Speaking & Training Topics

For Managers and Executives:

  • The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ has a simple goal: To facilitate a learning experience that helps groups discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team. With this program, participants will learn how, as a team, they score on the key components of the model: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. Additionally, the program is powered by Everything DiSC®, a model that helps individuals to understand themselves and others better. Using these results, participants will be able to create a better, stronger team.
  • The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment and accompanying material is designed for an intact team. Before choosing this program, consider the questions: Is the team really a TEAM? A team is a relatively small number of people (from three to twelve) who meet on a regular basis and are collectively responsible for results. The team members share common goals as well as the rewards and responsibilities for achieving them. Not every group is a team. For example, a group that appears to be a team might simply be a collection of people who report to the same manager, but who have relatively little interdependence and mutual accountability.

This program includes an assessment for each team member with accompanying workshop led by Dr. Tim Ursiny. Contact Us to schedule an informational phone call. Download PDF

Leading in Times of Change: How leaders can use change as an effective leadership tool.

Change is constant and is happening at an increasing rate. Leaders who know how to inspire, challenge and get results during changing times are critical to an organization’s success. The goal of this workshop is to equip leaders with the insights and skills necessary to inspire performance, trust and loyalty in times of joint ventures, challenge and different stages of change. Download PDF

Time: Friend or Foe? Making time management work for you and not against you.

Time has become a very valuable commodity for leaders and most feel that they do not have enough time to do their jobs to their full potential. Those that learn to manage their time well will manage their results well. By learning how to focus on their “highest and best use of time” leaders can take their businesses to the next level more quickly and efficiently. Download PDFWatch Video Abstract

The old ways of leading people are over. A “command and control” approach to leadership results in lack of alignment, conflict, low commitment, low accountability, lack of harmony and low profitability. This program was created at the request of top leaders who wanted practical training on how to effectively coach those they manage to a higher level of performance, morale and alignment. Download PDF

Mediating in the Heat of Battle: How to be an effective mediator in a conflict situation.

A team without conflict is a team without passion. All top performing teams must have conflict. If done correctly, positive conflict can lead to greater creativity, closer relationships and greater results. When done incorrectly, negative conflict can lead to poor morale, passiveaggressive behaviors, dysfunctional relationships, poor performance, a miserable culture and even legal issues. Download PDF

From Following to Leading: Transformation from being a follower to an effective leader.

Growing Leaders from Within: Identification, developing, assessing and empowering new leaders.

Gender diversity: Finding and developing new leaders from within diverse gender groups.

Confidence-based Leadership: Leading with confidence and not arrogance.

The Power to Persuade: Building Sales and customer service professionals.

Top performers need to have a multitude of skills to be at the top of their game. One critical skill is the ability to give powerful and persuasive presentations to groups and individuals. In “The Top Performer’s Guide to Presentations” we equip participants with a process to improve both their style and structure when presenting. Download PDF

Purposeful Persuasion: How to sell when you aren’t a sales person.

What makes a Leader? Key elements that make up a great leader.

Confidence - The Key to Improving PerformanceEven the best ideas are not always received with “welcomed arms” (especially if they represent a departure from previous methods). The way we craft and deliver our message can make a huge difference in whether others respond with resistance or support/acceptance. Fortunately, we have proven research available that addresses the art of persuasion. Our “Positive Persuasion” workshop will teach participants a genuine and effective approach to persuading others in a positive way. : Becoming everything you can be by applying confidence pDownload PDF


Growing outside your Borders: Effective expansion of your footprint across the globe

Building an Effective Strategy for Developing your employee talent

“In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedes all others, is – I will form good habits and become their slave.”
- Og Mandino (The greatest Salesman in the World)

We’ve seen it many times; participants will go to a workshop, reward trip or peer meeting and leave excited and full of many great ideas and then completely fail to implement the ideas to a level that truly transforms their business. They leave with the desire and intent to improve their business, but immediately return to old habits. In our “Habits of Success” program we will help participants remove habits of thought and action that hold them back and replace these with habits that will create greater satisfaction and results. Download PDFWatch Video Abstract

Teams are critical to the success of an organization. Lack of alignment, conflict, differing degrees of commitment, low accountability, confusing roles and responsibilities, etc. all impact the harmony and profitability of a team. This program was created at the request of top leaders who wanted practical training on how to effectively lead a high performing team. Download PDF

For all employees:

Navigating the Sea of Change: How to make change work for you.

Your patient, your friend: A new and revolutionary approach to customer care.

Confidence-based PerformanceChange is constant and is happening at an increasing rate. Those who know how to adapt to changes in their business and their industry will highly outperform those who stay in their comfort zone. The goal of this workshop is to equip participants with the insights and skills necessary tode-stress, recharge and focus when making significant changes in their business. Download PDF

: Learn to be an exceptional performer

In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedes all others, is – I will form good habits and become their slave.
- Og Mandino (The greatest Salesman in the World)We’ve seen it many times; participants will go to a workshop, reward trip or peer meeting and leave excited and full of many great ideas and then completely fail to implement the ideas to a level that truly transforms their business. They leave with the desire and intent
to improve their business, but immediately return to old habits. In our “Habits of Success” program we will help participants remove habits of thought and action that hold them back and replace these with habits that will create greater satisfaction and results.
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Dealing with Difficult People: Practical help to deal with those difficult people

So you want to make a difference?Every workplace has people who have been identified as “difficult” and yet a team without conflict is a team without passion. All top performing teams must have conflict. If done correctly, positive conflict can lead to greater creativity, closer relationships and greater results. When done incorrectly, negative conflict can lead to poor morale, passive-aggressive behaviors, dysfunctional relationships, poor performance, a miserable culture and even legal issues. Download PDF

What cause us to do what we do? Why do you seem to relate to some people better than others? How can two people be in the same situation and respond to it very differently? These are questions people have asked across the ages.

In our “DiSC®: Discovering your Interpersonal Style” session we will help participants understand what makes them tick and how others may see the world just a little differently.
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 Moving from mediocrity to excellence.

Even the best ideas are not always received with “welcomed arms” (especially if they represent a departure from previous methods). The way we craft and deliver our message can make a huge difference in whether others respond with resistance or support/acceptance. Fortunately, we have proven research available that addresses the art of persuasion. Our “Positive Persuasion” workshop will teach participants a genuine and effective approach to persuading others in a positive way. Download PDF

The Art of Positive Persuasion. Learn from the best on how Sales and Pre-sale concepts can work for you.

Time: Your most precious asset: Make time an asset and not a liability.

The Successful Sales MindsetTime has become a very valuable commodity for all of us and most feel that they do not have enough time to do their jobs to their full potential. Those that learn to manage their time well will manage their results well. By learning how to focus on their “highest and best use of time” employees can take their performance to the next level more quickly and efficiently. Download PDF

: key concepts that make some salespeople great.

Change is constant and is happening at an increasing rate. Individuals who know how to inspire, challenge and get results during changing times are critical to an organization’s success. The goal of this workshop is to equip leaders and sales professionals with the insights and skills necessary to inspire confidence, trust and loyalty in difficult or changing times. Download PDF

Building Confidence in an Upside Down World: Accelerate your performance in a tough world.

Stressed out? Help is on the WayConfidence is the fuel for success. Take two teams with equal skill and the more confident team with win every time. In this workshop participants of any level of confidence will learn how to increase their self-assurance. Download PDF

: Practical skills for dealing with multi-facetted stress

Walking the tight rope: Being Balanced: Learn the secrets of how balanced people always do it better.

Transforming your Office Reception area: The importance and Power of your front desk.

How to effectively manage the health case presentation: the unique challenges of presenting and closing a medical/dental case plan.

Business etiquette: What I wished I knew years ago.

How to conduct a health check on your office. How to conduct an annual checkup of your organization?

Keys to building effective training for your staff.The Why and How of powerful employee development

Balancing an age diverse employee poolLife is demanding and it can take a toll on even the best of us. High stress can impact focus, happiness and performance. The goal of this workshop is to equip participants with the insights and skills necessary to reduce stress and create better life balance. : Understanding the new generation of workersDownload PDF

The relationship between client and sales professional has never been more important. The current economic environment has created more skepticism, less trust and greater expectations. Sales professionals who continue to interact with clients in the traditional fashion open themselves up to client dissatisfaction, attrition and in the worst cases potential litigious activity.

The ACT “Coaching Skills for Sales Professionals” workshop provides Sales professionals with a specific and disciplined model for the client conversation that takes consultative selling to the next level. This model allows them to serve their clients in a more efficient and connecting fashion. Download PDF

The last several years have taken a toll on employees both financially and mentally. As a result, many know WHAT to do to excel, but struggle with the energy and focus needed to truly take their game to the next level. The goal of this workshop is to discover and remove the blocks that keep employees from working at their highest potential and to give them specific tactics to refocus, re-energize and recommit to successful habits that will grow your business. Download PDF