Call 911 for immediate emergencies.

Go to the ERafter normal clinic hours.

Call/Come to the Orthopedic Clinic during normal business hours, M-F 0730-1530, for the following conditions:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Fever greater than 101 degrees F
  • Severe pain that does not respond to pain medication
  • Inability to urinate
  • Signs or symptoms of infection ( redness, warmth, yellow drainage and swelling to site)
  • Your cast, splint, or surgical site dressings accidently become wet, frayed, or non functional.
  • If there is any problems with pain unrelated to surgical site, due to incorrect fitting of splint, or if any discoloration occurs.

Post Operative Home Care Instructions

You had a surgical procedure. You will experience some degree of pain and swelling near the incision site. The skin may take on a bruised appearance. This is part of the natural healing process and is normal.

  • Support the elevated foot and/or leg with pillows. Do not place pillows under the knee. Keep operated foot/ankle elevated above the level of your heart. This requires reclining rather than sitting straight up. The more your foot is elevated, the less swelling and pain you will experience and the better your healing will be.
  • DO NOT remove, alter or unwrap the post operative dressings, wraps, or splints. During your first post operative appointment, your surgeon, and/or care team, will remove the dressings, wraps, or splints for evaluation.
  • Appearance of a blood spot through the dressing is NOT unusual. However, if there is active and persistent bleeding, go to the ER or call the clinic at once.
  • Limit walking to navigating around your household only. Use the walker/crutches/cane as directed.
  • If you have been instructed to remain NON WEIGHT BEARING post operatively, please adhere to your surgeon’s directions.
  • After surgery, you may take a bath or shower, only if you can isolate affected foot out of the shower, and keep the dressings CLEAN, DRY and INTACT. Otherwise, take sponge baths for the first 3-4 days. If the dressing gets wet, it WILL increase your risk for post operative infections.
  • DO NOT submerge the incisions in a bath, hot tub, pool or ocean until medically cleared by your surgeon.
  • If you experience any trauma (fall, get stepped on, or bump your surgical foot) notify the doctor (You may need to have an x-ray of your foot, to ensure no further injury was causedby the trauma.)


Read the label of take home medications and take as directed.

Do not take pain medications on an empty stomach (taking with food decreases nausea); and NEVER take pain medications with alcohol!

All narcotics (pain medicines) may cause constipation. If you were NOT prescribed Colace, you may also choose a laxative of your choice as needed, such as milk of magnesia, or magnesium citrate, prune juice. These are available over the counter at any local pharmacy.

Phenergan (prescription) as needed may be taken every six hours if prescribed for anticipated nausea.

You will normally NOT be prescribed any take home antibiotics immediately following your surgery. At your initial post operative visit, in 10-14 days, your orthopedic physician/surgeon will advise you if antibiotics will be added to your post operative treatment plan.

Call at least 3 days prior to running out of pain medication. It may take up to 72 hours for your prescription to be available. If you reach the voicemail please leave all requested information and we will return your call

Important Telephone Numbers

  • Emergencies …………………………………………………911
  • Ortho Foot & Ankle/Podiatry Team(during normal business hours)

for questions and medication refills………………….433-1397

  • OrthoClinic ………………………………….……433-2778
  • Physical Therapy (Tripler)...... 433/6958/6428/6497
  • Physical Therapy (Schofield)……….433-2778 x 352

Please be advised that it may take up to 72 hours to return messages but most calls are returned within 24 hours