Professional Development

New Budget Information for Time Reporting Teachers and Substitutes

1. Norm Teacher funded by program 11020, 11056, 11080, 11089,or 11120

The Teacher attending the Professional Development (PD) shall be reported with an Attendance/Absence (A/A) code “PD”. In addition the fund and functional area shall be the funding source for the PD.


The Teacher funded from 11020 attends Title I (7S046) “PD”on

August 3, 2009.

Time reporter would enter:

-PD on the time sheet for the teacher on 8-3-09

-The Fund and Functional Area will be the program

(7S046) supporting the PD in this example

FUND: 010-3010

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-7S046

(Title I funding)


The Substitute covering theNORM funded teacher whose regular assignment is funded by programs 11020, 11056, 11080, 11120, and the NORM teacher attends a PD funded by 7S046 would be reported for this example as follows:

FUND: 010-0000

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-11065

(New Program Code)

  1. Class Size Reduction Teacher or Other Categorical Funded Teacher Positions

(Classroom Teachers funded by other program codes)

Class Size Reduction (CSR) Teacher attending the Professional Development (PD) shall be reported with anAttendance/Absence (A/A) code “PD”. In addition the fund and functional area shall be the funding source for the PD.


The CSR Teacher funded from 7V094 attends Title I (7S046) “PD”

onAugust 3, 2009.

Time reporter would enter:

-PD on the time sheet for the CSR teacher on 8-3-09

-The Fund and Functional Area will be the program

(7S046) supporting the PD in this example

FUND: 010-3010

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-7S046

(Title I funding)


The Substitutecovering theCSRfunded teacher whose assignment is funded by a CSR program and the CSR teacher attends a “PD” funded by 7S046the sub would be reported out of the same funding code as the CSR teacher (7V094). For this example the following Funds and Functional Area would be used:

FUND: 010-3011

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-7V094

(Same as CSR Funding)

3. Special Education Teacher

Special Education Teacher (SDC/RSP) attending the Professional Development (PD) shall be reported with an Attendance/Absence (A/A) code“PD”. In addition, the Fund and Functional area shall be the funding source for the PD.


The SDC/RSP Teacher attends Title I (7S046) “PD”on

August 3, 2009

Time reporter would enter:

-PD on the time sheet for the SDC/RSP teacher on 8-3-09

-The Fund and Functional Area will be the program

(7S046) supporting the PD in this example

FUND: 010-3010

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-7S046

(Title I funding)


The Substitute covering SDC/RSP teacher and the SDC/RSP teacher attends a PD would be reported for this example as follows: FUND: 010-0000

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-12005 for SDC

1110-1000-12002 for RSP


Professional Development

New Budget Information for Time Reporting Teachers and Substitutes

Payroll Reporting A Substitute For A Regular Benefited Absence

Substitute for Norm Teacher funded by program 11020, 11056, 11080, 11089, or 11120

If a Norm Teacher funded by program 11020, 11056, 11089, 11120, is out for a regular benefited absence such as illness, Personal Necessity, etc., the substitute is reported using: FUND: 010-0000

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-11024

Class Size Reduction Teacher or Other Categorical Funded Teacher Positions

(Teachers funded by other program codes)

If a CSR Teacher or other Categorical Funded Teacher position is absent for a regular benefited absences such as illness, Personal Necessity, etc., the substitute is to be reported from program 11024. For the CSR example in 2 above, it would be as follows:

FUND: 010-000

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 1110-1000-11024**

**To be used for Fiscal Year 2009-10 ONLY

Subject to change in future years

Special Education Teacher

If a SDC/RSP Teacher is absent on a regular benefited absence such as illness, Personal Necessity, etc., the substitute is reported using:

FUND: 010-6500

FUNCTIONAL AREA: 5750-1110-17247