Minutes for re-chartered KMIP TC – 17 Oct 2013

Roll call taken by Subhash, quorum achieved.

Meeting continues with the agenda below.

  1. Status of KMIP face-to-face action items
  2. Interoperability Sub-committee
  3. Discussion for public review of KMIP 1.2 documents
  4. Any other business
  5. Adjourn (co-chairs ask for motion)

Tim moves to approve the agenda, Sue seconds.

Minutes from 10/10/2013 KMIP call posted by Bob G. and updated by Saikat is approved. Tim moves. Joseph Brand seconds

Subhash is preparing a Gantt chart for the action items for KMIP 1.3 work items based on KMIP face to face meetings.

AI: Subhash to post the KMIP face to face action items.

Tim leads the discussion on how to move forward with the profile public review.

Choice A: One profile with lots of sections for all scenarios

Choice B: Separate profile document for each scenario

Chet: One document instead of multiple documents will be great for public review.

Peter (EMC): As a document, I always prefer one single document so that I do not have to look in multiple documents.

Tony/Tim/Saikat: There are pros and cons of both approaches. One single document poses challenges to add other profiles in the future and remove the link to a specific version of the KMIP spec. Subsequent public review of a single document will be challenging as public review needs to conduct for the new addition instead of the whole document. Each profile document represents a specific use case with a specific target audience. General consensus after the discussion has been to keep the profile documents as independent documents and seek public review for eachdocument.

Subhash: List all the profile documents in the KMIP 1.2 spec document before it goes out.

Bob L: Also profile documents need to reference which KMIP specification it refers to.

AI: Kiran and Judy to include the list of profiles in the KMIP 1.2 spec. Make necessary changes to all the profiles including server extensions, title changes and participants list.

Defer the motion to next week for public review.

Tony provided an update on the Interop sub-committee. Sub-committee is about to be formed, next formal interop for next year’s RSA.

Subhash: 1.3 project list to be published next week. We need to decide if 1.2 editors can continue to be the editors for 1.3. Motion to re-instate editors is deferred to next week.

Tim: Streaming presentation in two weeks possible but not next week.

Saikat: Present the key wrapping in 3 weeks.

Judy: Can put together key shredding in 2-3 weeks

Saikat/Subhash: Please submit the re-contribution letter/email at the earliest.

Motion to approve Bob Lockhart as Secretary of KMIP TC, Subhash moves, Mark J. seconded. Hearing no objections, Bob L. has been appointed as Secretary of KMIP TC.

Tim moves to adjourn the meeting, Bob L. seconds. Meeting adjourned.