/ Route this form to:
U Services Human Resources
300 Donhowe Building
319 15th Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN55455
FAX: 612.625.6675
Staffing Request & Budget Authorization Form
Requested Job Classification: / Job Title:
Department/Unit: / Number of Vacancies:
Supervisor Name: / Phone Number: - -
Appointment Type: / Continuing / Temporary / Temp No-Post
Student / Temp & Casual / Trades
Appointment Percentage: / 100% time (40hrs/week) / Less than 100%, specify percentage:
Shift: / Work Days: / Work Hours:
EFS Number: - -
Is this position a: / New Position / Replacement*
* If Replacement, list name of last incumbent and reason for vacancy:
Is this position budgeted: / Yes / No / Position #:
* If not budgeted for current fiscal year, please identify how position will be funded:
Justification for filling this vacancy:
Could this position potentially be eliminated due to budget cuts? / Yes / No / Possibly
Please attach job description for this position.
Manager/Director Signature/MOII Committee(if applicable) / date (m/d/yyyy)
Finance Director/Budget Administrator Signature (for unbudgeted positions only) / date (m/d/yyyy)
AVP Signature: / date (m/d/yyyy)
HR Director Signature: / date (m/d/yyyy)
University Services VP Signature / date (m/d/yyyy)
The Staffing Request and Budget Authorization Form is used as a trigger document to start the recruitment and staffing process to fill a vacant or newly created position. Once the form is completed and fully signed, all requests should be directed to the attention of the appropriate University Services Human Resources Representative.
Follow the approval process outlined below for staffing requests of vacant or newly created positions:
  1. Hiring authorities should complete the Staffing Request Form, and have their Manager/Director approve the staffing request(s) by signing as well. The Manager/Director will then route the form for the remaining approval signatures in sequence, as needed. The form must be fully signed (AVP, HR Director, VP) prior to beginning the recruitment or job posting process.
  1. Staffing requests for positions not budgeted for in the current fiscal year should be formally justified. Budget offsets or revenue enhancements need to be identified. Justification for unbudgeted position requests must also be approved by the appropriate unit Finance Director/Budget Administrator.
  1. A statement justifying the need to fill this vacancy currently should be included on the form. Also, please attach a copy of the job description for review by the signature approvers.
  1. The Staffing Request Form process does not change or replace the need for the official University of Minnesota Position Requisition process. Hiring authorities are still required to follow all procedures for routing and obtaining signatures for U of M Position Requisition forms within their respective departments. This signed document authorizes approval to begin that recruitment and posting process.

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.