London Visual Impairment Forum
Minutes and Action points from Forum Meeting
Friday 29th June 2012
Chair:Peter Corbett (PC) (Thomas Pocklington Trust)
Vice Chairs:Jackie Venus (VISOR) (Vice Chair)
Colin Brown (CB) (BIG) (Vice Chair) (not present)
Peter Corbett (PC)(Thomas Pocklington Trust)
Sharon Schaffer (SS) (LVIF)
Stan Lopes (SL) (SIT Manager, LBCamden)
Mike Woolston (MW) (GuideDogs)
Roger Clifton (RC) (WFLVF)
Masuma Ali (MA) (WFLVF)
Miriam Osborne (MO) (Kingston SIT)
Michelle Rivers (MR) (Croydon SIT)
Mandy Woodman (MaW) (Clarity)g
David Sore (DS) (Clarity)
David Newbold (DN) (ACTION)
Robert Harris (RH) (GuideDogs)
Roy Smith (RS) (Metro Blind Sports)
Jackie Venus (JV) (VISOR) (Vice Chair)
Mary Hynes (MH) (VIC)
Jan Petrovic (JP) (PrioritEyes)
Elizabeth Jones (EJ) (Islington Talking News)
Tracey Cross (DA) (LB Barking & Dagenham)
Yogeswari Ravindran (YR) (Wandsworth SIT)
Henry Bufford (HB) (Southwark SIT/Metro Sports)
Roy Benjamin (RB) (Metro)
John Harris (JH) (RLSB)
Marin Wilson (MW) (Newham SIT)
Stella Kamangirira (SK) (Newham SIT)
Brendan Eastwood (BE) (Lewisham SIT)
Rebekah Kelly (RK) (SAB)
Georgette Vale (GV) (Waltham Forest SIT)
James Grant (TfL)
Lianna Etkind (TfA)
Justin Harrison (Blind In Business)
Colin Brown (CB) (BIG) (Vice Chair)
Julie Turner (JT) (Appa Me)
Ollie Natelson (ON) (BBSI)
Matt Broom (MB) (Vision 2020 UK)
Pauline Acott (PA) (Newham SIT)
Stephen Hawkins (SW) (Sutton Assoc. SAB)
Fran Hibbert (FH) (Merton Vision)
Richard Holmes (RH) (RNIB)
Adrian Hewitt (AH) (St. Dunstan’s)
Mohammed Mohsan Ali (MM) (Eye to Eye, Newham)
Salvatore Camilleri (Westminster PCT)
Bill Britain (BB) (LBBD)
Sally Tagholm (ST) (Haringey Phoenix Group)
Odette Battarel (OB) (Pocklington Trust)
Andrew Cox (AC) (MAB)
Toby Davey (TD) (Vocaleyes)
Paula Thomas (PT) (GOSH)
Sue Leighter (SL) (Barnet & Lambeth PCTs)
Richard Holmes (RH) (RNIB)
Pam Jarmain (PJ)(Nystagmus Network)
Mo Brace (MB) (Sight Action Havering)
Introductions around the table were made.
James Grant, Transport for London (TfL):
The Olympic Route Network& Crossing Closures Update
Following an initial visit at the last full forum meeting (30th March 2012) James Grant came to update the membership on arrangements for the Olympic Route Network (ORN) and crossing closures during the Games.
After visits from LVIF members to a mock-up closed crossing, recommendations were taken on board.
The closed crossings will have:
  • A barrier
  • A bag over the control buttons
  • The rotating cone will be removed
  • A sign, with raised lettering, detailing the closure and the distance in metres to the nearest suitable crossing, will be placed at each closure.
  • Tactile paving will remain in place at each crossing
TfL plan to communicate these closures and amendments through details in local press and information on TfL website with interactive map. Ambassadors/Assistants will also be in place on targeted, overcrowded, crossings.
Some Blue badge parking facilities will be affected, these will be kept to a minimum.
An audio version of arrangements is to be put on website.
For exact locations and details of crossing closures:
A series of roadshows will be happenning across London to inform people of the transport plans.
The standard TfL Customer Services phone number should be used for all enquiries:.0843 2221234
Please let SS know if you would like written literature from TfL
Issues were raised regarding getting a response from the Customer Services helpline.
Concerns over lack of cones/signage at Kew Bridge station were raised.
Issues about barrier-less central reservations were raised (please get in touch with Transport for All if you would like to co-ordinate a campaign with others in your area)
It was recognised that TfL has made every effort to accommodate the needs of VI people during the Games.
Session 1: LVIF Communication
  • Lianna Etkind: Transport For All (TfA)
Services include:
  1. Campaigning & Lobbying for older and disabled people.
Staff Assistants at London Underground: TfL has now reintrocuced 600 Assistants
Tactile Paving: found that tactile paving works well where it is in place. Please let TfA know of locations where it has been removed.
Buses: a major campaign for the past year:TfL are now publishing a new Big Red Book which includes directives for drivers to drive right up to the curb
  1. Advice & Information: Advocacy Line open Mon-Fri: providing information on transport benefits: taxicard, freedom pass, journey planning. Follow up complaints: call TfA and they will take your case up with the provider.
  2. Public speaking on TfA’s work, campaigns, the state of accessible transport.
  3. Get Moving Guide: directory of transport services throughout London
Call TfA on 0207 737 2339 if you’d like a speaker to come to you, or more info on Campaigns, complaints, Get Moving Guide, Copy of the TfA Manifesto.
Membership is FREE, please call the number above if you would like to get involved.
Discussion was had about audio facility on buses (ie smart phone apps, or a simple speaker on the outside of buses announcing the number and destination of each bus).
Awareness Training for bus drivers is an issue, as many are not aware of people’s needs: TfA and Guide Dogs are working on this, involving older and disabled people in the training sessions. NB. Both VISOR and TfA have had trouble engaging with local garages... some garages are more receptive than others, BUT it is imperative that this training is upheld ‘on the road’. MW is happy to share GuideDogs’ contacts with local bus garages: contact Mike Woolston at Guide Dogs.
It is often difficult to locate the Help Buttons.
Often difficult to get Freedom Passes accepted on Oyster swiper.
  • Visionary Update
Apologies were received from Colin Brown.
PC updated Forum: London Visionary reps had a second meeting, hosted at Merton Vision. Thanks to Fran Hibbert for hosting these meetings. Please contact Colin Brown (BIG), London Regional Rep, if you would like to get involved.
Planning is underway for the Visionary conference, 3rd & 4th, October in York.
Pocklington are sponsoring the Visionary Awards on best practice at this conference.
  • LVIF Business Plan & Campaigns Update
The updated LVIF Business Plan is available on the LVIF website:
Resources are put in by RNIB & Guidedogs, to mount major campaigns, please see their websites for updates.
  • Thomas Pocklington Trust: Local Vision Strategy Groups
Continuing work in selected London boroughs to pull together key workers across the health, social care and voluntary sectors to produce a Vision Strategy providing joined-up, postcode lottery free, services. The aim is to have a Local Vision Strategy Group in each borough by 1.4.2014.
If you are interested in being involved in a Local Vision Strategy Group in your borough please get in touch with SS

Session 2: News, Events & Good Practice: Round Robin
Metro Blind Sports
RS: Just finished a years college course, at North London College, City & Guilds, highly recommended for VI peole: all equipment accessible, exceptionally well trined assistants.
RS is taking up a post as Social Inclusion Officer at Pocklington in the autumn.
Metro’s 36th national athletics championship happenned on 16th June. 99 participants. Very successful day. Paralympic torch was present. Sponsored by Guide Dogs.
Videos of this event will be circulated in the next LVIF Bulletin. Full details of future events available on website:
NB. David Samuels (Rehab Officer, Brent) about to start at Moorfields as new ECLO
Waltham Forest Low Vision Forum
Masuma Ali is Trainee Development Worker, funding is now in place for this post til Autumn 2013
Sight Awareness Day 16th June: very successful, with many stallholders, and a turnout of around 100 people.
Been involved in raising awareness of VI needs with Local Authority around the Olympics – WF being a host borough.
Croydon SIT:
Internal changes in next fortnight. Becoming a paperless service. Electronic records, etc.
Croydon University Hospital and Sensory Impairment Service undertook an EPIC project, conducting a survey around access in print (including signs), and found that 3/4 of people provided with a magnifyer do not use them! Lighting was found to be a key issue. They are hopng to address this with service users. Transport is also an issue.
Wandsworth SIT:
Yoges is the only permanent worker in Wandsworth. A restructure has just happenned and another is on the way!
Southwark SIT:
Moving to a new Community Resource Centre. St Thomas’s Low Vision Centre is now visiting monthly. Optimistic that a centralised service will make a big difference.
Great Low Vision Strategy Meeting. Cabinet member was present and very eager to get a Strategy wirking by the autumn.
Barking & Dagenham SIT:
Working with UK Vision Strategy on their SeeAbility on eye care for people with learning disabilities as part of their Local Vision Strategy Action Plan.
Lewisham SIT:
Have just gone through a restructure. Funding has now been agreed for a lead officer role in Rehab Services. A well attended carers event was held last week.
Merton Vision:
LocalVisioin Strategy being developed. Sports & Social Club holding a BBQ next week.
PrioritEyes (Vision Basics):
Provide rehab services in 6 boroughs. Planning to expand this coverage.
Georgette Vale:
Rehab worker (VI, HI, Dual) Sensory consultant, currently working with Waltham Forest.
TCES (Transforming Community Equipment Scheme): a scheme whereby a presecription is issued to service users which they can upgrade with private funds, rather than the LA supplying the equipment direct. GV asked for feedback on this scheme from other boroughs...and advice on ways round it! MR said that they managed to avoid it in Croydon by arguing that many elderly service users would not be able to use their prescription
SS to put this issue on agenda for future Forum meeting
GV to email some questions to SS for circulation to LVIF
Millenium Cohorts Study: national survey of children born in 2000. RLSB have asked for comparisons between VI and non VI children to be made from a social aspect and experience. Results due next week.
Guide Dogs:
New Engagement Manager, Robert Harris, introduced to group.

Talking News Islington:
Received 3 awards from Islington Council!
Please contact Elizabeth if you would like a copy of the newspaper.
Funding now in place for 2012.
Islington currently relocating to north of the borough and restructuring the Sensory team
Kingston SIT:
Now using TCES Restructured in Feb 2011, lost their manager.
Visually Impaired Camden (VIC):
Attended Kings Cross access meeting:
3rd Ear: audio film. Very interesting new genre
Newham SIT
Restructured last year. Now being reasessed to see how successful the new structure is. 1 senior practitioner for each sensory impairment (VI, HI, Dual). Have an equipment resource/trial area, Information Equipment Demonstration Area (IEDA).The new set up seems to be working so well that they now have more service users/visitors than they have staff to assess them! Birmingham Uni training has now stopped, so new assessors will be difficult to find. PC visited Newham’s IEDA and highly recommends it. The IEDA is open to visits from other interested parties. It is a pilot, so the more endorsement it has, the more the possibility of developing them in other boroughs.
Please contact Newham to make a visit:


Sutton Assoc for the Blind (SAB):
Awarded a contract by LA to provide outreach services. Will assess scope of need within the borough and then recruit later in the year. Also meeting with an employment advisor to pursue employment opportunities. SAB member, John Dawson, will be carrying olympic torch in sutton on 23rd Jly.
Camden SIT
Camden has a new mayor who is embracing equality & disability issues. The LA has a new direct payments coordinator and is now working cross sector: Rehab, SIT and OTs now working closer together, and housed in same building.
Having problems with TCES though!
Future focus on linking with children’s services and education.
Visually Impaired Society of Richmond (VISOR)
Having trouble with LA refusing to issue certain equipment, and dumping surplus stock – which has resulted in VISOR receiving a windfall of equipment!
Session 3:Local Society Issues
‘Surviving the Cuts: A Case Study’
Speaker: Colin Brown, Blind Independence Greenwich (BIG)
Session to be rescheduled due to CB’s absence
Session 4:‘Employment: opportunities and issues'
Clarity – Employment for Blind People
David Sore, Marketing Manager, Mandy Woodman, Work Visions Coordinator
Established in 1854, supported by Queen Victoria who gave start up money, Clarity – employment for blind people – makes beauty and cleaning products which are available to purchase online (they no longer do door to door sales, but have telesales teams). Big, high tech factory in York Way, employing blind people and used as a stepping stone to further employment. Always open to visitors.
A selection of product samples were presented.
Clarity’s Work Vision Programme provides work experience opportunities to VI people (by referral from Social Services, CTEC)
Employment philosophy: to give people who might not feel able to work the opportunity of employment.
Currently have around 50 employees, some have remained for 30 years!
Work Visions Programme: placement opportunities on short contracts, internally designed programme by Clarity comprising of 4 modules: 1) a 2 week unpaid taster (work experience) to develop employability skills, combat isolation and prepare for employment. Each participant is assigned a ‘work buddy’ and gains a certificate of achievement and a reference.
2) 6 weeks, unpaid work experience involving more duties and responsibilities. Constant assessments guide the participant through this term.
3) & 4) Paid emplyment: to progress to this stage the participant needs to have a place on the Work Choice Programme.
The Work Choice Programme is coordinated through JobCentre Plus: 41 places available for VI people, who are taken on on a short term basis with the aim of moving into employment elsewhere (and freeing up places for new recruits at Clarity).
Opportunities for admin, reception, etc also exist.
Clarity are looking to work with CTEC to develop contacts in open industry.
Clarity also has an internal advice and support service offering practical support, in form filling, etc, as well as a confidential emotional support service.
An in house job club, in assoc with CTEC, is run on site to enable people to search for work elsewhere.
Clarity is a social enterprise: please spread the word to your networks!
Contact Clarity if you have anyone who might be interested in participating in the Work Vision programme:
Tel: 020 7619 1650
Clarity - Employment for Blind People
276 York Way, London N7 9PQ
Justin Harrison, Blind In Business
Blind In Business is a charity based in City of London, but covers the whole of the UK.Helps Blind and PS people into work. They work with graduates only. Founded 20 years ago, by 3 blind graduates who found it difficult to find work following graduation.Originally set up to buy equipment for schools, eg Braille machines. Work with about 80-90 blind graduates each year (out of around 300 graduates nationally). Help with locating job opportunities, job applications, interview techniques, getting equipment put in place to facilitate employment. Quite tough with clients – must be wanting and ready to work. Focus on confidence building, and realistic outlook, to create a level playing field for clients. Built up a bank of empoyers who can build up clients’ work experience, as far as possible this bank of employers are peruaded to pay their work experience candidates.
Organise events to encourage employers to take on VI employees, and to address preconceptions, fears, perceived barriers to employment. Awareness training and equipment/IT training given to employers.
Speed recruitment events: 15 employers/15 graduates/15 minute interviews
Usually 70-75 people each year gain employment.
The recession means that many more people are expected through the door in the future, but some will be doing so to satisfy benefits procedure, however those interested should make initial contact via email or phone.
Contact Blind In Business (BiB) for more details on participation.
Direct Tel: 0207 382 4603
Office Tel: 0207 588 1885

David Newbold, Head of Operations London and South East, Action for Blind People
Employment services available through ACTION.
Employment services based in Judd St. The range of govt funded employment provision has deminished in last few years, however, Action are finding new ways to support people. Action can offer 1) vocational guidance: a 1:1 session with a trained career advisor to look at career options and opportunities 2) employment information: 1-2 sessions in CV writing, job search skills. 3) job club . 4) work place assessments & in- work support to help you keep your job.
No job brokerage in North London, however funding is in place to provide this in south London.
Looking to develop a virtual, online, job coordinator.
Looking to develop an Employment Helpline: to reach more rural job applicants
Working with employers to link HR specialists with job seekers to run a pre-employment service.
Do you have any experience of the Govt’s Work Programme. Please give details to
Q: How do people get to and from Clarity’s premises?
A: Clarity relies on the participant’s provider to assist in getting to work if this is an issue.
EJ: TravelWatch can provide travel assistance.
Q: Sensory Garden planned in Camden in 2014. Can Clarity’s chemists provide assistance for this guidance? A: Yes!
Access to Work Programme available for anyone who has permanent employment. Also has equipment available to assist work placements.
Phillip Connolly is Action’s man that deals with issues/complaints in the workplace. Please let him know of any issues – actual experiences are being sought to give weight to issues.
Q: Young people leaving school might have a negative attitude to work opportunities and the availability of suitable employment. Is anything being done to combat this?
A: BiB run sessions to combat this negativity by introducing role models to school students. BiB also provide in-house work experience. The problem is the lack of joined up services and sectors. But work experience placements can be found.
PC: Call for case studies and opportunities, to spread good practice. Please send any examples/experiences to SS
Q: How does work experience effect benefits?
A: Because it is unpaid participants are able to stay on benefits throughout.
Registration cards: LBBD has just been told that once CVI has been received they are not to issue the yellow registration cards. NB These cards are useful for ID purposes when out and about and needing to prove visual impairment – a letter is just too cumbersome, and the CVI too intrusive. NB. Vast percentage of VI people are not registered anyway.
SS to schedule this as an item on a future agenda
Blue Badges: these are being outsourced in Richmond. Is this happenning elsewhere?NB: In Newham it is an online service.
Meeting Closed
Next meeting FRIDAY 28thSEPT 2012
Draft agenda
Introducing: Living Paintings
Pocklington Telephone Befriending
Session 1:Welfare Reform: issues and transitions: DLA/PIP
Session 2:News & Events Round Robin Local Society
Session 3: Local Society Issues: Outings & Events
Session 4: LVIF Communication: AGM
Discussion: Registration and TCES (see SS action points above) / ACTION