CCIA Board Meeting

June 29, 2010

11:00 a.m.

Board Members Present: / Sheena Tran, Tracy Young, Arnold Blanshard, Bob Rapoza, Patrick Cabildo, Teena Atalig, Tania Walden
Board Members Absent: / None
Responsibility / Item / Discussion
Blanshard / Call to order / Blanshard called meeting to order at 11:06 a.m.
Rapoza / Minutes / Rapoza provided the 5/6/10 CCIA Board Meeting minutes for the board to review. Move to accept as amended, Walden, second by Young. Minutes approved as amended. Business meeting minutes moved to accept as amended, Walden, seconded by Young. Minutes approved as amended.
Tran / Financial Report / Cash balance is $9,953 as of 3/31/10. Balance as of today is $9,146, including deposits from the conference. We posted a slight loss from the conference as planned due to lower registration fee. Blanchard stated that he thought there would be two financials. One as of 3/31/10 and one for the conference. Tran requested clarification of a report for the conference and Walden responded by asking for a simple profit loss statement for the conference. Blanchard requested the conference update via email.
Young / Spring 2010 Conference Recap / Evaluations for the conference were sent out earlier and all speakers received good feedback. Blanchard stated that there was a note to have the board purchase beverages for the conference when the conference is at the Chancellor’s office instead of going through the vendor to reduce costs. Also some felt the presentations were hard to see due to room configuration. Overall rating for conference was 4.45 out of 5.
Blanshard/Young / Fall 2010 Conference / Young said she is still checking to see if Coast can host, but still has to confirm with Chancellor. Many personnel changes are making it difficult to finalize decision. Rapoza reported that Long Beach appeared viable. Cabildo reported that Chaffey was also a possibility but we need to pay a small fee for Audio Visual support. The facility would be a joint use facility with the college and city of Chino. A/V fee would be $6.50 per hour. Blanchard also checked on LA Trade Tech College and everything would be a go as well. The board decided that, if hotel rooms are priced the same, Long Beach would be the first choice, Chaffey second and Los Angeles Trade Tech third. Final decision to be made in two weeks. Dates are confirmed for 10/7, 10/8. Confirmed topics for the conference are 1) Purchasing Fraud – Riverside (Young), 2) Not for profit tax return VLS – (Tran), 3) Bond Performance Audit – Moss Adams (Rapoza), 4) New 311 Report – Chris/Elias (Atalig), 5) CDAM – Elias (Atalig), 6) Residency Status – Walden/Blanshard to confirm speaker, 7) Financial Aid Fraud – Walden to verify if speaker can present. Materials Fee as a panel discussion will be backup topic – Blanchard. The board decided to keep the lower registration rate of $50 for the Fall 2010 Conference.
Cabildo / Newsletter / Stewart communicated the process to Cabildo. Cabildo to get pictures from Stewart and topics from Rapoza and possibly to add articles. All newsletter information to be submitted by the end of July 23, 2010. Selection of location for conference by 7/16, speakers by 7/23. Goal to have newsletter completed by mid-August to send out to membership. Conference call on August 3.
Rapoza / Website / Need fall newsletter to finalize summer website update.
Blanshard / Other Business / The board would like to reimburse Tran for airline fees for the Spring 2010 conference. The fee was $147.40. Blanshard moved to reimburse for the fees, Rapoza seconded. After discussion, the board decided to place a cap on this expenditure of $150 and to decide this on a case by case basis in the future. The board approved the reimbursement. Rapoza will conduct a review of finances in July.
Blanshard / Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 12:24 p.m.