EOI for ITC Project

The International Trade Centre (ITC), a joint UN-WTO agency engaged in trade-related technical assistance, starts 30-month, 2-million USD project to promote and market Bangladesh as the next offshore outsourcing destination. This project is funded by the Dutch government (through CBI) and we have selected the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark as the target markets for our marketing and match-making operations.

The project puts a strong emphasis on business matching between EU SMEs in the IT & ITES business and their Bangladeshi counterparts. To that end, 40 Bangladeshi ITO/BPO companies, already exporting, will be selected in the framework of the project.

Applicants to the present Expression of Interests will be assessed by the project business-linkaging experts. Selected companies will benefit from the following support activities:

Vendor profiles will be established in coordination with experts and partner trade support organizations

Business-linkaging experts from Denmark, Netherlands and UK will visit Bangladesh at least once a year to gain an in-depth knowledge of the companies

Vendor events will be organized yearly in the EU

Study tours will be organized during Softexpo 2011, 2012 and 2013 to facilitate the match-making between the selected companies and potential European clients

In addition, the project will build the capacities of BASIS and DCCI to identify, target and enter EU markets for outsourcing services. Furthermore, the project will build capacities of both organizations to contribute to the improvement of Bangladesh?s country branding as a global sourcing destination.

In order to ensure a successful delivery of the project, the emphasis will be on closely identifying the target-markets trends and needs, by:

Engaging Business-linkaging experts and partner TSIs in Denmark, Netherlands and UK

Undertaking yearly demand-side studies (Target Market Overview looking at relevant segments and Marketing Plan)

Reviewing the country selection in mid-2011 and mid-2012 in the framework of the PCG

Identifying key segments, with business-linkaging undertaken throughout the year, not only during events

Backing up the business-linkaging with PR activities and mobilization of analysts (AT Kearney, McKinsey, Everest Research?)

ITC will assess the applications by grading each item below on a scale of 0 to 3. 0 means "does not meet criterion", 1 means "partly meets criterion", 2 means "adequately meets criterion", 3 means "perfectly meets criterion". Knock-out criteria (mentioned in the related item headings), if not met, mean that the company cannot qualify for the selection, whatever results elsewhere. ITC, however, will reconsider these criteria in light of the applications numbers and quality. The resulting selection will be submitted to BASIS and DCCI for review. The resulting selection will be used until December 2011, when it will be reviewed in light of its relevance.

If you have questions or want to report problems with the form, please contact Martin Labbe at


DCIT Ltd. is one of leading IT firms in Bangladesh. We are developing innovative and cost effective software services in both commercial and government sectors, along with that we provide training to those who are interested to build up their career in IT sector. DCIT provides internship opportunities for students to make capable IT professionals.

We are doing research and development on innovative Idea, BigData processing and new technology.

We are going forward to fulfill the "vision 2021". Targeting of digital bangladesh we are contributing on differenrt sector of IT.