Mercy Neighborhood Ministries: Before and After School Program March 6, 2015
Program Director: Ms. Barbara Coleman MS ED
Pre School- Enrollment –19
Prek-2- 10
School –Age-90
School District of Philadelphia Office of Early Childhood Education- Slot Allocations
2015-2016 Program Implementation Period - Pre-K Partner Additional Slot/Service Capacity 20 additional slots requested
City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disability Services
Promoting Recovery, Resilience & Self Determination Grant has been approved allocating $400.00 per students(Summer Camp grant)
Keystone Star 3 Center
The Keystone STARS program was initiated in 2002 as a multifaceted approach to improving programs that serve young children in Pennsylvania. Research-based Performance Standards form the bedrock of this quality improvement program. The standards are guided by the principle that quality early learning is a foundation for children’s success, and investment in the early care and education of Pennsylvania’s children is an investment in the future. Therefore, the Keystone STARS Performance Standards reflect research-based indicators to improve outcomes for children. The standards are organized into four STAR levels that build upon each other in order to support continuous quality improvement. Mercy
Neighborhood Ministries will be receiving the Merit grant from Keystone Stars in the amount of $15,050 Centers for programs implementing authentic assessment of children and staff.
There are 27 clients enrolled. There are 6 hopefuls in various stages of the process. Three are PCA connected. Three are awaiting better weather to continue the process.
Meeting was held at the Adult Senior programs at the Archdiocese.Meeting held at Norris Square Senior Center which is bilingual (English/Spanish), successful visit, giving out information about the program, speaking with participants, answering their questions and interviewing a family who happened to be looking for another program for their brother with Parkinson’s disease
Upcoming Events
- March 12 – Retreat for Seniors/Older Adults MNMOP
- March 24 - Healthy Steps for Older Adults/ Falls Prevention Program – by PCA hosted at MNMOP
- March 31- Clergy/Alzheimer Forum at MNMOP (supported by Mercy Home Health and Mercy Health Fair April 27 ( Temple Heart Health; Senior Care Max(Medicare/Medicaid information); Champion Dentistry)
- April 22 Earth Day Activities: Seniors and children
Adult Learners:
GED - 33 /ABE – 13
Total: 46 Active Participants
3 learners come from New Courtland Senior Center
4 additional Learners scheduled for Placement Testing
Teachers – 19 ….. 7 teachers meet with a learner – one-on-one
12 teachers meet with 2-4 learners in a class setting
2 tutors are expected to begin with GED learners by end of November
Programs sponsored by the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy in which MNM is involved
- …..Tech Tutors - No Payment from initial grant will be offered this year
- …..My Place - 2 learners
- Others have inquired but cannot make the payment requirement of our program
- …..Mentor Program- 3 learners are connected with a mentor
Computer Class -ChavisRaynor, a volunteer teacher, has started an 8 week computer class
February– March Open to the publicLevel 1 –Beginning Learners – every Tuesday…….12 participants
Level 2 – Follow up to Level 1 – every Thursday……9 participants
Total Enrollment : 21 learnersCost: $20 – 8 week course
Brendan Harnett and Chris Javan volunteered to provide a Computer Programming class offered Saturday mornings March through May -12 weeks Cost $25.00 for the course