Topic 2.1 Extension 07


1)Recall that the speed or velocity of an object is the time rate of change of the position of the object, or in formula form <v> = x/t and v = dx/dt. What is the difference between <v> and v?

FYI:We define the average acceleration <a of an object as the time rate of change of the speed or velocity of the object, or in formula form

a> = .

2)Suppose the velocity of a particle is given by v = 10t – 5t2, where v is in m/s and t is in seconds. Complete the table below:







FYI:We define the instantaneous acceleration a as the limit as t approaches zero of the average acceleration. Thus

a = = .

FYI:Of course, since we’ll be working in the x, y and z directions, we actually have three instantaneous accelerations defined:

ax = , ay = , az = .

3)Which of one the above values of <a> is closest to the instantaneous acceleration of the particle at t = 2.50 s?

4)Now using the formula v = 10t – 5t2 and the techniques learned in the previous lessons, find the instantaneous acceleration of this particle at any time t (a = dv/dt). a(t) = ______. What is a(2.50)? ______. How does this compare with your answer from 3?

5)Perhaps you recall from kinematics the equation

y(t) = yo + vot + at2,

where y is the position or height of a particle at time t, yo is the original height (a constant), vo is the original speed (a constant) and a is the acceleration (another constant).

a)Find v(t) = dy/dt.

b)Does this formula look familiar?

c)Now find a = dv/dt for the function you obtained in a).

d)Is the acceleration of the particle constant? _____. How do you know?

6)For practice, consider a particle whose y-position is given byy(t) = 250 + 50t - 10t2 where t is in seconds and y is in meters.

a)Find the speed of the particle at any time t.

b)Find the speed of the particle at t = 10 s.

c)Find the acceleration of the particle at any time t.

d)Find the acceleration of the particle at t = 10 s.

e)Is the acceleration of the particle constant?

f)What is the average speed of the particle for the time interval 0 t 10 s?

7)For further practice, consider a particle whose y-position is given by y(t) = 250 + 5t - 10t2 + 15t3 where t is in seconds and y is in meters.

a)Find the speed of the particle at any time t.

b)Find the speed of the particle at t = 10 s.

c)Find the acceleration of the particle at any time t.

d)Find the acceleration of the particle at t = 10 s.

e)Is the acceleration of the particle constant?

f)What is the average speed of the particle for the time interval 0 t 10 s?