JES PTG Meeting JES PTG Meeting Minutes October 4, 2017 –called to order at 7:06

PTG Board Welcomes & Updates

  • Co-Presidents–Sheana Martin Zombek & Jill Enright

-Review of upcoming events

-Discussion of online clothing

-Reminder for people to sign up for PTG email blast

Vice President–Leslie Jones

-Completed October birthday board

Treasurer–Brae Fuller

-After School Program revenue came in and field trip fees came in.

-Expenses: room parents, field trips, fall family picnic, welcome back breakfast.

-Approved by Kari Avramov & Angie Rigdon

  • Recording Secretary–Trista Kogut

-Minutes from the September PTG meeting were reviewed. Approved bySheana Martin Zombek & Jill Enright

  • Corresponding Secretary–Merry Bhattacharjee

- reviewedcorrespondence

Principal’s Report- Peter Reyes

  • Reviewed the latest faculty meeting. The teachers discussed school year goals. They plan to look into analyzing more data. The teachers would like more of a focus on writing. They also plan to integrate more science kits into their lessons.
  • Discussed Halloween celebration plans and parent/teacher conferences
  • Hero shirts should be coming in soon. The first Hero assembly will be 11/28.
  • Kindness rock project is beginning

Teacher Introductions–Mrs. Boduch & Mrs. McNamara were in attendance.

Open Forum Format (Ask a question/make a comment):

  • Brae Fuller discussed changes in the art show format. It will feature school art work at the T in the school. In the gym artwork from home will be displayed. This way every student will pick something from art class to display
  • Sheana Martin Zombek inquired about lock-down drills. Mr. Reyes stated there will be 8 fire drills and 4 lock-down drills throughout the school year. The lock-down drills will all be run in the fall so students are prepared. Parts of the plan are online for the public to view. This plan covers a wide range of events. Communication with parents in the event of an emergency will be through news outlets/media and through the superintendent. Weather issues will be addressed through the new phone system that the district has as well as news outlets/media. The new police officer who works with the school is Officer Brittney Mangano.
  • Angie Rigdon inquired about parents being able to attend room parties if they are not room parents. Mr. Reyes stated that it is a security concern as well as overcrowding. If parties were open to adults as well we could end up with 50% adults and it takes away from the students’ experience. Gretchen Bliss suggested that instead of having room parents for the 4-parties we could rotate and have parents volunteer for each individual party. Mrs. Boduchliked the idea of having parents rotate for classroom parties but suggested having one parent contact for all 4-parties so parent/teacher communication is easier.
  • Buddy Benches are in the building. We are waiting for the artwork to come and get mounted on the benches. Then lessons will begin in each class on the importance and use of the benches.
  • Bookfair discussion. The theme will be the Wild West.
  • Brae Fuller discussed printing needs for the PTG. She proposed buying a copier for the PTG to potentially save money and for the convenience of using it at the school. The PTG discussed the pros and cons of this and the possibility of doing both—having a copier at Jamesville Elementary and having the copy card.
  • Discussion of keeping paper use down. Perhaps only one sibling (youngest) can take paperwork home.
  • Discussion about whether the school recycles and how we could start a recycling program and how to promote recycling of cans/bottles at events
  • Discussion about the possibility of having students take on the responsibility of the flag duties.

Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.