Minute of the Grampian Area Partnership Forum (GAPF)

held on Thursday 15 March2012 at 2.00pm

in the Conference Room, Summerfield House


Richard Carey, Chief Executive (Chairperson)

Sharon Duncan, Employee Director

Mike Adams, UCATT

Michael Forbes, RCN (deputy for Alistair Grant)

Ian Francis, CSP

Alan Gray, Director of Finance

Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director

Ken Hamilton, Service Manager (deputy for Andrew Fowlie)

Alison Hardy, Clinical Nurse Manager

Annie Ingram, Director of Workforce

Liz Laing, BAOT (deputy for Sandra-Dee Masson)

Steven Lindsay, Unite

Deirdre McIntyre, SOCAP (VC)

Martin McKay, UNISON

John Miller, Communications Manager (deputy for Laura Gray)

Gary Mortimer, General Manager Facilities and Estates

Jason Nicol, Senior Service Manager (deputy for Frances Dunne)

Anne Ross, Head of Performance & Quality Improvement

Clare Ruxton, Interim Director of Human Resources

Kirsten Sawers, RCM

Vincent Shields, General Manager Acute Services

Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer

Keith Thomson, Interim Health and Safety Lead

Joan Anderson, Partnership Support Officer

In Attendance:

Diane Annand and Bettina Low, Terms and Conditions Sub-Group – Item 4

Jeff Melville, HR Project Manager – Item 6d

Helen Cheyne, KSF Manager – Item 6e

Jenny McNicol, Head of Midwifery and Laura Dodds, Public Involvement Development Officer

– Item 7

Item / Subject / Action
1 / Apologies
Apologies were received from Shona McDougall, BDA (no deputy available), Jane Starley, BIOS (no deputy), Sandy Dustan, General Manager, Aberdeenshire (no deputy available), Andrew Fowlie, General Manager, Moray CHP (Ken Hamilton deputised), Duncan Stephen, ACB (no deputy), Sandra-Dee Masson, BAOT(Liz Laing deputised), Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications (John Miller deputised), Jim Clark (no deputy available), Eileen Grant, GHP (no deputy), Frances Dunne, Service Manager, Aberdeen City CHP (Jason Nicol deputised), Mike Scott, Chair of the Staff Governance Committee (no deputy available), Bill Cowling, Project Manager,Mental Health Services (no deputy available)
2 / Minute of Last Meeting held on 16 February 2012
The minute of the last meeting held on 16 February 2012 was approved.
3 / Matters Arising
a.Awards Scheme
Sharon Duncan reported that a meeting was set up for the next month to discuss further the possibility of introducing awards for outstanding staff. She explained that she would like to see these awards introduced and given to staff not just for new innovations but for the general work they did day to day to support NHS Grampian.
* / Terms and Conditions Sub-Group
Diane Annand and Bettina Low attended GAPF to update on the work of the Terms and Conditions Sub-Group. A paper was tabled (attached) which outlined the membership of the group, the work they had undertaken in the last year and the major areas of the workplan for the coming year.
On Call was one of the big issues which was being worked on and it was reported that NHS Grampian had done a lot of background work on this gathering information from staff on shift patterns, etc prior to a request from NHS Scotland to take 5 scenarios and compare them against all NHS Grampian Staff shift patterns. These were just comparisons they were not agreements and Richard Carey and Sharon Duncan would sign them off on behalf of NHS Grampian prior to being sent back to NHS Scotland. It was possible that none of these 5 scenarios would be agreed nationally.
The scenario was a purely a financial cost exercise. Operational issues would be negotiated nationally in NHS Scotland. Originally the new on call system had to be within the existing cost envelope but it was felt that this may not be possible if some staff received more shift allowance and others were protected. If it cost more, this would have to be paid for from somewhere and redesigns would have to be considered.
Weekly negotiation meetings had been set up nationally and Lorraine Hunter from NHS Grampian Human Resources Service Centre was part of this group.
Recruitment and Retention Premia (RRP) was another big issue for NHS Grampian. The first reduction of RRP was to be made on 1st April 2012 and was 50%. The final reduction would happen on 1 April 2013 to remove the payment altogether. It was accepted that the recruitment and retention issue among staff who currently receive RRP would get worse when the RRP was reduced and then removed
One local RRP request was currently being drafted and if agreed by GAPF it would be signed off by Richard Carey and Sharon Duncan.
Staff who were losing their RRP would be advised that they could write to the Scottish Pensions Agency to preserve their pension at the level when RRP was paid. Each individual member of staff had to write, it could not be done by the Organisation. Further information would be issued in due course. / T&C Sub Group
5 / Improving the Public’s Health and Reducing Inequalities
Presentation from the Director of Public Health – Lewis Ritchie
This item was deferred to a future meeting.
6 / Developing the Workforce and Empowering Staff
a.Workforce Planning (inc Safe Affordable Workforce (SAW))
Clare Ruxton reported that the next round of challenge meetings would begin the next week. There was a transition period for managers while moving to incorporate the SAW process into Workforce planning cycle.
The challenge meetings were to review the specific SAW redesigns which were proposed at the beginning of the process but as yet had not been finalised. It was noted that workforce planning was ongoing and that staff were involved in this process now. The SAW process had been included in the steps in a natural progression which would give more rounded workforce plans by the end of the year.
It was important to continue the workforce planning with the same enthusiasm as SAW to realise the benefits that came from the SAWprocess. Challenge meetings will continue to ensure the robust monitoring of the process.
b.Staff Management Policies and Procedures Update
Sharon Duncan updated the group on the staff management policies which were under review and the PIN Policies which were being reviewed or ready to implement (list previously circulated).
The Policies and Procedures Sub-Group would be working on a lot of policies to ensure they were fit for purpose. Sharon asked that when policies were circulated for consultation that everyone submitted their comments at that stage and did not wait until the policy came to GAPF for approval.
Richard Carey asked that a list of policies that were based on national PIN Policies and a list of local policies could be produced and asked for assurance around the affordability of policies.
Sharon Duncan agreed this could be done but stated that existing policies were a minimum baseline that would not be reduced.
The Retirement Planning Policy had been removed from the intranet and internet as it was out of date due to a change in legislation. It was agreed that a short note should be put into the intranet and internet explaining why the policy had been removed and direct staff to contact their HR Department for further information.
c.GAPF Away Day Feedback
Anne Ross reported that the Away Day on 8 March had been successful and the evaluation forms received to date backed that up. Everyone thought that the keynote speaker Nick Bacon had been very good.
It was suggested that future away days could have a business meeting combined so as not to have two events in one month. There were some issues with the venue used and suggestions made that Local Authority or RGU premises could be used in future and a small cost could be paid.
d.Staff Governance Action Plan
Jeff Melville attended the meeting to update on the Staff Governance Action Plan, copy of which was circulated prior to the meeting. The Action Plan was part of the Staff Governance Audit Action Tool (SAAT) return to the Scottish Government. The Staff Governance Standards were currently being reviewed and as a consequence the SAAT return requested by the Scottish Government was not as comprehensive as usual.
The National Staff Survey which was usually held every two years had been delayed until May 2013. It was thought this was a better time of year to undertake a survey, allow time for the Staff Governance Standards to be reviewed and for the questions to be updated.
The new Staff Governance Standards draft for consultation includes a responsibility on staff to ensure they provide themselves with training opportunities and have knowledge of the appropriate policies and procedures.
The Staff Governance Action plan was approved by GAPF.
For future Action Plans it was suggested that more engagement with staff was required to find out what they want from NHS Grampian. This could be done via Partnership Representatives to give a list of things that were suggested and then out of those some priorities could be chosen.
Sharon Duncan reported that she was asking for Staff Stories for the Staff Experience Project andthese would come from the face to face sessions and from the Full-Time Partnership Representatives who are embedded in the organisation. This would make it easier to find out what staff views were.
It was suggested that there would be a workshop mode of GAPF to discuss the Staff Governance Action Plan to make it more relevant for NHS Grampian rather than just a return for the Scottish Government. Plans need to be relevant for Sectors and part of the day to day work. There may be a better title for the paper.
e.Knowledge and Skills Framework Update (KSF)
Helen Cheynereported that work had been done to produce detailed reports on those who had and hadnot completed their KSF personal development plans.
This had been raised at Sector reviews already and Pauline Strachan would take the report to Operational Management Team meeting to be disseminated to managers.
Facilities Directorate were completing on paper and this had been taken account of. / SD
Once line managers have a chance to discuss these reports with their staff and see where the gaps were there should be a rise in the number of personal development plans.
The latest report showed that NHS Grampian was slipping against the national average in numbers of signed off reviews. There were 4000 less this year than last year.
Bank staff who do not have a substantive post with NHS Grampian need to have outlines as they have the same right to access KSF as everyone else. Awaiting national guidance on this.
There was a query about whether bank staff could be separated from the overall corporate services numbers but this was not possible with the system.
1500 of the numbers could be removed from the total number of staff as these are non-agenda for change staff who were using the system to get access to e-learning.
* / Delivering Safe, Effective & Timely Care in the Right Place
Maternity Review
Jenny McNicol and Laura Dodds attended the meeting to explain the consultation on the Maternity Review (presentation slides attached)
The new proposal was to have 3 Community Midwife Units across Grampian, Community Midwife Teams would stay in the Community where they were at the moment but have links to the nearest unit. There would be two consultant units.
The review had been about quality of care rather than cost but the remit of the group was to come in on the same budget as they already had. There would be changes of skill mix of teams to increase time staff have to spend with the woman.
The consultation ended on 22 March 2012. The consultation had included a number of focus groups of women across Grampian and presentations to a large number of groups.
The review looked at the projected demographic information for approximately the next 5-10 years and felt that the proposal would cope with an increase as well as a decrease in service required
Staff would be integrated into Community Midwife Units to ensure their skills and confidence would be kept up.
8 / Improving Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability
a.NHS Financial Report Update
Alan Gray reported that there was a very small overspend of £300k and it was hoped that by the end of March this would even out and NHS Grampian would end the financial year with a break even position. The budget setting process had almost concluded for 2012/13.
There were further financial challenges ahead in the next financial year. Staffing numbers had been reduced and the big savings initiatives had been done leaving it more difficult to find savings next year.
The Emergency Care Centre was being developed and would be complete in 6 months. The Group agreed that GAPF should have a meeting in the Emergency Care Centre before it opened for use.
There was a concern raised regarding the pressure staff were under because of staff turnover and vacancies. It was recognised that this was the case and that savings should be made by redesigns rather than vacancy controls.
This was one of the reasons for ensuring that original SAW redesigns were all complete to ensure fairness and equity for staff.
Richard Carey stated that if there were areas that were allegedly unsafe for staff or patients then this would have to be looked at to ensure staffing levels were safe.
There was a question regarding the number of staff funded and the number of posts being filled. It was explained that redesigns were being done so that the numbers of staff were less than that funded for to make efficiency savings.
It was noted there was a need to get a picture of bank staff use as it may be better to spend some of the money filling posts rather than using bank staff which may relieve some of the problems of staffing levels.
It was acknowledged that some areas had saved money which helped other areas which had not been able to come in on budget to make all over break even.
The impact of Incremental drift had been recognised and this was being reviewed by way of an action plan linked to workforce plans.
b.Financial and General Reports from Sectors
Moray CHP – Ken Hamilton reported that operational managers were moving forward with planning budgets. Workforce planning was linked closer to budget processing. There were nursing overspends and issues with incremental drift, etc. / GAPF Agenda Setting Group
Mental Health – Martin McKay reported a slight improvement in the overall picture but the main issues were the costs related to the type of nursing required and the cost pressure caused by the need to have enough staff to cover to a safe level.
Mental Health had been doing a lot of work around balancing the budget eg e-rostering and active bed management also work on rotas – medical and out of hours arrangements.
Aberdeen City CHP - They were almost break even and a lot of active redesigns eg Woodend, Community Nursing, acute geriatric beds reduced.
Aberdeenshire CHP - There was no Aberdeenshire representative to report back.
Corporate Services - as always, underspent but Richard Carey reported that it had to continue to be efficient and save more to assist with clinical services.
Acute Sector - Vincent Shields reported that acute had save £1m over the last year and lots of work was underway for next year. The work with redesigns and the new Emergency Care Centre were assisting to save money. Dr Gray’s, Child Health and Noscan who have all joined the Acute Sector were being sorted. There had been a great effort to save this financial year but it was noted that it was not enough to breakeven.
Facilities - Graeme Mutch reported that Facilities would be underspent for this financial year and this was as a result of a huge amount of work by all. The way it was undertaken in Partnership was exemplary and was to be commended by the Forum. Facilities had continued to do small redesigns when changes happened.
c.Redeployment Reports
Clare Ruxton reported that there were 29 on the Redeployment Register. 10 of these were because of Organisational Change. 5 were new and 10 came off the register that month. Most come on to the register and go off the register very quickly. Those who had been on the list for a long time were either specialists or had individualised issues.
Consideration had to be given to compulsory redeployment but there may not be suitable posts for those on the register a long time. Retraining should be considered so experienced staff were not lost. The Redeployment Group would draw up an individual plan for each individual who had been on the register for longer than 6 months. The process was being managed appropriately and staff were being given support as required.
The issue was raised around secondments and temporary contracts. NHS Grampian needed to be smarter regarding secondments and being clear about substantive posts and include Human Resources Department in the discussions about these. Those on temporary contracts were given clear information about exit strategies and when they came to the end of their time on the redeployment register without being successful in getting another post their contract was terminated.
d.Voluntary Severance Scheme (VS)
Mike Adams and Martin McKay reported that the update on VS was the same as the one given at the GAPF Away Day on 8 March. Money had been identified to take forward another scheme for financial year 2012/13 and was waiting for final approval by the NHS Grampian Board. It was hoped to run a scheme as early as possible to enable savings to be made within the financial year.
The small group taking forward VS would meet soon to begin discussions so that the process is ready as soon as possible after Board approval. It was noted that previous schemes were a big success financially and took a lot of pressure off job security for staff.
9 / Any Other Competent Business
Energy Centre
Graeme Mutch reported that the Energy Centre was open and the final costs was signed off that afternoon.
It was producing 90% of energy for Foresterhill and the same for heat load. It was well on the way to achieve targets. Visits were welcomed and this could be considered along with a visit to the Emergency Care Centre.
Norwegian Visitors
Martin McKay reported that Unison had received a request from some members of the Norwegian TUC to visit Aberdeen Unison on 19 April. They stated they were particularly interested in Health and he asked if the GAPF would be willing to invite them to the meeting that was being held that day. The GAPF thought this was a good idea but wondered if they would want to stay for the whole meeting or just part of it. Martin would find out more details and report to the GAPF Agenda Setting Group.
Mike Adams reported that the FreshAirGarden was now open at Foresterhill. He thought it looked good and improved the environment for staff and patients. / MMcK
10 / Communication to Organisation from GAPF
It was agreed to communicate: eKSF; Staff Awards Scheme; Completion of SAW
11 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Sharon Duncan proposed that GAPF meetings could be moved around sectors using VC units where members could not travel to the venue. This may be a workshop event and members of the Sector Partnership Forum would be invited along to the event held in their area. Venue suggestions welcomed and links would be made with Sector Partnership Forums.
The next meeting will be held on 2pm to 5pm Thursday 19 April 2012 Conference Room, Summerfield House.

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