Tangent News – February 2017

A belated Happy New Year to you!

  • Your Executive are busily preparing paperwork for the AGM in April. You should soon receive the printed 2016 AGM Minutes, the 2017 AGM Agenda, the Formal notification of AGM letter plus Voting forms in the post. The Voting forms are on the website already, under the Member’s Information - Forms section: As soon as the booklets are printed, we will upload the pdf’s so do keep any eye on the website.
  • With reference to the AGM at Blackpool 22nd April, we recommend that you book in for the Tangent lunch at the Hilton Hotel, by going onto the official conference website: Up until the AGM of course, Paula Farnfield is still our National President, so if you would like her to visit your club she still has a handful of dates available; contact her diary lady through this link:
  • Exciting news from Paula: ‘I’m really proud of some of our new Tangents supporting Ladies Circle - Essex And East London promote not only the City of London Ladies Circle events but also events from around the UK; Torquay Tangle supported a Circle fundraising event on the same day I visited them to present their charter certificate; and Leeds and District Ladies Tangle aim to bridge the gap between Circle and Tangent, supporting Circle and arranging joint events. Whittlesey & District Tangent have taken side by side to the extreme and having worked side by side with Round Table some years ago are now supporting their daughters in reforming their Ladies Circle. Unfortunately, often there is no longer a Circle near to a Tangent but I am encouraging Circlers to ask us for assistance and I hope that you willcontinue to extend the hand of friendship to them, what else are sisters for?’
  • Please see attached digital newsletter which covers some upcoming events, including the Irish, Welsh and Northern Regional Lunches. The South East Regional lunch will be held on Saturday 18th November - keep an eye on the Tangent website for more information.

We intend to work to the following Communications schedule for 2017:
February: post - AGM agenda, AGM minutes, Voting forms, AGM letter
February: digital – links to the above to download
March: digital - update on conference, instructions regarding new forms (available after AGM)
end April: digital - Presidents welcome, AGM summary, Directory and Capitation forms
May/June: digital - TCI report, Regional lunch information/links
July/August: post - new Directory, AGM Minutes
September/October: digital - Nomination and Proposition forms, Conference information
November: digital - Directory update
December: digital - Xmas greetings, Conference information
In addition, we will be sending out digital newsletters, social information and invitations.

That’s all for now ladies

Yours in continued friendship,

Glynis Sutton

Tangent National Secretary, 2016-18