Reproductive and Endocrine Systems
Practice Exam 4
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Sierra
Course: / AnS 214
Instructor: / Dr. Keating
Date: / 4/21/2015
  1. Choose the false statement about oogenesis.
  2. Primary oocytes are stalled in prophase I until puberty.
  3. In humans, the secondary oocyte must complete meiosis II before it can be fertilized.
  4. In oogenesis, three polar bodies and one functional gamete are produced.
  5. Oogenesis occurs in the ovaries.
  1. Which of the following is mismatched?
  2. Luteal phase: characterized by decreased progesterone levels
  3. Ovulation: secondary oocyte is released
  4. Ovarian cycle: monthly series of events associated with maturation of an egg
  5. Follicular phase: maturation of a primordial follicle to form a secondary oocyte
  1. The functional layer of the endometrium is shed in response to:
  2. Decreased estrogen levels.
  3. Increased estrogen levels.
  4. Decreased progesterone levels.
  5. Increased progesterone levels.
  1. The basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that:
  2. The mature ovum is haploid and the sperm is 2n.
  3. Spermatogenesis involves mitosis and meiosis, but oogenesis involves meiosis only.
  4. Two polar bodies are produced in spermatogenesis.
  5. One mature ovum is produced in oogenesis, and four mature sperm are produced in spermatogenesis.
  1. The surge in LH that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers:
  2. Uterine-lining secretion.
  3. Ovulation
  4. Menstruation
  5. Activation of primordial follicles.
  1. ______cells, located between seminiferous tubules, produce testosterone.
  2. Interstitial
  3. Sustenacular
  4. Sertoli
  5. Follicle
  1. In which uterine phase does the functional layer of the endometrium start to rebuild?
  2. Secretory
  3. Proliferative
  4. Preovulatory
  5. Ovulation
  1. Which is the most correct sequence of sperm flow in the male duct system?
  2. Testes, ductus deferens, urethra, seminal vesicle
  3. Seminiferous tubules, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, ampulla, urethra
  4. Seminiferous tubules, prostatic urethra, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, ampulla
  5. Seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ampulla, ejaculatory duct, urethra
  1. Sperm are produced in the:
  2. Spermatic cord
  3. Seminal vesicles
  4. Seminiferous tubules
  5. Epididymis
  1. Ovulation in a typical, or “average,” cycle usually occurs on day:
  2. 28
  3. 14
  4. 7
  5. 1
  1. What hormone is responsible for the secondary sex characteristics found in women?
  2. Estrogen
  3. FSH
  4. LH
  5. Progesterone
  1. If the testes are both removed before puberty, will secondary sex characteristics develop in the male?
  2. It is impossible to tell.
  3. Yes, they will develop, but the man will be sterile.
  4. No, they won’t develop and the man will be sterile.
  5. Yes, they will develop and the man can produce children.
  1. Meiosis in the female is completed:
  2. Before birth
  3. After birth
  4. At ovulation
  5. After fertilization
  1. Sperm complete the maturation process and are stored in the:
  2. Seminiferous tubules
  3. Epididymis
  4. Ductus deferens
  5. Rete testis
  1. Which phase of the uterine cycle ends with a rise in estrogen and ovulation?
  2. Proliferative phase
  3. Menstruation
  4. Secretory phase
  5. Premenstrual phase
  1. The site of fertilization:
  2. Uterus
  3. Cervix
  4. Ampullary-isthmus junction
  5. Vagina
  1. A way that the scrotum is kept cool:
  2. Cremaster muscle
  3. Tunica Dartos muscle
  4. Pampiniform plexus
  5. All of the above
  1. What is the hormone that is needed for puberty to be initiated?
  2. Estrogen
  3. GnRH
  4. Testosterone
  5. E2
  1. What are the possibilities that will inhibit cyclicity in animals?
  2. Visual encounter with offspring.
  3. Olfactory encounter with offspring.
  4. Auditory encounter with offspring.
  5. All of the above.
  1. What do the pinealocytes (located in the pineal gland) secrete in response to longer nights?
  2. LH
  3. FSH
  4. Melatonin
  5. GnRH
  1. Anestrus is a term used describe a time when there is no cyclicity (important to remember). When is there a time when there is anestrus?
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Lactation
  4. Presence of offspring
  5. All of the above
  1. What hormone is high when an animal is cycling?
  2. LH
  3. FSH
  4. Estrogen
  5. Testosterone.
  1. The term used to describe standing heat at day zero in the estrous cycle is called estrus? Is the underlined word spelled correctly?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  1. The recurring reproductive cycle in many female mammals that starts with one estrus (heat) to the next estrus (heat) and is 21 days long in the cow is called the estrous cycle. Is the underlined word spelled correctly?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  1. The four stages of the estrous cycle occur in what relative order? Depends where you start at in the cycle!
  2. Metestrus, estrus, diestrus, proestrus
  3. Estrus, metestrus, diestrus, proestrus
  4. Diestrus, estrus, proestrus, metestrus
  5. Proestrus,, estrus, diestrus, metestrus
  1. Where does ovulation occur in the estrous cycle?
  2. Metestrus
  3. Diestrus
  4. Estrus
  5. Proestrus
  1. What hormone is important control of when an animal cycles and is the cause of corpus luteum regression?
  2. LH
  3. FSH
  4. GnRH
  5. PGF2α
  1. The posterior pituitary stores and releases two hypothalamic hormones and they are?
  2. Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
  3. Oxytocin and growth hormone (GH)
  4. GH and ADH
  5. GH and prolactin (PRL)
  1. The ability for a hormone to illicit a response on a cell requires the right:
  2. Plasma membrane
  3. Nucleus
  4. Receptor
  5. Cytoplasm
  1. Which of the following elements is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormone?
  2. Copper
  3. Sulfur
  4. Iron
  5. Iodine
  1. Thyroid hormone (TH) includes thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which is more active?
  2. T3
  3. T4
  1. The metabolic rate of most body tissues is controlled directly by:
  2. TH
  3. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  4. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
  5. ADH
  1. ______decreases blood calcium levels and ______increases blood calcium levels.
  2. Parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin
  3. Calcitonin, PTH
  4. GH, PRL
  5. PRL, GH
  1. The pancreas produces what two hormone that help regulate blood glucose levels?
  2. Insulin and GH
  3. GH and PRL
  4. Insulin and glucagon
  5. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
  1. The metabolic rate of most body tissues is controlled directly by:
  2. TH
  3. FSH
  4. TSH
  5. ADH
  1. ______is a deficiency of blood calcium, and ______is a excess of blood calcium.
  2. Hypercalcemia, Hypocalcemia
  3. Hypercalcemia, Hypercalcemia
  4. Hypocalcemia, Hypercalcemia
  5. Hypocalcemia, Hypocalcemia
  1. The secretion of parathyroid hormone is a good example of:
  2. Hormonal stimuli
  3. Humoral stimuli
  4. Hypothalamic stimuli
  5. Neural stimuli
  1. The stimulus for producing insulin is:
  2. High blood glucose concentration.
  3. Low blood glucose concentration.
  4. Low glycogen concentration.
  5. Low blood amino acid concentration.
  1. The transcription of new messenger RNA is a function of:
  2. Amino acid-based hormones.
  3. Catecholamines.
  4. Steroid hormones.
  5. Pituitary gland hormones.
  1. Which of the following elements is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormone?
  2. Copper
  3. Sulfur
  4. Iron
  5. Iodine
  1. Which of the following is the property in which a hormone CANNOT exhibit its full effect without another hormone?
  2. Assertiveness
  3. Synergism
  4. Permissiveness
  5. Antagonism
  1. Which of the following is NOT a true hormone, but rather a trophic substance?
  2. Thyroid hormone
  3. TSH
  4. Aldosterone
  5. Glucagon
  1. Water-soluble hormones exhibit the shortest:
  2. Activation time.
  3. Molecule.
  4. Chain of amino acids
  5. Half-life.
  1. Excess growth hormone would cause all the following, except:
  2. Suppression of cancer.
  3. Gigantism in children.
  4. Acromegally in adults.
  5. Diabetes.
  1. Endocrine glands:
  2. Have ducts.
  3. Have no ducts
  4. Have extracellular effects
  5. Aid in food digestion


These questions may be helpful to go over before the exam and encompass the major concepts that were discussed in lecture. Good luck!!


  1. Outline the hormonal controls involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and ovarian cycle. Note hormone origins (production stimuli), production sites and target cells as well as tissue effects and feedback systems. Include in your discussion the different phases associated with each cycle.
  1. Describe the hormones and feedback systems involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis (blood-testis axis) and compare this to the hormones and feedback systems involved in the two-cell theory in females.
  1. Diagram E2 synthesis, the two cell model. Be sure to show where each set of enzymatic processes occur in each type of cell that converts the hormones into their functional counterparts.


  1. Diagram and describe the events of the estrous cycle. Include in your essay the parts, the days to those parts, and the relative concentration of the hormones of each part included in the estrous cycle.


  1. Describe what a hormone is. For the hormones of the anterior pituitary, GH, FSH, LH, PRL, and TSH, set up a table that shows what cell type each were secreted by, what triggers each of these hormone’s release, and the effects on the body. For the posterior pituitary hormones, Oxytocin and ADH, set up a table that shows what tissue each were secreted by, what triggers each of these hormone’s release, and the effects on the body.
  1. Trace the events involved in the synthesis, release and hormonal action of T3 and T4. Include a list of the effects of thyroid hormone on the body.
  1. If we still have time during the session we will cover this question, but be sure you know how to describe what occurs when lipid soluble and/or water soluble hormone bind to a receptor and what the final product of the cascade of events amounts to. There are two detailed slides in the endocrine set of notes.