Teacher / Students / Objectives
Warm up :
9:00 Welcome and introduction (Bolormaa)
Why are we having the camp
What are the main goals
My English learning experience
Importance of English
Rules – come on time, speak English, listen to each other, turn off phones / Listen
Listen, look and repeat / Students will understand the purpose and objectives of the camp and will be motivated to study well.
9:10Teachers’ introductions
– each teacher will give a very short, simple introduction (name, where work, years worked) / Listen and remember / Students will (SW) meet the teachers and practice listening skills with simple introductions
9:20 : Name Tags : Give out name tags / Write names clearly / Students will be able to (SWBAT)introduce themselves to their peers and learn about one another through listening and speaking games
9: 35 : Students’ introductions
Standing in a circle students will go around and each say their name and which school they study at.
Concentration Game
Students stand in a big circle. Teach them the concentration movements (2x for each movement): slap thighs, clap hands, snap right fingers, snap left fingers. Explain that as doing the movements and chanting the song, they have to say their names and their friend’s name. The friend must be the one standing on their left. The goal of the game is to finish one round without anyone making mistakes. If they can finish one round, add another challenge: after one round they have to change the direction/places / Stand in a circle
Say names and schools. Listen to others.
Follow the instructions and say their names and the name of the student on their left round the circle
9:45 : All about me Bingo Game
On your BINGO sheet, there are 12 questions that ask about YOU! (Students may create a separate chart in their notebooks or on a separate piece of paper to write their answers). Answer EVERY question honestly. You will have 5 minutes to answer the questions. After you are done, the teacher will have everyone stand to share their answers. You have 5 minutes to find people who are “like you” / Read the questions
Answer the questions
Move around the room asking and answering the questions about yourself
Share answers with the group
10:05 explain - raffle tickets
Tell students about raffle tickets- you will receive a small ticket throughout the week when you participate or answer questions. We will do a “raffle drawing” every day
- shooting stars
students recognize their peers for something good that they did. The teachers will do the shooting stars today, but for the rest of the week, students will get to choose someone. The students who are chosen today will then give shooting stars the following day.
- overview of camp
Show the schedule and talk about it
Every day 9:00 – 3:00 – please come on time
On Saturday – only the morning
meet outside the library and go to the river
On Sunday – rest at home
Next Tuesday (16th June) a concert for parents in the afternoon / Listen, understand, ask questions if necessary / SW understand raffle tickets and be motivated to participate actively
SW understand about shooting stars
SW come on time each day and invite their parents to the concert on Tuesday afternoon
10:30 BREAK
10: 40 Vocabulary :
Introduce Students to Vocabulary Routine
Every day we will have a special word
Today’s word of the Day: UNWRITTEN
Pronounce the Words: Tell students that they will first practice how to pronounce the words.
  1. You will pronounce the words while “scooping” the syllables.
  2. Second time, you and the students will pronounce the word together as you “scoop” the syllables
  3. Then you say the whole word all together.
Explain the definition of the word.
Word formation – explain
Examples of UN
Unwritten rule example “Wear clothes” – this was not one of the camp rules BUT it is obvious – if you come to camp without clothes (naked) you cannot enter!
Sentenceexplain the meaning of these sentences. Ask the students to write a sentence using the word ‘write’ / Students listen.
Students repeat.
Students say together.
Students draw the 4 square in their notebooks and copy as the teacher reveals each square
Copy into notebook
Write a sentence
Volunteer to write their sentence on the whiteboard
Other students correct if necessary / SW understand the method we are going to be using this week for new words
SWBAT remember the word ‘unwritten’ and be able to use it in a sentence
SW recognize that words beginning with ‘un’ are usually negative
11:00 Reading : Poem : ‘Colors’

Introduce about poetry
Read the colors poem
Explain meaning
Have one or two teachers read it
Explain (translate?)
Have everyone read it together
Have one or two students read it
Have you ever written a poem or a song?
This afternoon you are going to write a poem about yourself. / Listen
Read together
Answer / SW think about poetry – prepare for afternoon poem writing activity
SWBAT understand and read the colors poem
SW understand what it means to add ‘–ish’ to a color
11:15 Song : ‘Unwritten’

Connect to the word of the day :
Who can remember the word for today?
Who can remember my sentences?
We are going to learn a song – some of the words are missing.
Also there are 4 un- words – can you find them all? (undefined/unplanned/unspoken/unwritten)
Listen to the song in 3 parts
Display the missing words out of order
Ask the students which word was first etc.
Check words together by listening again.
Repeat steps for second and third parts of the song
Let’s sing together / Answer
Listen and write the missing words in notebook in the correct order
Listen and check
Sing together / SW enjoy listening to the song
SW practice listening for missing words
LUNCH 12:00-1:00
Afternoon Activity :
1:00 Board Game – About Me :
MATERIALS : game boards for 6 groups, 6 dice

Explain the game – give example answers
Divide into groups / Students play the games in groups - / SWBAT ask and answer questions about themselves from the board game
1:20 WARM UP :
Adjective Brainstorm :
How many adjectives can you write in 3 minutes?
Read/show own example ‘About Me’ Poem.
Show the example outline on screen
Give out outlines to everyone / Say adjectives that they know
Listen, understand, think / SW review the adjective they know and learn from each other.
Everyone find students to help/encourage
Write ‘About Me’ poem using the model
Adapted from :
Create to Communicate 2013
TW circulate and check : Ask questions to prompt students :
What are you like?
What do you look like?
What do you have?
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
What do you like?
What are you afraid of?
What/Who would you like to see?
Where do you live?
What is your name?
Add sentences : EXAMPLE prompts :
Who do you live with? – I live with …
How do you feel? – I feel …
What did you do yesterday? – Yesterday I ..
Who would you like to meet? – I would like to meet …. etc.
Write poem on a clean piece of paper – DO NOT WRITE ‘Line 1’ etc. only the poem
Draw pictures about yourself to decorate your poem / write a poem about themselves
SW have their first draft checked by the person next to them.
Once students are ready, they may start their final draft
After finishing writing draw pictures to decorate
Better students add sentences – can think of their own ideas
Write neatly
Decorate with pictures / SWBAT write a simple poem about themselves
Higher level SWBAT add their own sentences about themselves from their prior knowledge.
SW think about themselves and ways to express themselves through words and pictures.
2:10 Then show, read your poem and talk about the pictures you chose to draw. (two rooms)
Who would like to be first to read and show their poem? (remember to give raffle tickets)
(Ask questions about pictures)
If time - everyone / One by one read and show.
Others listen. / SWBAT read a short poem about themselves and talk about the pictures they chose to decorate it with
They will gain confidence in speaking in front of others and will also get to know each other better.
2:30Wrap up :
Fun Fact
Discuss total population of Mongolia
Form a cline for millions of people.
Use cards with millions/billions
Do the same for USA.
World: over 7 billion
USA: 325,000,000
Mongolia: 2,923,000 million
Four corners game
Tomorrow bring something that helps others know you better (eg. favorite thing)
Raffle – names are picked from jar
Shooting Stars –x2 -award stars to 2 students and say Why / Review numbers : Listen and Say
Students guess how many people live somewhere by moving to the person who is holding the card with the nearest number on it
Chosen students receive a small prize / Students review numbers
Think about large numbers of people
Students guess populations and by moving better retain the information they learn
Students are motivated to participate actively

Reflection Comments :

June 8, 2015 Day 1 Khovd Summer Camp-Cool+Warm


-Interesting and fun day

-Timing - Teachers have many paperwork. Teachers should attend every activity everyday.

+ lots of activities (introductions, group work)

+ teachers helped each other, encouraged students

+ tree is a good idea

Students can work on tree (suggestion)


-True. Some teachers were not ready in front of students. He had planned his activity but didn’t use it.

-Word formation is difficult for this level

-Need more good creative questions to ask students

-Would have liked to use picture square in vocabulary four-square but didn’t prepare it.

-Bingo game needs teachers to monitor for English use and speaking use. Students looked at each others’ lists instead of asking each other questions.

+Good activity: adjective on paper (brainstorming activity was good).

+Write about me poem was good. (draft and final copy)


-Poetry wasn’t translated, and needed to be.

-Unwritten song: long and had difficult words

+ Adjectives

+ Brainstorming

+ Concentration game (ice breaker) went well.


-Brainstorming on adjectives too long.

-Board game was difficult. Start (Name Your favorite…) may be better for the first day.

+Concentration game & Poem (About Me) went well.

Bingo game needs some easier questions (suggestion)


-Unable to be here all day.

-Needed help from Udval/Hazel for her part this morning because she forgot some things.

+Glad that summer camp is in Khovd.

+ Thankful for Hazel’s work


+Especially board game, students learning sentence parts, and whole sentence, repeat


Tongue twister on Tuesday (suggestion)

Guessing meaning of words/Vocabulary game (suggestion)


-not enough physical activity in morning

-teachers didn’t plan enough so there was some discomfort in presentations

+pacing and energy of teachers was good

+ obvious planning by Hazel and teachers

+Lots of activities and variety of activities (group work, individual work, and some pair work)

+raffle tickets were fun

+music playing was fun


Teacher / Students / Objectives
Warm up :
‘Big Numbers Song’
9:00 Greetings/Show and Tell
MATERIALS : objects students have brought from home
Show an example of teacher’s favorite thing and why
Camp Rules review / Listen, sing if they want to
Listen/Watch example and then volunteer to share about their favorite thing / Connect with yesterday’s fun fact
SW gain confidence speaking in front of each other
SW get to know each other better
SWBAT say the camp rules
9:30 Questions :
MATERIALS : powerpoint / words on paper / music (unwritten)
  1. Give out questions to each group of 3 (group students sitting near each other) tell students to make a question with their words. (teachers will observe and check and encourage)
  2. Start powerpoint ‘questions’ – show the picture on slide 2 : ask “What question do you think is connected with this picture?” - show in Mongolian : which group has this question : stand up and show and read – reveal on ppt. how do you answer this question? – practice asking and answering.
  3. Ask the person next to you this question and answer.
  4. Repeat steps 2+3 for the other questions.
  5. Display questions on ppt. Get up and move around the room – start music move around, when music stops ask a student near you 3 different questions from the list (also teachers can join in)
/ Students look at words and make a question.
Students look at picture and guess the question that is connected with it.
Group with the question reads and shows and answers question.
All students practice asking and answering the question.
Students move around the room, meet new people and practice asking and answering the questions in a less formal way / SWBAT organize the words in the correct order to make a common question – they will try to remember this question from the test (from previous knowledge)
SW try to guess which question matches the picture (develop critical thinking)
SW practice reading the question and then answering and asking in pairs.
SW gain confidence in using English to communicate this simple info. about themselves. SWBAT remember these questions later in real life situations (also in the end of week post-quiz)
TWBAT see which students are able to ask and answer with confidence, note those who might need extra practice during the week.
9:50 – Vocabulary CREATE
  1. Today’s word is ‘create’
  2. ‘create’ means to make something new
  3. Can you think of any synonyms?
invent, design, make,
  1. Word formation : create (V), creative (adj.) creation = invention(n), creator(n), creature (n)
/ Students copy into their notebooks and repeat words after the teacher
Write a sentence using ‘create’ in notebooks
Write your sentence on the whiteboard / SWBAT remember the word create and use it in a sentence
SW gain confidence using different forms of words : adjectives, nouns etc.
10:00 – Reading – Draw a Pig/Picture dictation
MATERIALS : ‘Draw a Pig’- First Little Readers, Liza Charlesworth, Scholastic, 2010
Power point, paper, markers
  1. Review Shapes : circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval (use colored paper shapes)
  2. Listen to the story ‘Draw a Pig’ and follow the instructions
  3. Listen and watch the story to make a picture of a dog
  4. Monster Draw – listen and draw Fred
There is a monster named Fred. Fred lives in a house by a large river. Fred is very tall, almost as tall as his house! He has one large square head, with seven triangular eyes, 4 oval ears, 2 big noses and one small mouth. Fred has 4 long arms, each arm has 3 hands and each arm has two fingers. Fred also has 3 long legs. Each leg has one food and each foot has 6 square toes.
  1. Show your monster and tell the class about it
/ Look, listen and remember – write new words in notebooks
Listen and draw
Listen and draw
Remember and talk about your monster / SW listen and recognize shape words
SWBAT listen and draw a pig using simple shapes
SW practice listening and drawing and gain more confidence
10:40 – Tongue Twister
  1. Read : Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore
  2. Repeat after me
  3. Say yourselves – together and individually
/ Listen
Read in front of the class / SW improve pronunciation of ‘S’ words
11:00 – Board Game : My favorite

MATERIALS : Board game x6, 6 dice / Play game – answer questions about favorite things / SWBAT talk about their favorite things
LUNCH 12:00-1:00
Afternoon Activity :
1:00-sentence order with question words (ppt)
  1. I do : Show picture, answer question words for the picture – make a sentence
  2. We do : repeat for picture 2 with students
  1. You do : repeat for picture 3 – the students write themselves and then volunteer to share with the whole class
/ Look at picture, listen, look at teacher’s sentence
Look at picture, answer questions, make a sentence with teacher
Look at picture, answer questions in notebook and make your own sentence : share with the class – look at other students’ sentences and correct mistakes, if necessary. / SWBAT write a sentence answering the questions who, what, when, where, why
1:20-Story Walk-story sequencing
MATERIALS : pictures cut from magazines, paper, different colored markers
  1. Split students into 6 groups
  2. Give each group one picture, one colored marker and a piece of paper
  3. Tell them to look at the picture and write the first sentence of a story about that picture (or as many sentences as they can in a given time)
  4. Switch groups, leave the picture and paper on the desk but take the marker (Each group has a different color marker)
  5. Read the first sentence, then add to the story
  6. Switch groups again : repeat steps 4-5 until the story is finished
  7. Read the story and edit for mistakes
  8. Group by group read story to the other groups
/ Look at picture – write sentences of a story
Read sentences written by other groups
Correct mistakes
Read / SW use their imaginations and create their own sentences about a picture
SW practice sequencing (First, Then, Next, Finally)
SWBAT read and edit mistakes
SW gain confidence reading in front of the class
2:00 Pictures – listen and put the pictures in order
MATERIALS : series of pictures from simple children’s books
SCHOLASTIC series 2003 – ‘George Washington Loved His Country’, Maria Fleming,
- ‘Squanto The Pilgrim’s Friend’, Susan Washborn Buckley
  1. Give each group of students a set of pictures from story – out of order
  2. Ask them to listen and place the pictures in order
  3. Read the story
  4. Read again if necessary
  5. Ask the students to re-tell the story by looking at the pictures
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for two more books
/ Look at pictures
Listen to story and try to arrange pictures in the correct order
Listen and check
Re-tell the story in their own words using the pictures / SW improve their listening skills
SW improve their speaking skills and gain confidence
2:30 – Wrap up
Raffle/Shooting stars

June 9, 2015 Day 2 Khovd Summer Camp-Cool+Warm