linda hopes to have to Newsletter submitted to the website by 1/28.
- Newsletter Committee: Joni Baldwin and PamDeLoach have agreed to serve on this committee, once created.
- Submissions to next newsletter due May 17
Kharon Grimmet presented Strategic Plan Committee report
- Position is vacant. If you know someone interested in this position, or you yourself are interested in taking over as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee please email
- Linda Thomas has decided to step down from this position. Linda, thank you for your service! The time and talent that you have invested in this committee and the products of this committee are GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you!
No Constitution and Bylaws report
Mari Beth Coleman presented the Communications Committee Report
- Valerie Theile, Coordinator of DPHMD Facebook Page:
- Will update website today with new officer names
- Newsletter will be up shortly
Finance Committee Report
- Will have an update on budget come February
No report for Critical Issues & Leadership committee
Severe/Multiple Disabilities report
- Looking for feedback about the online discussion forum for members to discuss strategies, ideas, research, etc. at:
Meghan Elam present Chronic Medical Conditions committee report
- I have been exploring with Sherry Best the possibility of an effort on behalf of DPHMD/Chronic Medical Conditions Committee to survey teacher prep programs across the country to identify which programs provide pre-service teachers preparation for supporting children who are chronically ill in the classroom.
- We would like to formally ask for board approval on the concept of working with APHOES (Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Education Specialists) to create a formal alliance to support legislative change for children who are chronically ill. I have mentioned this concept, but have not formally requested approval.
- The goal would be as follows: the Chronic Medical Conditions Committee will work with APHOES to identify key areas within policy and legislation that are lacking for children who are ill with respect to school (for example, home instruction hours are frequently insufficient, and are inconsistent from state to state, yet these children depend on home instruction support to make school progress; many children do not qualify for IEPs due to eligibility criteria that excludes "missed educational opportunities" as a reason for educational difficulties, etc.). As we formalize our legislative agenda, we will begin recruiting representatives from other organizations who support children who are ill to join the formal "alliance." For example, we may request that a representative from the Leukemia Lymphoma Society serve as the LLS representative for children with leukemia within the alliance; we may request that a rep from the Muscular Dystrophy Association serve as the representative for children with MD within the alliance. Collectively, then, with representation for children with all different pediatric chronic conditions, we can then advocate for legislative change through concerted efforts, knowing, of course, that there is strength in numbers. I believe this could be a very powerful partnership that could really make an impact for children who are ill, and would be a great opportunity for DPHMD and the committee to help spearhead.
- See attached flyer at the end of the minutes. A few notes relative to the summary sheet -- still a draft, still pending approval from each of the 3 organizations (DPHMD, AECMN, and APHOES), and formal name of the alliance still being finalized. Thanks, all!
- Support would include use of logo. No tangible support, no financial support. Use of committee time so committee can help recruit other organizations.
- Need to check with CEC about using division logo.
- Could use Facebook and Forum
- Could possible coordinate with Amanda
- Will vote on this next month
- Should have a meeting in the next few weeks.
Policy and Advocacy (CAN Coordinator), Amanda Carter
- I have been working on a memo for the newsletter and the website on CEC's position on teacher evaluations. My goal for this year is to have a memo in regards to CEC's Policies and Positions every month for the website and for every newsletter. I will probably have more information for the newsletter because it cannot be updated as often as the website. My other goal is to do more recruitment this year by posting on the website and the newsletter.
Student Representative