Refugee Action Kingston

Application for the post of:

1.  Personal Data


Surname: First names:


Tel. No, home: work:


2.  Education

Please tell us about your education and qualifications that are relevant to the post, including qualifications gained overseas. Include courses you are currently undertaking.

Subject / Level/Qualification and date gained / Institution where gained

3.  Training and other relevant experience

4.  Employment History

Begin with your most recent employer and work backwards through your career. Please continue overleaf and attach additional sheet if needed.

(i).Name of Employer Employed from: to:

Post and Salary

Main Responsibilities

Reasons for leaving

(ii) Name of Employer Employed from: to:

Post and salary.

Main Responsibilities

Reason for leaving

(iii) Name of Employer Employed from: to:

Post and Salary

Main Responsibilities

Reason for leaving

5.  Please give details of any voluntary work or community activity you have done:

6.  Supporting Statement

In the space below and overleaf, give a concise statement in support of the application. Please include details of relevant past experience and give your reasons for applying for this post based on the person specification.

7.  References

Please list two persons whom we may contact for references, if an offer is made. One should be your present or most recent employer.

Name: / Name:
Address: / / Address:
Tel No. / Tel No.
Occupation: / Occupation:

I certify that the information on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and consent to Refugee Action Kingston checking any information provided. If a misleading or false statement is found, I understand that my employment may be terminated without notice.

Signature of Applicant:______Date______

All posts working for Refugee Action Kingston require an understanding of the needs of refugees and issues facing ethnic minorities in the U.K. In addition, we require a strong commitment to equal opportunities from anyone who works for us.

Refugee Action Kingston is obliged to comply with the Asylum and Immigration Act (1996) and this requires certain documents to be presented by candidates before an offer of employment can be made. If you are invited to interview, we will ask you to bring these documents with you.

This post is exempted from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and you will need to declare any spent or unspent convictions to us. Please ask for a declaration form, if applicable.

Please return this form to:

The Director, Refugee Action Kingston, Siddeley House, 50 Canbury Park Road, Kingston, Surrey. KT2 6LX


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