Circle Cross Ranch

Michelle Sobkoviak, Principal

Board Report

march, 2011

Enrollment: 790 + 112 Kinder + 69 (34.5 Preschool)

Students of the Month: Female: Jordan O’Brien Grade: 6th

Male: Bevan Jimenez Grade: 6th


·  9 Teacher Observations

·  Principal’s Institute- Feb. 3

·  6th Grade San Diego Trip-Feb. 3-6

·  Bus Evacuations- Feb. 4

·  Networking Meeting at Banner Ironwood-Feb. 4

·  AZELLA Testing-Feb. 7-8

·  Benchmark Meeting Feb. 9

·  7/8 Spring Dance- Feb. 10

·  I Love to Read Week- Feb. 14-18

·  Spring Book Fair- Feb. 14-18

·  Parent Teacher Conferences- Feb. 16-17

·  County Spelling Bee- Feb. 18

·  CAC Math Competition- Feb. 16

·  Amazing Jakes Reward Trip- Jan. 23

·  Balanced Math Training- Feb. 25

Activities through 15th of Next Month:

·  K-3 Spring Music Concert-March 1

·  McDonald’s Night- March 2

·  Spring Guitar and Band Recital- March 3

·  Finals- March 7-11

·  Junior Achievement Biz Town-March 7

·  4-6 Spring Music Concert- March 8

·  Board Meeting- March 9

·  Sport’s Banquet- March 10

·  Staff vs. 8th Graders Volleyball Game- March 11

·  AR incentive- Pajama/Popcorn Day- March 11

Challenges / Issues / Concerns: None at this time.

December Suspensions:

(0) Disruption/Defiance (1) Fighting (0) Drugs/Alcohol (8) Other

(0) Profanity (0) Threats (0) Weapons

Referred (0) Student for Due Process Hearing (_____ Male / ____ Female)

Principal’s Summary:

I am thankful that I live in AZ during this time of year!!! For most of the country, looks like March will come in like a Lion, but for us-a Lamb! Love AZ in the spring!!! This year, spring at Circle Cross Ranch brings benchmark test results, the CAC math competition, the Pinal county spelling bee, energy savings, more computers in the classroom, and AIMS testing. Read below to find out more...

·  On February 9th, our staff gathered to take a look at our benchmark scores and, WOW, we have some great growth overall! We still have areas of need, but we are pleased with the growth! Looks like our reteach and enrich is targeting needed areas well and students have adjusted well!

·  Ten of our 7th and 8th graders traveled to CAC on February 18 to compete in the annual math competition and I am pleased to announce that CCR placed 2nd overall in the competition. This is the first time our school has placed!!! WAY TO GO!! I am even told that our kids got to eat lunch first because they were the best behaved group! Congrats to the following students for competing: Imani Fischer, Seth Wilkins, Perfecto Jimenez, German Leon, Trenton Tinsley, Trevor Tinsely, Taylor Ramirez, Alex R. Gutierrez, Rivers McFadden, and Neil Anderson! Thanks also to Mrs. Douglass (former math teacher), Mrs. McDaid (current math teacher), and Mrs. Boenhlin (substitute who took the students) for their commitment to our kids!

·  Autymn Johnson, 7th grader at CCR, was one of 3 students to represent the district at the Pinal County spelling bee on February 18th. We are very proud of Autymn, she made it through to the 3rd round– a personal best for her. She was in the top 8 in the county! Congrats, Autymn!!

·  CCR is continuing to find ways to cut energy on campus. Last year we had an energy star rating of 89 and our goal this year was 93. We found out last week that our rating is now 94!!!! Thanks to the efforts of staff and students, we are continuing to do our part for the environment as well as cut costs for the district!

·  Sometime in March, CCR is slated to receive 4 more student computers per core classroom thanks to the override passed by the community 3 years ago. We are looking forward to increasing the technology tools available to our students!

·  AIMS testing is just around the corner. Please keep these dates in mind when planning appointments: April 11-15. Our annual AIMS informational night and Title One reading night will be held on March 29th in the library. Mark your calendars and plan on attending! Students will receive a free homework pass if you attend :)

On a side note, I want to thank everyone who came for Parent/Teacher Conferences! I also want to thank you for filling out the surveys. I do take the time to read each survey so that we can continually improve what we are doing here at CCR for your kids! If you ever have any questions, concerns, suggestions, please do not hesitate to call. It is important that you are informed about why we do the things we do and for you to have input about those things. One great way to stay on top of it all is to attend PTO meetings. They are held once a quarter and are a great, informal way to have your questions answered. Be on the lookout for the date of our next meeting! Another couple of great ways to stay informed is to read through our newsletter each month and check our website for upcoming events and news!

As always– thanks for your continued support!!!

Enrollment Report, Next Page

Circle Cross Ranch K-8

Michelle Sobkoviak, Principal

Enrollment Report

March 2011

PS am - Bridgeford / 8
Psam - Smith / 10
Psam TH - Bridgeford / 1
Psam TH - Smith / 1
Psam TU - Bridgeford / 0
Psam TU - Smith / 1
PSamA - Bridgeford / 4
PSamA - Smith / 2
PSamB - Bridgeford / 3
PSamB - Smith / 3
PSpm - Bridgeford / 7
PSpm - Smith / 8
PSpm TH - Bridgeford / 2
PSpm TH - Smith / 4
PSpm TU - Bridgeford / 2
PSpm TU - Smith / 2
PSpmA - Bridgeford / 2
PSpmA - Smith / 3
PsPMB - Bridgeford / 3
PSpmB - Smith / 3
Bocchino / 23
Johnson / 23
Ott / 22
Edelson (Thomas) / 22
McGrew / 22
Huerta / 27
Becker / 27
Moya / 26
Velasco / 28
Coplan / 24
Nieto / 24
Shanahan / 22
Lucas / 23
Nelson / 31
Hallwas / 31
Bauder / 29
Guy / 31
Weiss / 30
Fawns / 32
Kerr / 31
Doran / 33
Newman / 35
Brookman / 33
STEP / 0
Hirsch / 31
Davis / 30
Aston / 30
STEP / 0
Dalby / 24
McDaniel / 35
McDaid / 27
McDaid / 33
Watson / 34
Duckett / 28
STEP / 1
PRE-K / 69
not included in total
KINDER / 112
GRADE 1 / 108
GRADE 2 / 93
GRADE 3 / 122
GRADE 4 / 93
GRADE 5 / 101
GRADE 6 / 91
GRADE 7 / 86
GRADE 8 / 96