Neanderthal Notes
Name and Comparisons
- They lived about 45 years, we live about 80 years
- Their babies are bigger than ours
- Their bones are because of constant exercise
- Their language was mostly commands and simple while ours is more sophisticated
- They ate between 4,000 to 7,000 calories a day while we eat 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day
- They had shorter and thicker legs than us
- Bone in throat to hold together was identical to ours (called Hyoid)
- Lime stone caves because it was too cold to live outside
- They did all activities in caves (cooking, sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom)
- 8 – 25 people lived a cave
- They were able to live in caves because they had better tools and were able to kill any predators that lived before them
Date, Location, and Climate
- Date: 250,000 35,000 years ago
- Location: Mainly southern France but also Europe and Asia
- Climate: Cold – lived during the Ice Age
- Side scraper – used to prepare and soften hide (made of stone)
- Triangular point (made of rock) – used for spear heads and knives
- Blades (made of stone) – used to cut things – sharper than a modern surgeons scalpel
Tools (continued)
- Spears (made of wood) – used to hunt animals at close range (wooly mammoth, bison, deer)
- Flint blade – used to scrape fat and sinew from animal hide
- Teeth – cut, chew, bite
- Animal Skin – used as clothing
- Hand Axes – crush bones and cut wood
- Weapons were not designed for throwing, so killing had to be done at close quarters. The animals were stabbed at close range or driven off cliffs by surrounding the animal.
- Ate 85% meat – had enzymes in stomach to digest so much meat
- Half of all Neanderthal children died before age 10
- First to wear clothes
- 4 out of 5 Neanderthals never saw their 40th birthday
- Territorial, not nomadic
- Woman hunted
- Leopards, wolves, cave lions, and bears were prey and predators
- 1st to have speech
- short, heavy bodies due to the cold weather- meant less surface area to keep warm
- large nose- created a lot of mucous that kept the nose from freezing
- 1st human species to adapt to freezing weather
- daily routine- hunting
- hunted woolly mammoth, bison, red deer
- age 45 was considered to be elderly- if they old wanted to survive, they had to pull their own weight
- childhood and being elderly are the most dangerous times in a Neanderthal’s life
- made decorative items like jewelry
- Neanderthal coexisted with Cro-Magnon in some parts of Europe, but not in France. The land was so fertile, they fought for it
- They probably buried their dead not for religious reasons, but to keep animals away and the scent of rotting flesh out
- Neanderthal’s became extinct because they were out competed by the Cro-Magnon