
Plants with Seeds – The most numerous land plants on earth.

I. Seed plants

A. Vascular tissue

1. xylem - carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves

(up only)

- thick cell walls support the plant

2. phloem - carries food from the leaves to the roots (up and down)

B. True Roots

1. Roots – functions

a. anchor the plant to the ground

b. absorb water and minerals from the soil

c. store the plant’s food

2. Two types of roots

a. fibrous - several main roots

examples – trees, grass, corn

b. tap - long, thick, main root

examples – carrots, cacti, dandelions

3. Root structure –

a. epidermis - outer layer

b. root hairs increase surface area

c. cortex - stores food, carries water/minerals to the center

of the root

d. root cap - protects the root tip as it grows

4. Root uses

a. food, medicines, dye, insecticides

C. Stems –

1. transport water/minerals, and food between the roots and leaves

2. support

3. two types

a. herbaceous - green and soft

b. wood - rigid and strong – made of xylem

4. Stem structure –

a. bark - protects the stem, outer most part of the stem

b. phloem - carries the food

c. vascular cambium - growth region of the stem, produced the

xylem and phloem tubes

d. xylem - carries water/minerals

e. pith - stores food/water

f. rings – formed by xylem during different growing seasons

- spring – large with thin walls – light brown

- summer – small with thick walls – dark brown

5. Uses – lumber, food, medicine, furniture, linen (flax), dyes

D. Leaves - where photosynthesis occurs.

1. Two types

a. simple - one piece leaf

examples: oak, elm, maple, dogwood

b. compound - blade separated into many parts

examples: roses, clover, palms

2. Photosynthesis – using light energy to make food (sugars)

The equation for photosynthesis is

6CO2 + 6H2O ------à C6H12O6 + 6O2

3. Leaf structure –

a. cuticle - waxy coat on the leaf, prevents water loss

b. epidermis - outer most cells of the leaf

c. mesophyll - “middle leaf” where photosynthesis occurs

d. stomata (stoma) - “mouth” openings that allow oxygen, carbon

dioxide, and water vapor to pass

4. Transpiration - process where water is lost through the leaf to

the air, and more water is pulled in through the roots, up the stem, to the


a. capillary action – the pulling of water through small tubes,

makes use of surface tension and the polarity of water.

5. Guard cells – surround the stomata

a. open to allow the passing of gases

b. close to prevent the passing of gases

c. the guard cells are usually open during the day/night?

(circle one)

6. Uses – food, drugs/medicines, poisons, dyes…

1. Stamen

2. Anther

3. Filament

4. Ovary

5. Ovule

6. Egg

7. Petal

8. Pedicel

9. Pistil

10.(female) – Pistillate flower

11.(male and female) – Perfect flower

12.(male) – Staminate flower

13. Cuticle (waterproofing)

14. Palisades Mesophyll

15. Spongy Mesophyll

16. Stoma (Mouth) – CO2, O2 , H2O

17. Guard Cells

18. Phloem


19. Root Cap

20. Growth Tissue

21. Root Hair

22. Pith

23. Xylem - heartwood

24. Xylem – sap

25. Vascular Cambium

26. Phloem

27. Bark

28. Embryo

29. Seed Coat

30. Endosperm (stored food)