Recycled Teenagers Forum

Minutes of MEETING held on

Wednesday 25th September, 2013

80 Trinity Road, Southend, Essex. 4pm – 5.30pm

Members of group in attendance:

Committee- Sarah Anderson, Derrick Brook,Linda LeCorgne, Margaret Cooper,Soo Coleman, Barbara Barfoot, Jill Parr, Val Stevens (8)

No / Item / Action by
1 / Introductions
Everyone knew each other, but welcome back to Val Stevens onto the Committee / DB
2 / Apologises
None given as all members in attendance / DB
3 / Minutes from last meeting
Minutes were confirmed as correct and signed off by the chair at this meeting. / DB
4.5 / Matters arising from minutes:
Christmas Party
Christmas party hall and DJ confirmed booked at WI Hall Rochford. Cheque confirmed received and deposited.
Bingo and aerobics
Discussion to keep Bingo and aerobics but cut down on trips. Was also suggested that unwanted gifts be donated to recycled teenagers.
Discussion about increasing membership. Update flyers and new brochures. Advertise in more places. Need to replace outdated flyers. Discussion and suggestions about advertising in Evening Echo and Yellow Advertiser. Concerns also raised about waiting for 2014 trips before new flyers printed etc.
Discussion about why we are losing membership. There was also discussion about people who have signed up but never participated.
Other possible reasons for membership numbers dropping was because of age related problems and death. Also the poor economy could be another problem facing members.
Membership pricing discussed. Suggestions of six monthly payments
Instead of annual. Plus different membership options for people to consider.
Current membership is 79, with all of September renewed and some of October.
Open Meeting
Open meeting changed from October because hall unavailable. Agreed to change to 22nd November. 2013 - 11am. Suggestions made to encourage new and old members to come along to meeting by offering free cake and tea etc at meeting. It was also suggested that everyone who attends the meeting will be entered into a free draw for a £15.00 towards membership or day trip.
Agreed that next years trips will be looked at after London trip. It was also suggested that trips are not booked during school holidays etc.,
Cheaper trips and new venues also discussed and suggested to take another look. We will ask members to vote for options during open meeting with the use of a flip chart with suggestions for trips etc, Members to get 4 stickers each to choose trips, and place their stickers on their preferred choices. / ALL
5.0 / Treasurer Update:
In bank - £796.59 (not inc. this week deposits but inc coach expenses plus have approx. £100 to bank in cheques).
In hand - £52.49
Monetary value of membership is £1185.00 for the total year.
Membership numbers: - 79. All September renewed and some of October.
Agreed that receipts must be obtained for anything purchased for club.
Carehome was contacted but are not willing to help with trips but are willing to do a free talk, but no sponsorship. / SA
6 / Secretary update:
Nothing to report at this time. / LC
7 / PR update:
We are still receiving free advertising via Roundabout Rochford.
It was agreed that we would look into advertising our group in one of the local newspaper. Echo prices are 55 words £81.00. Margaret suggested going along personally to the Evening Echo to represent recycled teenagers in the hopes of getting a free article about club. / SC
8.5 / Any other business:
A facebook group email and page was suggested. Soo can manage and will get helpers. Suggestion to announce more about events etc at aerobics which is sometimes difficult because of the problem in getting the attention of participants.
Quiz night agreed and changed to 16th November 2013. Sarah to do the questions for the night to be used – 8 rounds, 10 questions.
Christmas party 14th December 2013. DJ has been booked, Hall was paid for already and Derrick has confirmed with Debbie our booking, which had been missed off their calendar when change of committee.
Birthday calls or text messages suggested for members by Soo and agreed to implement. Sarah to issue Soo with updated members list.
Updated 2013 constitution signed and agreed to reduce membership age to 40. / SA
9 / Date for next round of meetings
Next meeting will be anopen committee meeting on Friday 22nd November 2013, 11am - noonat the WI Hall – Sarah to post out invites to all members few weeks beforehand. / SA
10 / Close meeting
Derek closed the meeting at 5.30 pm, and thanked everyone for attending. / DB